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Everything posted by xKJCxDaRkMaN

  1. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    So i been playing on US4227 HC server for about 2 or 3 weeks now an I just found out tonight that it is a RP server. XD XD. Been fun tho. If you want to join some of us add me. Yes we do have to deal with dupers but that dont stop the RP.
  2. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    I feel ya on there now its full. Hit me up whenever.
  3. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Yes that would be the one.
  4. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    @Flyingpapaya i think i saw your GT in the server last night. If so lets squad up.
  5. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Been in that position before 😂
  6. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Of course though you still have KOS zones like dont think you can go to NWAF an try to talk to someone you know.
  7. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Pretty much what flyingpapaya said
  8. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Its the way DayZ was ment to be played. Not KOS everyone you see. You can but raiding and bad guys are still around. If you do though go more in land.
  9. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    The thing is im not apart of the RP yet the people running it has factions of certain roles an proper times that the RP is mainly active on a discord room. Im not apart of that discord yet so my foot isn't all the way in the door. But i do know that there is a AID station that some people has set up for the survivors. But they have been attacked by a group of cannibals recently so they are on guard an people do KOS still because its not a private server an other blood bound players do join. Also as i mentioned yes there are duppers on the server an as much as its RP on the server since its a public server NOT EVERYONE IS RPing. So if you join just try to make conversation with people, see where it goes. My gamertag is xJGBxDaRkMaN add me an i can get us going for some RP. I have some videos of me an a couple randoms having fun.
  10. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    New to these parts!

    Sorry to say sir but DayZ got its roots from a game call ARMA. The DayZ was a mod an it grew from there. Add me tho if you're looking for a team. I got a team of 13 but only 5 or so active players. Most of us came from a Military Sim. But my GT is xJGBxDaRkMaN. Hit me up if your interested. Oh yea thank you for your service too sir.
  11. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Sound glitch.

    I have noticed that when a weather effect starts to happen, the sound will start to glitch out to where you can't hear anything. ( really worse when its night.) Just dead slince unless you are around a object, mainly a tree, you can hear rain hitting the tree but move away nothing, silence. Same with wind. Might add that i can hear myself an other players much easier.
  12. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Night is now HORRIBLE!!!!!

    Love the night. Playing on the One X.
  13. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    I Don't Want To Sound Like A Broken Record, but...

    Can't wait for private servers. Imma do a RP server for sure. Play the game as it was ment to be played.
  14. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    General tips for Xbox players.

    The sneakers shoes (converse shoes) gives off less noise as well. Heavy shoes, heavy steps. Keep a sharp eye out for moving bushes. Please dont forget about his Rule 7. I think that should be Rule 1-10. Keep a pack of tetracycline pills on you. Get the bubble guts from drinking water, pop one pill either before or after drinking the water from a pond or stream, you will be good. No puking for you. Try not to KOS. Yes yes try not to forget about his Rule 7, but still Dayz is much better in a interactive way and seeing how to handle awkward moments to maybe even funny moments. But still never forget his Rule 7. Run the coast line as a fresh spawn. A bunch of little raft boats run along the whole coast. Around the boats are anything from food, drinks, pills, an backpacks. Sledgehammers are the best in my opinion for a melee weapon. Oh yea dont forget about his Rule 7.
  15. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Server hotfix: Data Check failed

    Im with you buddy. My base got wiped by people who built on same location we built on another server. But alot of people has brought it up and the devs has stated that "locking characters to servers isn't that simple."
  16. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    “I want an AK”

    Man thats so how that shit goes too.😂
  17. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    BI, wipe the game when you fix duping.

    Yea its a L4D clone but more zomboz from what i heard.
  18. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    BI, wipe the game when you fix duping.

    What happens on the 16th?
  19. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Character rolls back and inventory disappearing

    To be honest im about 100% sure it is. My friend duped a AK after i told him how to dupe an untill he died everytime he spawned on a new server he would get a roll back with his loadout after words. If he picked anything up an log out with it in his hands he would loose it. But because that happened he did take advantage of it an did it with M4s. He would drop it an log out. He would come back an have a new M4 on him. Kinda mad he did it because i wanted to get everything legitimately. But his guy is fixed to fix this issue just die. The roll back will be fixed or so he said.
  20. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Storage UI needs to be fixed.

    So we have 2 car tents an a bunch of barrels. Its nice an all but when im going through the inventory, I can only see the top of the menu or the bottom of the menu. It sucks when you have 2 full car tents an can only see 20 to 30 items. Also when scrolling through the item, everytime i push UP or DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT it moves the inventory screen up and down with every button i push. I will record it later to show what it does. This needs to be fixed.
  21. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Storage UI needs to be fixed.

    They are far apart. I dont see other barrels items in it.
  22. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Storage UI needs to be fixed.

    I know how to use the UI. What im saying is that ok i have 2 barrels full to the brim of ammo but i cantsee all of it due to there being to full. I will start to scroll down the items and then next thing I know the page jumps down to the bottom but not my highlighted box i cant see the box no more untill i move it again. Plus all other ammo that in the middle dont show up at all.
  23. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Storage UI needs to be fixed.

    I don't think you have full tents to see this problem. That didn't work.
  24. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    2 weeks

    Its close to the 2 week mark. Any news or updates about 1.02?
  25. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    2 weeks

    Also in my opinion i think you guys should select a good 200 or 300 people and put the test server on console so that you can get 1st hand feedback from the console players perspective. Kinda weird to test a console update on a PC aint it.