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Posts posted by HEEROCKSS

  1. 11 hours ago, G0ndalf said:

    Fps = frames per second (for the screen normally) for the server i think that means "calculations"  so the server does 2600 calcs in this moment but i dont know exactly. Jeah AI also player get affected by the fps. If you have more loot and much more zeds and the fps go down  you will feel cause you can still shoot but the hit registration takes much longer       for me everything above ~200 is good    we had an pvp server at the 1.0 started, bodys wont dissapear at the beginning time and after 1 hour with 50 players (and ~300 dead bodys with normal loot on the map) the server had only ~70 fps      trust me   that was really shitty     today our pvp server is muuch better configured and everything is just fine (20 ppl bodys after 10 sec despawn and no loot arround 1700 fps)

    Ah good to know. Thank you. Im curious what it will look like when there are more people on the server, so far there are only about 5-7 per Day or even less. 

  2. Hey All. I just installed BEC with auto restart and sheduled messages. Now i tried just for fun the Monitoring inside DayZ. I understand the used Memory, up and download speed, but what exactly does "ServerFPS: 2540" mean? Is this just about AI or does it affect the Players on the Server? Its always between 2600 and 1900FPS. Thanks.

  3. @mrwolv First of all, thank you for this! I hated to setup BEC but now its easy. So far it seems that everything is working fine, only the Message Sheduler seems to have a Problem. It repeats the previous Messages. 

    First Message shows up: "Welcome to my Server"

    Second Message shows up: "Welcome to my Server" "Please be Friendly"

    Third Message shows up: "Welcome to my Server" "Please be Friendly" "This Server restarts every 3 Hours"


    And so on. I dont think this is intended to work like this.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Sqeezorz said:

    @HEEROCKSS hmm, Oh come, Swiss always show a little more patience than others, show yourself as that.

    Yeah well its not like that we showed Patience for THE LAST FIVE YEARS... 


    I recommend you to read this: 

    Sums it up pretty well.


    *PS about our great and Patient Country: “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” ~(presumably) Dante Alighieri

    • Thanks 1

  5. On 21.9.2018 at 11:04 PM, Blazing Glory said:

    doesn't mean you can't be nice and help him

    I know i should just let it rest but i cant...


    I dont wanted to be mean to him, i just think that if you go into a forum with a specific question in mind, have some common sense, you can at least scroll through the first page. That day, he would have come across more than 3 Threads with exactly that problem being discussed (on the FIRST page). 


  6. 11 minutes ago, Jonas Kousted Hansen said:

    Mine appeared after 20 hours online. I think patience is the key here :D

    I can confirm this. After around 20 Hours my server also showed up on the "Community" Tab inside the server Browser without entering IP and Port.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 minutes ago, ScipioII said:

    As far as I know you set only the port. (2302 is the default). The ip is the IP address of the machine it runs on. 

    Make sure its the EXTERNAL IP and not the LOCAL (local is most something like this 192.168.x.xxx)
