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Everything posted by Dopplerman

  1. Dopplerman


    Well it's just weird that myself and over 10 other friends I through DayZ have pretty much been playing since the update released and none of us have found a car yet. Searched south to north, east to west, high and low, and nothing.. We haven't limited outselves to searching only car spawns listed on all the DayZ maps as they might have changed where and how they spawn. Even then still nothing,
  2. Dopplerman


    I know they say cars and base building are in but so far every single person I've talked to has yet to find a car. Loads of car parts but no cars. That's why I'm waiting to see if anyone actually finds a car, to confirm they are in fact in the game.
  3. Dopplerman

    No heli crash sites?

    So after about 4 hours of walking to almost every single heli crash site location, I have found not one. I decided to go back to NWA and conduct a little test. I server hopped over 50-60 servers for like 5 hours straight while watching some netflix because I wanted to see if I could find a single heli crash. None.. I know there's only 7-8 spawn locations in NWA but unless I have the worst luck in the entire world, I definitely should have found at least one by now. Has anyone else not encountered any heli crash sites no matter how long you look for? PS. Give me shit for server hopping I don't care, I never do those kind of things but I was frustrated that I wasted 4 hours walking for nothing. Now I'm even more frustrated that I wasted another 5, at least I caught up on some shows whilst doing it lol.
  4. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    The whole game is broken. So I am quite alright with a broken update.
  5. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    If you're looking for lots of people and huge hordes of zombies I suggest Arma 3: DayZ Exile. If I had a decent PC that's all I would play, wouldn't have even bought the standalone.
  6. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    I would rather not, I played the BETA and didn't enjoy it very much. Refunded my pre order before the game came out.
  7. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    I'm willing to bet, by the time DayZ reaches 1.0, another company will have made another game with the same concept and actually pull through with updates.
  8. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Meanwhile: Bohemia devs are raking in the cash from black Friday sales from people expecting an update.
  9. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Well, xbox servers are dead now. Rip DayZ on xbox.
  10. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    This is exactly the issue.
  11. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    It's simple. Don't advertise an update till you know for a fact you're ready to drop it. Not fucking hard at all. If the devs where "fucking geniuses" they would probably know this is the exact way to kill off a game in early stages. If you're not sure if an update will be done, say it will be done when it's done then no one's bitching when you don't deliver by a set date. This is not rocket science man.
  12. Dopplerman

    Dayz update November 22 update?

    The update has been postponed till "Tuesday" next week apparently. More than likely it won't drop then either though. Probably safer to expect the update late 2019 so you're not disappointed.
  13. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Do devs not realize no one would be pissed off if they didn't set obviously unrealistic release dates that they can never pull through for? If you don't wanna make people mad, say it will be done when it's done. Not advertise "BIG UPDATE COMING FOR BLACK FRIDAY BUY YOUR COPY NOW!" then wonder why people are pissed off when you don't provide an update.
  14. Dopplerman

    Basebuilding and cars on thursday 22nd!!

    Haha they sure fooled us! Update has been delayed, who would of thought??
  15. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Yeah a perspective on DayZ, and how they need to stop setting obviously way too high expectations for themselves. There are people that sit in a line for days and miss work/school for a fucking pair of sneakers. If someone's excited enough for something, they're goona do what they wanna do to play/have it. So get off your high horse and stop pretending that you've never stayed up all night or missed a day of work/school for something that you love. If you truly haven't though, I feel even more bad for your miserable life.
  16. Dopplerman

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Can't believe I didn't see this coming. Was so happy because I'm on days off, canceled all my plans today. Was goona sit at home and binge play DayZ. So much for that I guess. I go back to work on Saturday, then won't be able to play for 2 weeks. Probably just goona delete Dayz. Tried of always being let down.
  17. Dopplerman

    No heli crash sites?

    Yeah probably. I've given up on trying to find one though lol SVD's are nice but not worth 10 hours of looting.
  18. Dopplerman

    No heli crash sites?

    I haven't seen one since last update either. The weird thing is though, I met a guy just north of elektro a few days ago with an SVD...
  19. Dopplerman

    No heli crash sites?

    On a positive note though, who's excited for the update tomorrow? I know I am.
  20. Dopplerman

    Base building and cars!

    I'm really excited for this base building/car update. This is the spark DayZ on xbox needed. I think this will bring the player base back up to when we first release, or close at least. I know I was close to uninstalling DayZ to make room for other games, as I never played it anymore. But this has livened up my experience, just knowing base building and cars are right around the corner. I'm assuming quite a few other people will feel the same as well. So assuming all goes good with implementing base building and cars. What are your guys' plans until then? I'm thinking about scoping out some base locations, maybe some car stash locations close to shore for easy access to my base upon death. Also we finally get a real shotgun that doesn't shoot rifle rounds!
  21. Dopplerman

    base destroyable?

    Easy concept (maybe not so easy to implement) to prevent people from ghosting into bases; add something such as a "Base layout" where when you place it and add "x" amount of resources to it, it would claim something like 50 sq ft of area. Make it hard to craft so people can't go around claiming the whole map, and make the item model something like a functioning fire place for example. This "Base Layout" would have options to add or remove players to the whitelist, deciding if someone can or cannot log into the server inside that "base layout" area. If someone un whitelisted tries to log into the server on your "Base layout" area it would simply spawn them like 5-10 feet outside of the edge. They would clip together nicely making expanding your base easy (if you have the resources). This item would only prevent people from logging in inside the base though, making sneaking or breaking in the only way to enter someone else's base on a public server. This item would also not be required to build a base, as it would then give people more incentive to craft one so they don't have people ghosting into their base. Mind you this entire idea is pointless until the integrity of bases is worked on, as it would be faster to just saw down the walls then it would be to ghost in as of right now.
  22. Dopplerman


    Good luck finding a populated server that it's not raining on..
  23. Dopplerman

    Random issue with sprinting

    The last part to me sounds like you're wet. Upon becoming wet, you will be much heavier therefore not having as much stamina. Also inventory space has nothing to do with stamina, it's all about weight. You could have a full alice bag of all "Under 0.25kg" items and still be able to run, but you could have a school bag filled with "Over 1kg" items such as mushrooms and not be able to run or jump. I think it's just a coincidence that you're becoming over encumbered while moving items around in your backpack. Because that swaying back and fourth while trying to jump or run is exactly what happens to me when I'm close to becoming over encumbered and I get wet.
  24. Dopplerman

    A+ game!

    Just got smoked by someone like 2-300+ yards away because I was standing dead still due to 1FPS lag spikes. I love when that happens :D. Luckily he only hit me in the chest so I managed to get away, bandage and log out once I got a break from the lag. I wish I could say this was the first time this has happened to me, but I cannot. Maybe a little break till the next update is needed. This is why I hate when people bitch about lack of content. They need to fix the game mechanics and sort out the FPS lag spikes and such before they even think about adding more content. That is all for my rant, feel free to leave your most frustrating DayZ moments in the comments, glitch/lag related or not.
  25. Dopplerman

    Can’t load magazines.

    Be careful doing this though, as if you accidentally take the mag out instead of swapping it whilst the gun is on the ground, you will bug the gun. Making it so you cannot load another mag into it, rendering it garbage unless you chamber it.