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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor

    Broken game

    I just went and played a total of 34 minutes. Spawned Berezino. This is what I experienced: - zombies hitting you even you block them, occasionally damaged my stuff and it took a whole duct tape to repair - zombies going through you when fighting them - frames dropped to around 15 occasionally - buildings disappear and suddenly spawn in front of you as a white block - inventory would not close until 3-4 tries to smash B - sound cuts out and footsteps are delayed - zombies agro through walls even when you're not moving - pistol would not chamber a round with Y I recorded it all. Want me to upload it for you to see what sort of a game the rest of us are playing? All this in the first 30 minutes, no wonder people are leaving. Can only hope the next update really fixes some critical issues. Just for the games sake.
  2. nikoor

    Broken game

    I never said I dislike it. Still one of my favorite games at the moment even tho broken as hell. What's so hard to grasp is it seems that you're the only one having a working version of dayz and the rest of us encounter broken stuff daily basis. Even the devs know it's broken, everyone knows it's broken so why are you acting like there's nothing wrong with the game and it's polished af? That I can't understand. Are you getting paid to stay positive or are you too scared to say the truth? It can't be your game has no flaws, period.
  3. nikoor

    Broken game

    One aspect? Frames, crashes, inventory? I counted 3 already. Care to elaborate what's your so called aspect? You must be tripping no offense and he ain't complaining about getting shot... you are surely worth your name
  4. nikoor

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    next time just tap Y instead of A + RB and you'll be done in no time
  5. nikoor

    Broken game

    well, guns are hard to find sometimes which is fine. badsebuilding is pointless in a long run. people do kos, which is fine. game previews ain't for everybody. you saying he's lying? we all know the game is broken which is why it's in game preview right?
  6. nikoor

    Broken game

    uhm the guy came here, stated some facts and ur bashing him for what?
  7. nikoor

    Lack of HC players

    What a nice day for HC players. Europe is missing 10 servers and one of them is HC, nice to have almost high pop servers now!
  8. nikoor

    Base builders off limits Truce

    tbf surviving is way too easy at the current state of the game. you shouldn't start with a knife or food at all like it used to be. make the first 10 minutes of gameplay exciting again! food is way too easy to come by. would like to play on a real harcore server where you might have to eat your friends.
  9. nikoor

    Duper base hunting

    sweet I ended my journey there yesterday
  10. nikoor

    Lack of HC players

    well until they dry out complete I'd rather stay. not very keen to have a 3x higher ping. some say it's the same but it's not. we really don't need 3 HC servers. *fun fact: while I waited for my friend to meet me at pavlovo mb (15-20min), >20 players duped/hopped the server in that time. I knew it was bad but this bad hah.
  11. nikoor

    New DeadZone Added?

    still wanna make sure the problem is being acknowledged?! huh anyone?
  12. nikoor

    whats going on with the loot on xbox

    thought this also when I found 3 M4's and 2 USG's at the 3 barracks of NWAF construction site. mind blown
  13. nikoor

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    oh and the left hand position feels awkward and unnatural now since you move yourself with left hand at the same time. well, I changed them back to how it was but now I have no punch which is fine I rather play the game as smooth as I can. I'd assume they add leaning to the sticks so freelook has to go anyway, so only place for it is RB now which is just nuts, punch has to go then anyway so I can't understand the reasoning behind it. the muscle memory after ~1000 hours just don't go away like that
  14. nikoor

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    it's been on rb since the beginning, people have gotten used to it, it did not need to be changed. freelook instead should've been changed.
  15. nikoor

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    they should've kept the zoom on rb and move the punch, freelook to lb too. they really don't have a clue about contollers... just like the guy on the stream.
  16. nikoor

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    I feel like we've hit the bottom. Bears have been pushing it down for the past months. Only way is up they say. I'll be jumping on when it gets bullish.
  17. nikoor

    The devs are bandits survival >>> guns

    tbh it was embarrasing. next time answer the questions instead of trying to learn the game ok? yet he plays more on xbox than pc? propably he's first time on console. enough of that. anyway, I can only hope they focus on the right stuff for the next month, which they should know by now. if not, shame. the playerbase's going to decrease even more... until then I'll try to enjoy other games.
  18. nikoor

    The devs are bandits survival >>> guns

    Word. I'm a day one player and played nothing than dayz since until now. 10minutes after the last "update" was enough. Guess I'll be back after a month when they're bringing the next update, hope it's not too late I can see a pattern here.
  19. nikoor

    Gun unjamming...

    press Y, vóila
  20. nikoor


    do some research first, would've save you the rant.
  21. nikoor

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    Was so excited to see there's an update but it turned out to be a huge dissappointment. + HC server starting perspective fixed - zoom remap did not need to be changed! Why not change LT and RT around also?! - double tap down arrow does not work, push to talk on controller is just nuts - fps terrible at cities and around other players for 2 months now, this is what you should've been trying to fix the past few months! Time for a break. Wish you the best!
  22. nikoor

    Time to Kill

    Yes. I knew you would say that.
  23. nikoor

    Time to Kill

    I like my horse and neither of us need to server hop, no matter what. Sure I did it within the 1st month the game was out but not since. I've grown into the game and I prefer playing it how it's supposed to be played, if I don't find a rifle on my way to tisy and back then bohoo? I like to start over every other day. Next time let me know and I'll give you all my hard earned gear and start over so you don't need to server hop. If I've traveled around all the bases and a guy tries to log out with the stuff that would've belonged to me you really think I'd let him go?