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  1. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    There's a version for that already https://github.com/Agusanz/AZ_Start.bat/blob/master/AZ_Start.bat
  2. Agusanz

    Any BEC geniuses out there that can help

    It may be case sensitive.. Scheduler = scheduler.xml
  3. i made some minor changes to my script: Remember to change all the variables to the correct ones and modify line 70 to your correct parameters. If you have any idea i can add to this thing, let me know... i would love to make it more functional for you guys. @echo off TITLE DayZ SA Server - Status COLOR 0A mode con:cols=75 lines=3 :: Variables:: ::SteamCMD.exe path set STEAM_CMD_LOCATION="C:\SteamCMD" set STEAM_USERNAME="anonymous" ::DayZServer_64.exe path set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\DayZ-SA_server" ::Bec.exe path set BEC_LOCATION="C:\DayZ-SA_server\Bec" ::IMPORTANT: Modify line 70 to your correct parameters :::::::::::::: echo Agusanz goto checksv pause :checksv tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DayZServer_x64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DayZServer_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto checkbec cls echo Server is not running, taking care of it.. goto killsv :checkbec tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Bec.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Bec.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loopsv cls echo Bec is not running, taking care of it.. goto startbec :loopsv FOR /L %%s IN (30,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Server is running. Checking again in %%s seconds.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto checksv :killsv taskkill /f /im Bec.exe taskkill /f /im DayZServer_x64.exe goto updatesv :updatesv cls echo Updating DayZ SA Server. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Updating DayZ SA Server.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Updating DayZ SA Server... cd "%STEAM_CMD_LOCATION%" start /wait "" steamcmd.exe +login "%STEAM_USERNAME%" +force_install_dir %~dp0 +app_update 223350 validate +quit goto startsv :startsv cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server... cd "%DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION%" start DayZServer_x64.exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\DayZ -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\DayZ-SA_server\battleye FOR /L %%s IN (30,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Initializing server, wait %%s seconds to initialize Bec.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto startbec :startbec cls echo Starting Bec. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec... timeout 1 >nul cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc goto checksv
  4. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Put a file named BEServer.cfg on /battleye directory with ur rcon password and execute bec.exe- f Config.cfg --dsc
  5. Agusanz

    Whitelist for the server

    I got it working few hours later that day. Thanks! Btw.. BEC is a great way to configure a whitelist.. you should check that out @deep68 @xkrakenx
  6. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Chance your paths, if you use c:\program files (x86) you will have spaces in the variable and other places.
  7. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    wait a minute... i tried with --dsc now and it connected. wtf. i swear i tried that some hours ago and didn't work.. my starter it's just a shortcut. It's named AZ_Start_Bec it's path is: C:\steamcmd\DayZ-sa_server\Bec\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg My batch would be Bec.exe -f Config Yours works without --dsc?
  8. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Here you go, i tried to comment out the same stuff as yours to see if it was somekind of bug, but still doesnt work for me: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1vaweegf0susa67/Bec.zip 1.608 error: Meanwhile 1.496 with the same config.. WTF :( :
  9. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Sadly, it doesnt work. I dont know why latest says server is not online while 1.496 connects..
  10. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Damn.. it's not working for me. i had to use an older version. Do you mind uploading ur config.cfg?
  11. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    which version of Bec?
  12. Agusanz


    Hey guys.. i want to know if someone have Bec latest version to work with their dayz sa server.. i tested versions 1.608, 1.597 and 1.496. The only one that i could make it work is 1.496, all of them with the same configuration. It doesn't make sense. i am missing something here.. Version 1.608 and 1.597 says that the response is invalid, meanwhile 1.496 works fine with the same config. Edit: Solved :D
  13. Agusanz

    Battleye Extendet Controls

    execute it as bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc
  14. Agusanz

    [RELEASE]BEC for DayZ SA

    Try this version: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k6nf7810n4pu9si/Bec.zip It's 1.496, latest doesnt work for me neither. Use this version of the script if you want to use DayZServer_x64.exe and Bec.exe @echo off TITLE DayZ SA Server - Status COLOR 0A :: Variables:: ::DayZServer_64.exe path set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\steamcmd\DayZ-sa_server" ::Bec.exe path set BEC_LOCATION="C:\steamcmd\DayZ-sa_server\Bec" :::::::::::::: echo Agusanz goto checksv pause :checksv tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DayZServer_x64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DayZServer_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto checkbec cls echo Server is not running, taking care of it.. goto killsv :checkbec tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Bec.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Bec.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loopsv cls echo Bec is not running, taking care of it.. goto startbec :loopsv FOR /L %%s IN (30,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Server is running. Checking again in %%s seconds.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto checksv :killsv taskkill /f /im Bec.exe taskkill /f /im DayZServer_x64.exe goto startsv :startsv cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server... cd "%DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION%" start DayZServer_x64.exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\DayZ Server -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\steamcmd\DayZ-sa_server\battleye -cpuCount=4 FOR /L %%s IN (45,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Initializing server, wait %%s seconds to initialize Bec.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto startbec :startbec cls echo Starting Bec. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec... timeout 1 >nul cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg goto checksv