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Everything posted by xKJCxDaRkMaN

  1. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Why so unlucky?

    Are you sure? Why would it of been under the console part of the tweet?
  2. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Im kinda concerned....

    With what was said on twitter about loot distribution. Of course that will be fixed, there is a server wipe everything will reset. That being said whats up with the duping? Did they, or you guys fix this problem or no?
  3. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Xbox hot Mic

    I want the old way back as well.👍👍
  4. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Xbox hot Mic

    It was a game breaking issue. Players game would crash leaving a party to use in game chat. So they thought that making it hold to chat would fix it but never did.
  5. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    It's that time again boys... When's the update

    As much as i hope its tuesday morning, i know it will be on a Wednesday. Most of if not all of them has been on a Wednesday. Also despite what they said about it coming this week im not getting my hopes up. Thinking next week maybe.😂😂
  6. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    I think Wednesday the 24th
  7. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Wipe Hype!!

    Since the beginning of july we haven't really been at base because of broken game, been on the coast.... But when it was first released as 1.0 and even a lil b4 1.0 me and my crew just build well set up tents ,no need for fences since you can ghost, an just try to live far inland an meet more people who play this like a true survival game. Yeah we will die from pvp or pve but we have gear in our tents from legit going from military base to base on high pop servers, it gives us the immersion we like of wondering if some is just camped in the next room. But most of my 15 man group has stopped playing so its just been 3 of us but we do the same but yes yes will get back lash,but after trying to go legit for so long with nothing we caved in an yes duped. But only go out to kill bambi hunters. Why we at coast😈😈😂🤣. Main thing im trying to say is if things just start to disappear because I WORK ALOT an dont have time to see if we got raided or just off for more then a week imma have to get on to do stupid shit not worth my time. What ever happen to offline base defense like Ark Survival with Plant X or turrets. I dont know, i like the stuff i get an after having so many people with me keeping up on food an armor is a hassle after you spend Hours apon hours on Day just for it to disappear.
  8. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Wipe Hype!!

    Shit we live from stuff in our tents tho. I hoard food, drinks an ammo. Whatever else we can find.
  9. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Wipe Hype!!

    If you look in the much bigger barracks the 2 story ones an i think the new trail maps all over the game, it shows a big map with multiple areas and it has the map we play on an i do believe areas from arma... Not 100%. But i have a feeling the they are going to just add to the map an make it bigger with the locations on the map i was talking about. I think it would be cool.
  10. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    No military-grade weapons

    Hurry though if you wanna get that buried loot cuz if people that do have it there are on here they will move it😏maybe.
  11. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    No military-grade weapons

    Imma let you in on a secret buddy... Get a shovel, go to the wreaked ship, check the water where you can walk behind the ship and behind the rocks just south of the ship. I have found over 20 m4's,lar's,ak's and shit ton of ammo spread out over 5 random servers. Bet theres more. Sorry mods for giving out META info but its just stacks of duped items. Fix the problem. Also im sure if you can get into the top of the main corner building at the factory when you see a low pop server you might get some weapons an gear. Just be careful for mines an other people doing the same thing.
  12. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    It's hard to name a more broken game

    Try hold right on dpad. Use free look (LB) to just look around instead of spinning around because that makes your feet move. If your feet move you make noise standing or crouching.
  13. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    I do believe that the update on the 15th is not the 1.4. I think thats at the end of the month.
  14. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Tent jumping blocks.

    So i have been server hopping at the factory on the coast. WOW 15 servers i ran though an at least 50 or more floating packed tents all around the big factory to get on top. Cmon really guys. @ImpulZ. Can you please let the devs in on tent stacking so people can't hide stuff on top of buildings impossible to get up on. See if there is a way to make it to where players can't stand on tents that are packed up.
  15. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Fingers crossed.

    Fucking Samsqwanch
  16. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Fingers crossed.

    So i heard in my travels today from a couple of people that we will be receiving a update today that will have a server an character wipe.🤞🤞 Just word of mouth though.
  17. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Fingers crossed.

    Heres a little glitch. If you do heart emjoi while holding a chest or large tent you can run normally. Cant sprint though.
  18. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the official news. Like i said a couple people i ran into was saying they saw it on twitter i think thats where they said. But yea thanks buddy. @ImpulZ
  19. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    I would like to encourage you to play 1st person.

    Only servers i play.
  20. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    I got a great idea, hard to pull off, but could be a success.

    Well what server we taking over.
  21. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Real talk..

    Its still there, you have to be laying down in order to activate it.😂😂. No but i have been going through the Struggle with all of you guys as well. Yes what he said is true. Yes the devs dont listen to us as much as they should. Yes the game is was an will most likely stay in a bad condition untill the devs start listening an get more console people helping build the game. No im not going to give up this game untill the dev give up. I have played alot of alphas where devs dont listen to the community and the games are still horrible after release but i still haven't gave up on those games because for the devs, its their pride and joy. Their baby if you will. Yea Dayz has a YUGH list of bugs the size of trumps wall but really how many of you put it in as a ticket compared to bitching about on the forums. Going into small details about a bug on the forums not going to get their attention nor making know bugs more know by making post after post about it. Yes they know about duping, meatballing, god tents, building in the air all that. Use complaining about it 24/7 aint going to get it fixed any faster . You guys wants them to keep you up to date with everything they doing if they do that how can they be working on the game. Plus with this games rep im sure with the next big real update, most of you that talking about leaving is going to either get on here cry bout their new broken update an threaten to leave, or just get on and bitch how shitty the game an how broken everything is and still play even though you dont like it. If you wanna stop playing, stop, go uninstall now. Doubt it will hurt the devs feelings. You already gave em your money.
  22. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Real talk..

    Dont let the door hit ya on the way out..✌
  23. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    1.04 coming to consoles expected in July!

    Im not complaining. I like the idea.
  24. xKJCxDaRkMaN

    Tactical goggles missing textures
