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Everything posted by Grumpellskellkin

  1. Grumpellskellkin

    What Do You Do?

    Try the separate app iZurvive on iOS and android gives a map and more.
  2. Grumpellskellkin

    Loot info screens

    Has anyone else noticed the impossibly small and unfocused text panels that pop up when you hover over items. I am viewing on a hd tv, 42 inch and even with my nose on the screen the info is difficult to make out, is this because it’s designed for monitors ? Will it ever be improved for console via tv or is there a setting I’m missing somewhere ? The tv viewing mode auto senses the console and optimises screen for gaming .
  3. Grumpellskellkin

    Loot info screens

    I will have a look at aspect ratio settings but would have thought they’re as good as they get being a manufacturer preset for gaming however any chance of improving is better than nowt, cheers.
  4. Grumpellskellkin


    Not familiar with DayZ history,I know it was an add on and then a stand alone that’s been in development a long time, i am loving the whole thing at the min and wondered were there various maps in the past or are there any outlined plans to add other maps ?
  5. Grumpellskellkin


    Thank you for the info,I will keep my fingers crossed then.
  6. Grumpellskellkin

    Need a way to stop Combat Loggers on Xbox One.

    While I can see this may be an issue to some people I can’t understand why it’s so important I have noticed several comments about server jumping,combat logging for positional advantage etc these are valid problems but to complain because you didn’t get to kill someone ? Obviously you were frustrated but surely 10 mins on PUBG or FORTNITE will solve your urges then you could return anew(oops or would that be server hopping ?) Ffs people payed the same money as us all let them play the game as they will, not all prey is captured.
  7. Grumpellskellkin

    Server Owner ?

    So I’m south ish on the east coast and standing in a room fathoming the inventory controls as per usual(for me anyway) when I look up and a character is standing in front of me,he greets me with “hello mother dick” ? Proceeds to punch me twice before I respond by punching him reapeatedly till knocking him out,I then equipped an axe and killed him stripped him of everything, only to move off up a hill,when I hear the same American voice and he is back chasing and punching and insulting me,eventually I manage to drop an unloaded gun mount an axe and kill him again only to have him respawn and run up on me again claiming he owns the server,I’m a faggot and so on,so I let a Z kill me and moved server number.If this was the case someone surely should police server owners behaviour,I understand the principal of DayZ and love the game but this experience soured the evenings session for me,as the attitude of this child of the America’s was so self serving and vile it riled me for the next four hours. Or was this just a hack ???
  8. Grumpellskellkin

    Server Owner ?

    Yes on Xbox,last night , funny when I think back but maddening at the time.