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Everything posted by MaVerick_GDZ

  1. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    You know what's great about being a GermanDayZ admin? The lovely collegues. May I introduce you to DagiWeh, teammember of the admin staff and specialist for hunting cheaters and glitchers. She is very passionate about her hobby, as you will sooner or later notice, but her arguments are conclusive in almost all cases. As a team we like to stand together, especially when someone is trying to attack our teammembers with nonsense. I'll leave you two alone for now, k?
  2. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    What's wrong with you? I never said that there are no cheating admins. Leave me alone already
  3. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Maybe I just don't care about some random forum dude putting a lot of words in my mouth.
  4. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Much questions, but not enough interest on my side to really dive into that. Whatever floats your boat mate.
  5. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    You have to stream and be nice to them on twitter it looks like, then you are pretty much golden. As a community you have to fight off stuff like that. We also had a questionable attempt from BIS to communicate with us, sending alarming server messages and stressing out our players. Yeah BIS, we won't forget that. It was about donation and giving our donators a different forum color. Questions about our donations were one of the first when getting into contact with them about a server provider doing bad stuff. After that, they just forwarded all my mails AFAIK. As for making money "with DayZ" you have to be allowed for that. There is a site where you can register and of course follow some rules. Couldn't agree more at the topic at hand though and getting a gang of those lowlifes is a pretty good feeling.
  6. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Umm...I dunno if that post is serious or not. I don't think it is? But it's monday, getting late, it's a thread I don't care about. Could be anything.
  7. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Well at least one thing we can agree on. Maybe one of those funny jackets would suit you. Anyway, I'll go with McWendy and leave you with all that rambling in your head.
  8. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    That's why I am asking for proof, which you don't want and most likely can't provide. See the pattern here? How would you like it if I go on forum xyz and tell them some stories about you teleporting and ESPing all day? One last time, provide proof or get the hell outta here.
  9. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Ok, lay down the meth for a moment. You are accusing server admins here of wrongdoings while there is still no proof from your side. Just lots and lots of paranoid nonsense. You were given examples on how something might have happened, still you stand by your illusion. I know people like you who just can't realise that there are 1000 of possibilities on how something might have happened, be it bugs or a coordinated attack like McWendy just explained. Oh and to answer your question. I was triggered when you started to blame admins of private servers, which I am one of. You can shit on official servers all day but leave my collegues out of your drug dreams.
  10. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Jesus mate, get your head checked. As an admin myself for 6yrs+ I can tell you first hand that most accusations are nothing but hot air, not all, but most. Since the mod days the DayZ community has a problem with being extremely paranoid when it comes to cheats, as you are perfectly demonstrating right now. Still waiting for the proof 😘
  11. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    If you accuse someone of something, the least you can do is provide proof. If you can't do that, you are just spouting out bullshit
  12. MaVerick_GDZ

    Cheaters 2021

    Proof? Unless you got a good one I call bullshit.
  13. MaVerick_GDZ

    How can u call out a cheater?

    Umm ok Mr. Whatever. How many people do you think have the "technical expertise" to cheat on PS? 0.1% maybe? Out of all the possibilities with way higher chances you kinda picked the most unlikely one, unless you can provide some sort of facts apart from "he shot me, therefore he cheats".
  14. MaVerick_GDZ

    How can u call out a cheater?

    As far as I am aware, there are no classic cheats for consoles. You either got outplayed or the other guy just had a lucky day. Also if you don't play on official servers, why don't you report your suspicion to the server owner instead of coming here? Thats the one biggest advantage of private servers...
  15. MaVerick_GDZ

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Well, I for one wanted DayZ to be as authentic as possible, especially in gunplay, just like Arma, OFP and ofc the original DayZ mod. Now while driving down the arcade route I am no longer sure if i wanna be a passenger.
  16. MaVerick_GDZ

    How about we get what we paid for?

    Oh you got a long crusade ahead of you if that's your point of view. There are plenty of online only games out there, not even counting MMOs, and most of them depend on the good will of the dev/publisher. Some of those even successfully tried to stop fan projects from reviving older games repeatedly. Also you should troubleshoot your internet connection with that kind of error unless you have a bad luck for picking servers right before they crash or something.
  17. MaVerick_GDZ

    Removal of Temporary Servers

    Olá, there is an E-Mail adress in the name of that community server, so you better get in contact with the admin directly. This is about official temporary servers here, so nobody can help you with that.
  18. MaVerick_GDZ

    Need a Chernarus map in Russian

    Our Cupcake is sort of right this time, tourist Maps are usually in the language the tourist comes from. A map in a language i don't unterstand won't really help me in the long run now, would it?
  19. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.06

    Jesus man, eat a snickers. Wanting some proof for a vague statement got nothing to do with ignorance, we even learn that at school that you validate your statements with facts in a discussion. Get off your high horse and stop being so bitchy. I followed the link you posted, even to it's listed source. Still looking for the actual statement (appart from a headline of some guy), but maybe BIS took take of that and forced them to delete it...you never know.
  20. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.06

    If it was an official statement, it shouldn't be too hard to give me a source, right? It's common to verify a statement with facts, especially in a discussion. I am getting old so I can't fully rule out that I just forgot that they really said something like this and I will stand down as soon as I've seen proof.
  21. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.06

    Don't get fooled by some numbers, I've been here since mod times, or better since Operation Flashpoint, and translating pretty much every official statement regarding DayZ since years. Yeah thought so, just some fake news to undermine his ranting over several threads.
  22. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.06

    Source please?
  23. MaVerick_GDZ

    1.08 and still no bugfixes.

    Ummm no.
  24. MaVerick_GDZ

    1.08 and still no bugfixes.

    We are still at 1.06 if I am not mistaken. Just saying...
  25. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.06

    Fallout 76 would be a recent and very well known example fitting that description very well, and Aliens: Colonial Marines would be my personal number 1 of absolute hate and disappointment for the last few years. That doesn't mean you are wrong. The state of the game is like a gamble after every patch and the premature release of "1.0" was, in my view, the biggest mistake they made on their long journey with DayZ. But looking at the copycats spawned during development that failed bad (looking at you, WarZ or whatever you are called now), DayZ is still the best of it's kind, even with all the bugs. That and BIS history of long and good support for its games are some of the few reasons I still got a glimmer of hope for a good ending. I do miss some of the old staff though, especially Hicks. He gave the game a soul and vision, something I seriously miss nowadays. With no roadmap and, lets say, limited communication, we don't really know where we are heading on the long run.