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Everything posted by xKJCxDaRkMaN

  1. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Not updating

    It just wouldn't let me update it at first tried 5 times till my friend told me to hard reset. Im kinda a xbox ambassador. And part of the alpha ring on the xbox preview program. Been in it for 4 in a half yrs now. So yea i know how to do alot of stuff on here no noobie 😂
  2. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Not updating

    I know how to update on xbox i had to hard reset my xbox for 5 mins to get it to work
  3. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Xbox Launch Update 1.01

    Maybe hold right thumbstick
  4. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New controller layout

    If you didn't see it yet, https://dayz.com/article/developer-updates/xbox-launch-faq here they show the new layout. It looks meh 😆 but a bunch of other info.
  5. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New controller layout

    What i wonder though is if there is more buttons they aren't putting on that pic because it says you can hold your breath but then you look and no button on picture says it. Then it say "We'll let you explore that in the update directly" 😉. Like they might have lean in the game now maybe.
  6. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New controller layout

    Yea its kinda like OG halo 1 zoom.
  7. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    1.0 Release times

    Im not sure but in the states im sure it will be 12am est. Mainly because thats when most games are released.
  8. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    XBOX or XBOX1X for better performance DAYZ.

    I run a curved 50" 4k tv an a xbox x. The X an 4k tv hasn't really helped much with game crashing or frame drops. I still lag like crazy in the 4x4 while going through towns an shit but it doesn't really lag much unless there's a bunch going on around me.
  9. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    XBOX or XBOX1X for better performance DAYZ.

    Well why dont you get a 32inch 4k tv? Im sure you can find a cheap one on Facebook or something. Or use rent a center or Aarons.
  10. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    Its the release of the game so im sure everything is going to be wiped.
  11. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Database connection timeout?

    Whats this i try to join in a server it says. " warning game kicked you out. ( Database connection timeout.) Whats up, am i banned? 😞
  12. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    The game starts in 4 dayz bro but im off sunday momday tuesday
  13. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Database connection timeout?

    Nevermind ignore post I fingered her out.
  14. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    Im down im off work sundays to Tuesdays othen then that i work 3:30 to 11mt time sometimes midnight. Hit me up tho or add me xJGBxDaRkMaN
  15. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    XBOX or XBOX1X for better performance DAYZ.

    I have noticed a big difference in the one x from connecting to a full hard crashed server ( being able to get back in faster then reg Xbox ). Texture renders in a lil bit faster then reg xbox. The biggest is a better graphics overlay. My brother has a reg xbox and we tested out a bunch of the stuff side by side. The sniper scope problem is most likely because you are in 3rd person then aiming. Try it in 1st person should be alot better. I play only in 1st unless im trying to 3rd person peek an sometimes i would aim down my acog to see nothing but gray for 3 secs while in 3rd compared to 1st person aiming with my acog will work just fine besides the grass an building textures not rendering for a sec, same with when im done aiming everything around me not rendered. Weather yea when the wind starts and stops huge lag. When a bunch of people or infected are around you there is huge lag, that one good way to know people are by you. The crashing to main menu is kinda a presistence server wipe like while play and you see a red message counting down in middle of the screen, that means some stuff like bases will be getting wiped. The hardcore dashboard crash is just a buggy game. Like bent toe and nayte said most the problems you asked about is just because of a buggy game but hey its ready for release right? JK JK im sure the contract the devs have with BI an Microsoft is about up so they have to push the release out asap. Im not worried tho hopefully it gets better in the years to come.
  16. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Checking Ones Pulse

    I like that idea i haven't seen it yet the new pc build if it in there. It would be cool tho. I notice you talk bout RP alot im going to try to host a RP private server when ever we get it. Would you like to partake bro?
  17. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    Haha well that the thing im not far from a base like a 15 min hike so we go loot it up drop off an come back it takes over 20 mins or so. I know what an how to loot cycle and i know what im doing is in a way yes loot cycling but a longer version of it an no we dont use all the items we take back but just what ever my guys want to wear or use. If they dont use what ever or wear we just toss or give to a freshie. But yea you can think its bad or cheating but i think what i do is legit as fuck. The hike back an forth IMO is a task its self.
  18. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    Yea i feelz that for the duping bro but how is it a exploit/cheat if im leaving to go drop off items at my base and then coming back to get all the loot that respawned im confused bout that.
  19. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    Im not sure what version of the game you played but, i never remember the voice fade with distance. Been playing since day one an the 1st 2 weeks i never got in a party just messages to find out were my people were. It always to me sounded like a regular voip. I even tried looking in my options to see if i can change from directly to proxy an no settings for it. I do miss the double down to keep chat on though. So Sea of Thieves has proxy chat an it works really good but Microsoft had a big hand in the making of that game. So i personally think its a tech problem.
  20. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    Or they can just make it to were no loot respawns till a server reset if you like that better. Thats a way to stop that problem. Then you will be even more mad that you cant find anything BAM that a real hardcore survival sim game. Cuz do you think something in real life is just going to magically respawn in a couple of hrs?
  21. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    Well it works haha not to worried bout it though. I honestly dont see how thats bad tho cuz if it is cheating then looting up is cheating. Sorry im gathering up loot an coming back in ten minutes didnt know that was cheating XD im just gathering loot i have a big team i gotta stock up for. No im not trying to cover up what i said but what i do is loot cycling but im keeping all of it. Sorry not sorry.
  22. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    Might get in trouble for this one but..... Is it just me or what but, I think baty pretty cute. 😄 i might get flagged but its a risk im willing to take haha.
  23. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    I dont have any problems finding rifles. I just go to staroy military base an loot cycle ive found m4s an ak like everytime. Me an my team got completely decked out there numerous of times.
  24. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Dev Xbox Livestream Feedback

    They kinda do talk bout it and they said it should be fixed by next update. When was video posted?
  25. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Rain is back

    The great fall monsoon rainstorm of 2018. What a season that was.