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Everything posted by xKJCxDaRkMaN

  1. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    1.04 coming to consoles expected in July!

    True but when ever i start playin well in the menu, i know a lot of the people i play this with hide offline so i message them to check. I like to plan when my team is on. Also if this type of thing is real, oh well guess we are making a new adventure out of it to meet up. It dont take that much time to get from the North city to Electro. Unless your looting. Othen then that its what 15, 20mins accounting for stopping to have a drink or eat some food.
  2. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    1.04 coming to consoles expected in July!

    Maybe for you. I love the idea, maybe instead of being on separate servers just join on one another or find out what servers friends are in. Play an think smart not hard.
  3. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Maybe it's time to go old school RPG?

    I dont like the zone idea or Levels for stuff to use. But i do thinks thinks the some sort of leveling or accolades for staying alive and using items should be in the game.
  4. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    1.04 coming to consoles expected in July!

    Yea it will make it harder considering you will be in random spawn points like i have been saying in alot of peoples post that it would be a good idea to do. Been try to push this motivate since it was in game preview for xbox but no response from them. Is the server hopping mechanic intended to stop duping? Cant the gear the player drops still be collected by a friend? Also, you told us in the PS4 launch stream that you're aiming for parity in patch releases across all platforms. The lengthy console certification process is not a new thing. I feel like you guys knew this the whole time and therefore it would be impossible to have patches released on PC and console on the same time. Yes maybe the first set of gear may get duped, but say the person gets spawned on coast. Are they going to use heart emoji to run what ever is in their hand all the way back to base? Maybe take out heart emoji to run with chests and tents????? Or fix that bug , but i do see duping being more of a pain if you're random spawned . @Acids House Rule One for trading...... DON'T TRUST ANYONE.. But i see no problem in this whole random spawning for server hopping to meet my team. We can get together fast with the Izurvive app. As long as we know where we are when we spawn we good.
  5. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Maybe it's time to go old school RPG?

    I like the idea for leveling but not like that. More for your player to feel like you should live or a reason to live. Like have gun books that you can read to make your player have better aim, or the more you use your guns or melee weapons the better you get with it. Books to help you repair your gear faster also the more you do it the better you can get your gear. (Maybe even back to pristine.) Same for meds, cooking,driving ect...
  6. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    I have no words...

    Message the server number i help you raid.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ˆ
  7. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    I have no words...

    The tent thing was funny. What server F the META cant allow this while the devs an mods just watch.
  8. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Test server Password?

    So i just noticed there are stress tests and a test server for xbox now. Yes i wanna join up an help make dayz great again. How do i come about a password? @ImpulZ
  9. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Character Wipe ?

    What i was thinking that could stop ghosting maybe even duping an battle logging is. So say your walking through the forest an then bam a huge base you want in. Now currently you could just ghost in it but.... say when you go to ghost into the base as you log onto another server bam back on coast. No not as a new character but the same character you are with all the same gear you had. Then as you go back to the server with the base you're back in front on base right where you left to try to ghost. Im not sure if that would fix duping, but i know it will fix ghosting. Just every new server you join that you have never joined you start on the coast.
  10. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    So we are getting this topic off topic, an i dont wanna get this guys post blocked by admins ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€ but im on xbox one x an will be upgrading to the Scarlett when it drops. The PC i want needs to have a bunch of memory tho cuz like i said i want more then just one or 2 games at least 10 that i know of plus mods. Also the best of the best graphics cuz i will be running it off my TV, Not a monitor. But PM me cuz i am interested in building the PC i want.
  11. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thats what i was thinking as well buddy.
  12. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    Yea but i want more then just this game. ARMA with most of the mods and at least 3 or 4 maybe 10 other games plus a top end graphics card most of those are at least 300 to a grand.
  13. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Test server Password?

    Now not yet for BI but i have been part of closed alphas for major titles like EA, Rare, Ubisoft ect... I know how they work. Shit im under NDA for Microsoft all day for the last 5 yrs. I get new stuff for my xbox at least 3 to 4 months before alot of the community. Kinda sucks because my console needs to update every morning at 4am but hey its worth it.
  14. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Test server Password?

  15. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Character Wipe ?

    That sounds awesome.
  16. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Character Wipe ?

    hey John Howard i know someone with that name where i live. But his is Jon.
  17. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    Please................ Yes yes we console players all know dayz is better on PC. Trust me if i could afford a top end PC i would. Untill then imma stick to a $400 console and play this fucking game untill dayz 2.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Does the development team read this forum?

    They have forum mods that reply for them like max an impluZ but they relay whatever from here to devs an devs to them to us. I guess...
  19. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Question about loot

    Never knew that. Thanks amigo.
  20. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Lag city

    Try to avoid bigger cities. That has helped my shootings.
  21. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    No problem amigo. Im tryin to get my foot in the door for the Roleplaying schedule an i could list the times.๐Ÿ‘
  22. xKJCxDaRkMaN


    Bro check out us4227 its a HC server but its full of ppl who RP. Not to many KOSing. As long as your in game chat people dont mess with you.
  23. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Game crashing.

    So when ever i find a person my game crashes. Try to meet people an that happens. Does this happen to anyone else?
  24. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Game crashing.

    Yea. That i am.
  25. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Found a RP server

    Well i hope we meet on there one day. Run around for a while.