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Jake Blake

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Everything posted by Jake Blake

  1. Jake Blake

    Police barrels

    I never bother going into police stations due to garbage loot
  2. Jake Blake

    Giving up

    It's always going to have bugs and issues. This is the only game I've ever came across where you can put in thousands of hours and still hear a new bird/sound that you've never heard before. Every single piece of clothing has a different audio signature, you'll never hear the same thing twice when it comes to ambience in this game. This game has massive amounts coding and files. Shit, some of the current bugs might even be caused by some of their audio files.
  3. Yep, tis a load of steamy shit
  4. Not only was my knife not working when I got attacked by the zombies, but you can clearly see my gun in the radial menu on the top right. As soon as I got done bandaging my wound the gun was gone. This is a serious issue and it has happened to me personally three times now and I've seen it happen to friends. Especially unsettling when you have an M4 or any weapon that you truly like disappear.
  5. Let's be honest here, persistence off servers are some of the only servers you can find decent Gear in. By decent gear I mean M4 rifle, AK-47, AK 101, SVD, the list goes on. I've been an absolute die-hard fan of DayZ since about five years ago now, I've seen this game come so far, and I've seen more than most I've talked to have. I can honestly say there's been no other game that has had me so hooked for 5 years straight. When it comes to people like myself that have played DayZ for some time, it's obvious when something is broken we want it to be fixed, we'll throw our little fitts and post our rants on Twitter and the forums. Deep down we just want to live in our DayZ worlds without all the bugs. To the DayZ devs, I'll speak for the most of us here and say you guys are doing great. This is a massive game and there are massive amounts of things you can do in this game. Massive details to every little thing and so on and so on. Never in my life have I ever heard a thunderstorm like in this game other than in real life. Every time you guys update the game it breaks a few things and it fixes and adds a few things. Ringing out your clothes is a nice touch guys. Thanks for that! Now to the main point, like the title says, please don't take away the persistence off servers. Duping is still very much a thing! The amount of duping areas that I've run across are clearly the reason it's so hard to find weapons and good gear in the persistence on servers. I'm going to be honest, when duping gear was easy, everybody was doing it. And if you weren't doing it then you weren't living the life on the coast like the rest of us that were getting away from the survival life for a few months. But now a very select few, the douchiest of them all spend all their day duping gear. It's such a ridiculous process now I don't even know why anybody still does it. But it truly is affecting the entire game. Again, please don't take away the persistence off servers.
  6. Jake Blake

    Alt accounts

    And this is different from having three or four teammates? 🤣🤣 also how do you know they didn't have teammates? This whole thread is dumb.
  7. Jake Blake

    Please never take away persistence off servers

    Lol everybody likes to call me out every once in awhile. Everybody Plays differently as well so it's really nobody's place to tell somebody else how to play I guess. But it's cool, Merry Christmas and no hard feelings
  8. Jake Blake

    Merry Christmas from Bohemia

    Everyone I've come across is always lit with no batteries
  9. Christmas trees are up in Livonia. Too bad the Xbox Community is so poisonous, we could all gather around and shake some hands.
  10. Jake Blake

    Please never take away persistence off servers

    I bet everyone would agree if they realized just how good the persistence off servers really are. Honestly they shouldn't even allow stashing until they figure out how to balance the game.
  11. Jake Blake

    How many hours you guys got on xbox?

    In total roughly 83 days
  12. Jake Blake

    Please never take away persistence off servers

    I agree. And the reason we're having less issues is because there's less douchebagery on persistence off servers.
  13. Jake Blake

    Weird Bugs - Cant crouch and Aim, Zombies get no dmg etc.

    It's due to an inventory bug, if you can't crouch and aim its because you actually don't have your gun in your hands any longer, notice how when you aim in if it forces you to stand up, you can fire your weapon and your guy will start moving forward every time you pull the trigger. You're actually just swinging your fists or the last thing you grabbed from inventory. Reelog. #dayzisbroke
  14. I play on a specific server with all of my characters and it seems like all of them have been reset? Is anybody else dealing with this issue? I'm pretty upset, I lost an AK 101, and an Ak-m, an M4, and a VSS.. four characters gone, this was a community server. WTF
  15. Playing in my normal server, the region is my region so I shouldn't be having an issue. Tons of lag, can't even shoot anybody with a sniper anymore because they are just bouncing everywhere.
  16. Jake Blake

    The game gets better but it gets worse

    Yeah I suppose, still though 1 cut and it wasn't a matter of minutes. It was under a minute. Like the damn thing slit my throat or some shit.
  17. Jake Blake

    Anybody else dealing with lag issues?

    I'm honestly surprised you're not seeing people twitching all over the place.
  18. Jake Blake

    Anybody else dealing with lag issues?

    Like 2 seconds of delay?
  19. Jake Blake

    Console Update 1.05

    Soooo muchhh lala lalala LA lagggg
  20. Jake Blake

    I just lost several geared characters?

    Yeah you're such a big boy, look at you being a keyboard Warrior telling people how big of a boy you are, yet here you are arguing online. Such a big boy so proud of you.
  21. Jake Blake

    Duper bases !!

    Lmao then why tf is there an option to stash loot?
  22. Jake Blake

    I just lost several geared characters?

    You wouldn't give a shit then? Lol doubtful. Dayz isn't a game that you loot out in without extreme effort. I can bet if you've ever even played dayz you'd understand how frustrated ANYONE would be at something like this happening. Oh wait, you're just a troll.
  23. Jake Blake

    I just lost several geared characters?

    Tell me why there's a system placed in this game to bury and stash loot? I'll wait... Because it sure as shit wasn't implemented to stash teddy bears and multivitamins.. Generation keyboard warrior. FFS
  24. Jake Blake

    I just lost several geared characters?

    Your point is invalid honestly. DayZ gave us options to stash loot in barrels, backpacks, cooking pots, Sea Chest, and wooden crates. Maybe they should have thought about not making the game have a lack of gear when everybody start stashing. If it honestly work like this why would they let us stash loot? And if it really does work like that then the DayZ Dev team should feel like a bunch of idiots. Here you go guys so many ways to stash loot go ahead and Loadout however you want with as much loot as you want, oh wait now the server is running out of lewd because we gave you options to stash! How fucking stupid!