Hello Xbox players, we have a new update for you, including important fixes for the current issues: Patchnotes ADDED Added: Field shovel, farming hoe and ice axe can now be used to dig a garden plot FIXED Fixed: Unable to get servers, Error code: 9 Fixed: Server populaton showing Empty at all times Fixed: Game softlocks after refreshing server browser while "wrong password" message is up Fixed: Inventory - Scroll bar collides with HUD Fixed: Inventory - Dropping items on the ground from hands by holding Y button puts the item in the inventory Fixed: Inventory - Splitting does not work properly Fixed: PowerGenerator and roadflare sounds Fixed: Metal wire attachment visibility after gate is built Fixed: Emptying a pack of seeds was not putting the product item into player's hands Fixed: Planting of seeds not working through hands Fixed: VME when unpacking seeds Fixed: Adding attachments to containers Fixed: Client/server crashes Fixed: Client/server errors related to in-game actions Fixed: Infected are having trouble navigating stairs Fixed: Player can make level_3_wall_3 parts on Watchtower disappear Fixed: It is possible to ruin watchtower/fence with single shot Fixed: Power generator looks and sounds on even if its switched off Fixed: Hidden stash can be visible in vicinity Fixed: Strange facial animations that sometimes happen in vehicles Fixed: Bottles and canteens can be filled with fuel TWEAKED Tweaked: Weather Tweaked: Damage system Tweaked: Some item sizes