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Everything posted by Wolf1776

  1. The shotgun is glitched, drop it even the devs know about it lol.
  2. Wolf1776


    Yeti, you have been the voice of reason today bud. Cheer's!
  3. I will say now that after I've put in about 12 hours.. it actually feels like a survival. Getting from Elecktro to Balota took more than 2 hours. Aside from the bugs and glitches, all the new stuff will have you checking every building just for the possibilities. Oh and there's plums and a new shroom. After a stability patch it'll have us busy for a while.
  4. Wolf1776

    Ghillie suits

    I almost sacrificed my character for the sake of experimentation, was wondering if it was bugged or not lol.
  5. Wolf1776

    This is what 10 hours looks like. 20 hours...

    They didn't sneak in the pouches did they?
  6. Wolf1776

    Ghillie suits

    Ive gotten 4 Elecktro and Cherno spawns on 2 accounts, I figured I'd run the coast to Balota, stay low key then hit woods to see what I can build. Well boat spawns are ridiculously good for netting, food, drink and dry bags. Cherno's SeaCans at port- hit or miss with RNG but I have found fish netting in the green cans. You're dead on with the burlap, and they seem to spawn more at the small tool shops now too. I'm forgetting something else in regards to netting but If you'd like a bear trap they spawn at the summer camps.
  7. Wolf1776

    Loot then log then repeat zzzzzzzzzz

    Man, I I had a PC for a short while after it came out and it is sad to see what people actually make of the ability to be cruel now, but a premise of this game is free will and decision making. I have 2 main rules, 1 I have already broken today. Do not server hop. If you want to be better than the others abusing the game, play it smart, work with what you have to make ends meet. You'll feel better when you sign off. I broke that today because of the rain. Right now until I find a solid crew to run with with like views so I am a Survivalist, only kill another unless I need to and Live off the land and luck. I say that because if we didn't have the bandits, cannibals, mercenaries, etc... we wouldn't find the game exciting and have it keep us up on our toes, you know. I think now that we have building we should start the process of establishing a real known public RP server or put it into BI's ear for white listed servers. I see a good bit on ppl here that seem to go by a code. With that said, let's see how Monday goes with clear sky's. Who knows you might run into some friendlies more than usual just happy it's not raining. Cheers, everyone
  8. Wolf1776

    Building Noah’s Ark....need help cutting wood

    The one server with sunshine is glitched now lol
  9. Wolf1776

    Found a daytime server! (11/24/18) Post it!

    Found 2 in shit shack's too, one in Elecktro and another in Balota. Guess we have an idea where they drop often. Doesn't look like they added the pouch attachments for the plate carrier though.
  10. I got lucky and severely unlucky today. At first everyone didn't really want to fight, we were all pretty excited but hours later at the Pavlovo barracks I must have picked something glitchy up, massive frame rate drops, fully geared toon, ran into an armed player on the street in the pitch black, dunno what he thought but I had absolutely no time to react. Pretty bummed about it but eh, atleast we got new cool shit and every other server was poppin.
  11. Wolf1776

    Name changes

    Anybody see and know why the AK, MP-5, Acog, jungle boots etc have their respective names changed?
  12. Wolf1776

    Name changes

    OK cool, there's new assault and hunter boots now then. I wonder if B.I. got into some copywriting issues.
  13. 8154, 4200, 4344, 4255 all were clear. 4200 I was killed actually omw to Zeleno, pitch black and my game froze up running into another player. Probably scared the shit out of him when he bumped into me. Gearing up is half the fun though.
  14. Wolf1776

    Player bases

    So you're saying you're going to cheat right along with the rest of the bad apples?
  15. Wolf1776

    The Great Purge TONIGHT ?

    I geared last night actually. Omw to Elecktro lol
  16. All the clips I see on Xbox, everybody is 3 peaking boasting about their kills. Anybody here strictly FPP and can still light 3peakers up?
  17. Wolf1776

    Worlds Greatest DayZ Player OR ... ?

    Yooo I think I saw you in my main server earlier this morning man. Thats fucked up bud. I feel for ya. Well if I see you in the server again, I'll give you a shout bud. I've just been exploring all the small little towns and whatnot until Beta for us. I haven't been to Cherno or Balota yet so thats my next adventure.
  18. Hello everyone, I am currently a Xbox player and I have come to the PC forums to ask if anybody has an understanding or experience with soft skills and what categories or i guess skill sets they would enhance. I'd really appreciate the feedback and information because this will be a new thing for everyone on Xbox.
  19. Wolf1776

    Just found...

    Have found elk and cattle just recently in fields grazing around Gorka in server 4200. Have found elk again in the woods in between Devil's Castle and Ratnoe in the high pop server 4344. Not sure if server really matters but atleast we're getting some sightings, and great dinner too.
  20. Wolf1776

    Good hunting grounds?

    Hello survivalists! I'm wondering if anyone has any tips where I can hunt elk. I've heard them in the Black Forest and near Green Mountain but could not locate them. Right now I'm going from PvP to get that bug out of the way and I'm going survivalist. Camping, hunting and scavenging. Thanks if anybody can help!
  21. Wolf1776

    Good hunting grounds?

    Hey gents, thanks for the info I was following that first thread actually but it has seemed to be random. I posted this thread to see if there were actually any hunters playing. He drift if you're following I wouldn't mind hunting with you. I've got a good bit of wolf meat on me. I'd like to switch to the mosin but until the bug is fixed I'm running an Akm. I am friendly I PvP but there's other games for that ya know? I can't wait until we can build shelters, rain, temo, hypothermia and more critical thinking is involved.
  22. Wolf1776

    Mosin still has problems!

    Yes I had that issue the other day when I was attacked by wolves with 5 rounds in the weapon. Y does not work.. Luckily I had just picked up an M4 with 20 some odd rounds to save my ass.