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Everything posted by MaVerick_GDZ

  1. MaVerick_GDZ

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Way to let the community know about something to test out. But my guts are telling me that forum users aren't the community they wanna communicate with. "BUT WHAT ABOUT CONSOLES AND NVGS" seems to be more...communityish?
  2. MaVerick_GDZ

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Not even a post, that a new exp update was released? Hmmm.... To clarify -> from a dev or com. supporter
  3. MaVerick_GDZ

    6 days and STILL we are denied access to play !

    What does twitter have to do with a post, here, on this forum?
  4. MaVerick_GDZ

    6 days and STILL we are denied access to play !

    They announced that move weeks before, check News & Announcements.
  5. MaVerick_GDZ

    Where Have The Official UK Servers Gone

    You're welcome 😉
  6. MaVerick_GDZ

    unexplainable deaths

    Sounds like you stepped in some barbwire, twice. That stuff is known for killing anything that comes too close.
  7. MaVerick_GDZ

    1.06 coming with dlc

    I thought the raptor dude was making that clear 😉
  8. MaVerick_GDZ

    Stable Update 1.05

    Patchnotes, first page.
  9. MaVerick_GDZ

    Console Update 1.04

    Since noone from BIS posted anything about this here on this forum, i'll just leave it here. Now you console dudes got a timeframe to work with.
  10. MaVerick_GDZ

    1.06 coming with dlc

    Nope. "Coming soon" is still the only thing we "know"
  11. MaVerick_GDZ

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    Hi, textbook NPC here, it's even easier to comment on your whining with enough experience to know what you are talking about, PC had problems similar to those console admins are living through right now. But instead of going wild on a forum we took a realistic approach and reduced the slots to a payable and playable level, 70 seems to be the sweet spot for now. When we were still forced to "choose" between a small number of exclusive hosters 1x60 was enough. But devs using money to create something...damn, you are onto something there, 9/11 all over again man. Whats next, people getting payed for work? Or people working on different things at the same time, like bugfixing and new content? Can't be! All in all its for the best you stop being an admin, you could have asked for help and as you can see, even now some members are offering tips, instead all I see from you is creating an image of the poor little victim of evil BI and Nitrado.
  12. MaVerick_GDZ

    Detailed map of Chernarus?

    "South Zagoria is small province located in the northeastern corner of the country called Chernarus in which you play in" https://dayz.gamepedia.com/South_Zagoria Tbh i had to look it up myself, but he was asking for the whole region of Chernarus, hence "outside south zagoria". Izurvive only displays south zagoria.
  13. MaVerick_GDZ

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    Did you play the game before renting a server? If yes, you knew what was coming. Did you read the annoucements? If yes, you knew what was coming. You even could have just hold on to your money for a few more days and wait for user comments about stability etc. Instead you jumped straight on the wagon, ignoring every warning in plain sight.
  14. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Bla bla bla I want free stuff because...jesus, you guys are spoiled AF. Anyone who joined into early access already got the game for much less then release price and most likely sporting hundreds of hours gametime. I got my fair share of fun out of the game and if I can support further development with 10€ or something, I will do it. The map looks good, we already know that everything except the map is also going into the main game and bugfixing is also continuing. Stop bitching already.
  15. MaVerick_GDZ

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    Poor fella, too bad they didn't tell you beforehand what you can and what you can't do as an admin....oooooh wait. They did! That should have rang the bell before throwing 150 bugs in the face of an exclusive server hoster. Not like I support this kind of practice, we've been there with "Fragnet", paying a fortune every month for laughable service and hands tied behind our backs for way too long. But going full victim mode on this forum when you knew whats coming isn't making things better.
  16. MaVerick_GDZ

    Detailed map of Chernarus?

    Good morning, there is a map ingame of the whole region, but you can barely read the names of the towns. If you zoom in and you may be able to make them out. Source -> https://dayz.gamepedia.com/File:School_map_co.jpg As for your second question, pretty much the only info I can find without going into deep search mode is also from the wiki: Population Pre-Outbreak: 3,000,000 Chernarussians 800,000 Russians Post-Outbreak: Below 2,500 Guess the state is pretty bad 😉
  17. @ThePugman OldSchool was our (GermanDayZ) partnerserver run by Nattl and her crew, with 1st person, very PvP oriented and regular events like a trade market and of course TDM and the like. Afaik it was the highest ranking server with settings like this. Our partnership went over several years with ups and downs on both ends, but we could always count on each other. I had my fair share of fun on some of the PvP events, even managed to survive one till the end 😀 She also made a very helpful tool for analysing ADM files when admins finally got logs to work with.
  18. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Unless my understanding of the english language is getting pretty bad lately, this pretty much means they should be fired because they are already part of the company. Anyway, I am with you with fixing stuff.
  19. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    It isn't and nobody stated that. There can be different projects parallel to each other and i highly doubt that a "new" map will stop any work the bugfixing dep. is doing. Also i don't know how your country handles things, but usually you can't fire people just because, you make a contract with them for a fixed period of time or open-ended, depending on the know-how. Stop ranting and start thinking.
  20. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Yeah...because you sure wanna let map makers handle bug fixing and stuff. If they think Chernarus+ is pretty much done, what speaks against new projects that actually fall in their scope? Nobody said they will stop bugfixing right now because theres a DLC on the way. Talk about overreaction...
  21. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Bears and other things can be used in the main game as well according to MS dude: https://mixer.com/Xbox?vod=knbZZtZXFE6nO9IbXqYyjQ So it will most likely work like some of the Arma DLCs, maybe a low texture bear :D Skip to 1h31min, thats pretty much the only info I found useful in this whole livestream. That and the AC7 DLC, it looks nice. Please BIS, never make me watch something like that again. PLEASE. My brain melted halfway though.
  22. MaVerick_GDZ

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    That would indeed be a dick move deluxe. Bears have been talked about for years as a planned feature, not as a DLC. Whats next, Helicopter DLC like https://store.steampowered.com/app/304380/Arma_3_Helicopters/?snr=1_16_16__1059&curator_clanid=2799889 ? At least some more infomation for this big announcement would have been nice...
  23. Losing OldSchool was a big setback for DayZ as a whole. Great partner even in dark times.
  24. MaVerick_GDZ

    Big Announcement coming this week

    Of course you will need a 2. server to run another map simultaneously, a classic fps map cycle wouldn't make much sense and traveling between maps as a player won't be possible as stated very early in the development cycle. If you don't wanna invest more money, come to the bright side of gaming - PC. Here you can run more then 1 server on a machine if its beefy enough. I would like to see a comeback of a classic map, like Sahrani. With a facelift like Chernarus received it would be a blast. We will see, still plenty of week left for the big announcement.