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About Infinite_1st

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Infinite_1st

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    i ate dried apple and got sick, its something new?
  2. Infinite_1st

    BattlEye Launch options

    translate it from russian короче, как я понял, в пути к файлу BEServer_x64 не должно быть пробелов, поэтому я переместил его в корень диска в папку abc, прописал в бат файле start.bat -BEPath=D:\abc и все, оно работает и Dart коннектится нормально. Если надо, могу скинуть свой конфиг
  3. Infinite_1st

    BEC for DayZ SA

    my config is in D:\abc\BEServer_x64, -BEPath=D:\abc, server is in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer, BAT file contains @echo off cls set version=1.0 set wat=Dayz SA title %wat% Watchdog cd D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer :watchdog echo (%time%) %wat% started. start "Dayz_SA" /wait /affinity FF /high "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=serverDZ.cfg -BEPath=D:\abc echo (%time%) %wat% closed or crashed, restarting. goto watchdog BEServer_x64.cgf is RConPassword **** RestrictRCon 0 RConPort 2302 RConIP Dart version is
  4. Infinite_1st

    BattlEye Launch options

    try to replace BE.cfg to C:\abcd folder
  5. Infinite_1st

    BattlEye Launch options

    there should be no spaces in the path, for example -BEPath=C:\user
  6. Infinite_1st

    BEC for DayZ SA

    there should be no spaces in the path, for example -BEPath=C:\user
  7. Infinite_1st

    BattlEye Launch options

    still not work
  8. Infinite_1st

    instanceid paraparameter

    set in launch parameters -config=serverDZ.cfg
  9. Infinite_1st

    Dedicates server

    set in launch parameters -config=serverDZ.cfg