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About Clockwork88

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  1. Clockwork88

    Are MOTD's Broken?

    working fine since files release...
  2. Clockwork88

    Doors persistence

    broken...wait for a patch..
  3. Clockwork88

    How to start 2 servers ?

    of course not.... i open the logs...funny.... " we block the connection but we cant inform the user".. 700$ software,what a joke... i waste 4-5 Hours for this... Thanks guys.
  4. Clockwork88

    How to start 2 servers ?

    Thanks for the answers....the solution was stupid as fuck 2303 -> 27016 2302-> 27017 I config only the ports in the .bat´s....without foward settings....no extra settings... I only turn the windows firewall off.....only this not more!.
  5. Clockwork88

    Stresstest Please! - PVP | KAMYSHOVO

    HEADQUARTERZ | PVP | KAMYSHOVO | 35 SLOTS | DE | Hey Guys, I need to figure out how much action my server can handle, without laags or desync. Spawn geared Without Helmet or Platecarier ( hitreg bugged on 0.63) Have Fun Thanks!
  6. Clockwork88

    How to start 2 servers ?

    Hey Guys, I have a little bit trouble to setup 2 servers...i can start but nobody can join or see the second server on the list. another folder another path another port 2603 or 2302 i dont know what i can do,i try so many solutions...
  7. 420 ? :D Thanks for this stuff... But i have one another question .. How i can run 2 servers ? 2 folder 2 different paths...this is clear. But what i have to do with the ports `? @echo off cls set version=1.0 set wat=Dayz SA title %wat% Watchdog cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer :watchdog echo (%time%) %wat% started. start "Dayz_SA" /wait /affinity FF /high "DayZServer_x64.exe" config=serverDZ.cfg "-BEPath=C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye" echo (%time%) %wat% closed or crashed, restarting. goto watchdog This is my bat,atm
  8. Clockwork88

    Dart / Rcon / Admin Tool

    1. space behind 0 and 0 is wrong. 2. RConPassword YOURPASS RestrictRCon 1 3. if dont work try your IP -> https://www.myip.com/ 4. U copy the right path from my post...BUT u dont change it! Jump to 0.14 ...here is your folder...u see it ? And now try again ,fix the BEPath
  9. Clockwork88

    Dart / Rcon / Admin Tool

    Good question, i did this years ago.... Here are only 2-3 German words...not worth the time to translate...
  10. Clockwork88

    MOTD not showing.

    motd[] = {"DAYZ","yourtxt2","yourtxt3","yourtxt4","yourtxt5","yourtxt6","yourtxt7"}; // Message ingame motdInterval = 30; // The Timer paste it in your config file...join your server and wait...
  11. Clockwork88

    Dart / Rcon / Admin Tool

    Hey. Here is a edited Dart version...nothing new only some bugs are fixed. Banning/kicking/player database/ 1. C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye Create one BEServer_x64.cfg file with (CFG...not txt). RConPassword YOURPASS RestrictRCon 1 2. Start your server with this setting....steam parameters -config=serverDZ.cfg "-BEPath=C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye" (Change the path....) 3. Download Dart,and login... IP/port/Pass https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EPae0vuDawfgJNLUvkZaktPZHKuw5B9i/view?usp=sharing
  12. ServerDZ.cfg motd[] = {"DAYZ","yourtxt2","yourtxt3","yourtxt4","yourtxt5","yourtxt6","yourtxt7"}; // Message ingame motdInterval = 30; // The Timer 1. Dont change "DAYZ" nobody can read this message... 2. The first Message will appear after 30 sec... 3. Dont break the line....
  13. Clockwork88

    Dedicated Server - How much slots ?

    Hey guys... How many player slots can i run on this system ? Without laags, and desync ? Down 620 Mbit/s / UP 720Mbit/s Windows 2016 i7-7700k 5,0 GHZ 32 GB RAM 250GB M.2 SSD