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Posts posted by YOOP3R

  1. Bohemia kept us waiting all day for the announcement of a new map and then doesn’t say when!?! Why not announce huge fixes or the 1.05 update? Who the hell is running things over there? Just fix the damn game we have and get updates rolling out! Tired of this crap!!!

  2. 49 minutes ago, DayzDayzFanboy said:

    The game has progressed more in three months than in six years on pc. Console players have a great debt to pc players for their contribution to the game. Personally, I'm loving playing the game regardless of the current bugs. The qualities of this game which make it so unique outweigh the bugs that come and go. In my opinion. 

    Xbox players owe pc players nothing! We bought an "XBOX GAME"! #CureLiberalismNow

    • Sad 1

  3. 49 minutes ago, MaximusDickus said:

    Why all these servers atm for Xbox, people are spread all over. And pretty please fix HC issue and maybe test for a day or two how we do with only one HC server. I go to which ever server is fullest atm but i sure would love to play HC only.

    It only seems that there are too many servers, half of them were already given to pc players, and many other players stopped playing because the game is horribly broken. BI, don't give two shits about the xbox community, they took our money to invest it into fixing the pc game. 

    • Beans 2

  4. This was no UPdate, more of a DOWNdate. The frame rate is offensive, guns suck again, major lighting issues, building is still a waste of time, uggh! The game was in a much better state just hours ago. 

    • Like 1

  5. Would it be possible to choose a home server that would save your log off location for that server only? Then, if you go to a different server, have the spawn set to random just like a fresh spawn? It would fix base infiltration and loot farming. 

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  6. 54 minutes ago, xKJCxDaRkMaN said:

    Totally with you but its still so far from being done I wouldn't hold your breath. To be honest only thing I wish we could have is a day/night cycle, cars an tents. I would be ok with that. Also there wasn't really much to do on the original version of the mod but to survive an do raids. What specifically are you hoping they add.

    Desease, broken bones, more weapons and attachments, more activities. Right now it's being played as a shooter only. Fortification and cars will be great too!

  7. 34 minutes ago, Hellavated said:

    Agreed buddy, I'm so geared and placed I can't even get a death. Haha we need a update and new rollout 

    I just don't want to see people walk away from the game and not come back without even having a more full experience. 
