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Everything posted by xKJCxDaRkMaN

  1. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    2 weeks

    @ImpulZ The only reason why im asking is because just before 1.01 was released you guys said in the FAQS page for what to expect. It was said that, "The PC is getting the 1.02 patch when console was getting the 1.01 patch. The 1.02 should be released close to two weeks after the release of 1.01 if everything goes right." The main reason for me asking is because my team and I wanna start putting walls up around our camp. Should we expect a character wipe and server wipe? If so i can wait till patch is released. Also im not expecting a patch update ever two weeks bro. The FAQS page said we was expecting one in two weeks. In my opinion i could go a good year without another update. Think the game is fine.
  2. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New player

    Yea he was nervous. Last time a situation like that happened he got gunned down. Him and another person was talking, then dude said he was friendly so my guy you ran into let his guard down then he got murdered. He was just more long the lines of not expecting anyone to pop up while he was looking for my M4. He is sorry for shooting at you.
  3. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New player

    No im not a KOS type of person. I like to RP. As soon as or if private server comes into play i will be buying one just for RPing. The only time my guys an me KOS is at military bases. Or if you approach our camp.
  4. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Why does the character roll back 30 minutes?

    Im not talking about a server restart. Im talking about just chilling at camp or going through a town or what ever im doing then without no warning, i cant get into my tents or pull anything out, or everybody on my screen is frozen in time, doors wont open ect... Then boom, me an my team back at menu. I can log right back in but i go back like 2 mins sometimes at least 3. I have never even while it was in preview been pushed back 30 mins. Next time anybody gets reset more then 10 mins record it an either show it to me on here or send it through xbox. The more evidence you have for a bug like the the easier the devs can fix it. If you just say it happened with no proof then it didnt happen.
  5. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Why does the character roll back 30 minutes?

    When my game crashes it only goes back like 2 mins. I think you are just exaggerating. Mad that you cant get into this game. Its ok bro, Dayz isn't made for everyone.
  6. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New player

    @PEACE_543 I would chill an do some missions with you brotha man.
  7. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New player

    Rule number 2: Kill anybody you dont like. Rule number 3: Dont trust NO ONE!!!
  8. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Where find weapons? М-4 and KA

    All the M4 i have found has been at the small barracks at the NWAF North of the airfield. Try your luck. It is a hot spot though so be careful.
  9. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    A poll for what xbox players want most

    I just want the rendering to be better and the meatballing to be fixed.
  10. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Explain This...

    What you you want to be explained? The horrible potato aim or the shitty OG xbox one rendering.
  11. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Not played for a week

    Yo toe if you haven't tried try now. Might be a freshy but it might work. I noticed if you drop anything and then logout you willl get locked.
  12. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Server hotfix: Data Check failed

    Im 31 yrs old dont have that issue but also i haven't done that since release yet no need to.
  13. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Server hotfix: Data Check failed

    Im kinda glad that this happens as that was how you duped items. You dropped a bag or whatever an go to another server and come back to dropped item server and you had duped items. So yes keep that in game please keep locked players in that server. As duping is a HUUUUGE issue with the game.
  14. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Tuna anyone?

    Why the hell can i not open a can of tuna?
  15. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Controller scheme / button layout *please vote*

    One thing that pisses me off is the leaning. How are you going to put two button layouts on the same buttons😂. You have to dodge first to peak a corner.
  16. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    OG Xbox performance

    I feel what you are saying bro but it is what it is. The game has been in development for 7 years tho with no thought of being released for consoles until the announcement of the One X an project Scorpio. With that tech I'm sure They wanted to spread out to consoles. I'm just lucky I had a great paying job to buy the One X.
  17. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    OG Xbox performance

    I am alpha ring in the insider program an I didn't have a issue.
  18. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    OG Xbox performance

    Haha bro i dont think they have a choice you know. They release the game on xbox one, they cant control who has OG to who has upgraded xbox kinda like how they cant control the same for someone who has a shitty PC to someone who has a fully decked out optimized PC.
  19. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    OG Xbox performance

    Upgrade. I have a One X with a seagate external 4TB Hard drive. The game runs just fine. Like cmon they run an test everything on a gaming PC im sure that costs more then alot of cars. You really thing this game was made for a OG Xbox One. Im sure it wasn't.
  20. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Issues with update 1.0

    i played for 3 in a half hrs before i had to go to work an really had no issues. My only thing i wish they would put is directional voip. I mean i found some bugs but the game is still playable. Inventory works fine so far, my fps didnt drop even while running with a group of 5, it did drop though while i had 20 infected chasing me into a lil green shack. Fuck the whole peel open tuna cans right now. Couldnt get a dupe glitch to work so thats good. Unsure about meatballing an turning invisible glitch im not sure how to do those. Clouds are clouds now YAY.
  21. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Issues with update 1.0

    Do you have a one X or one S or OG one?
  22. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Duping fixed

    Thats how they fixed the duping it said that each time i tried it.
  23. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Duping fixed

    Might get a backlash for this but I tried to dupe to see if it is fixed an one of the ways that i know of has been fixed 😁👍👌yay. Someone should try to the meatball glitch and the glitch to turn invisible with the backpacks and get back to me.
  24. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Not updating

    Anybody else's game not updating?
  25. See if they fixed duping 😂😁