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About Scampo

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  1. Scampo

    Crash Sites

    I was up at nw airfield last night, came across what looked like a downed chopper about 400m out. Once i got there all i saw was black smoke, so gutted i have an svd mag aswell lol anybody know the best places to look for hele crash sites or any other areas you may find the svd? im not sure if you can get them anywhere else apart from crash sites? thanks in advance
  2. Scampo

    Mosin Rounds

    Where seems the best place to find them?Any help appreciated.
  3. Scampo

    Just an idea

    thats a little bigger than what i had in mind but yeah thats awesome haha will this be coming to xbox?
  4. Scampo

    Just an idea

    So I was a fresh spawn on the coast the other day with my mate and he says "wouldn't it would be pretty cool if the devs implemented a new form of transport", now The train lines run all the way round the map and i thought it would be awesome if they added those Rail Road Pump cars to the map meaning you could find your friends a little quicker? It was just an idea at the time but i thought it was a really good one so i put it up on here to see what you guys think and other possible ideas that are floating around. Cheers
  5. Scampo

    Armband Colour

    cheers buddy
  6. Scampo

    Armband Colour

    Whenever i craft an armband it always seems to appear white no matter what colour clothing i end up ripping up in order to do it. can anybody help me? is there another way of doing it?
  7. Scampo

    mosin mag???

    ok thanks
  8. Scampo

    mosin mag???

    Does anybody know where I can find a mosin mag? Ive looked everywhere lol
  9. Scampo

    What new update do u want

    i think it would probably be best that they implemented simple things that help you survive when starting off like the bow or fishing rod, that way people wouldn't complain that there is not enough food around the area. vehicles would be nice maybe a motorbike, fuel should be a factor aswell.
  10. Scampo

    Being a friendly survivor feels good man

    legendary dude, there should be more out there like you. i was north side of airfield last night checking out military tents when i bumped into a dude, he shouts friendly! so i say the same, so i crouch down and turn away with my weapon facing side on to him so he knew i wasn't aiming at him. Next thing bang you are dead... I mean wow there are big some big trust issues with people on this game lol
  11. Scampo

    Scoping In

    ah cool gotta get me an m4 for now rhen lol got an svd but not sure if its the same as ive only tried it with ak
  12. Scampo

    Scoping In

    just wanted to address the issue of lying down whilst trying to look through the scope of a gun, the screen goes completely black and i can't seem to see anything although kneeling whilst using scope works fine.
  13. Scampo


    thanks for the tips buddy and yes it was such a lucky spawn as i was dying of hunger at the time and the sheep saved my life.lucky for me i had enough mosin rounds to take two down. baaautiful <3
  14. Scampo


    I spawned into a server rhe other day only to find myself with sheep all around me, i was curious to find out what other animals are in the game on the xbox version?
  15. thankyou for your help, love the game guys keep doing what your doing