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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor

    ETA for private Servers?

    yes the platform is holding it back quite a bit, I can see that now.
  2. nikoor

    ETA for private Servers?

    I've got a pc ready on the shopping cart just wanna wait till 27th.
  3. nikoor

    BE servers?

    belgium? yesterday there was DE servers.
  4. nikoor

    New DeadZone Added?

    @ImpulZ Just wanna make sure you guys know about this? It's been there over 3 months and never have I seen anyone acknowledging this. It's a bit ridiculous you can't make a circle with your stick because of the dead zone and different settings for X and Y.
  5. nikoor

    DayZ 1.0 - 27th of March

    Just confirmed on Xbox insider stream!
  6. nikoor

    DayZ 1.0 - 27th of March

    I kinda liked how it was at the start. Hold Y to cycle and press for reload
  7. nikoor

    DayZ 1.0 - 27th of March

    Correct. https://imgur.com/a/CUisFL8
  8. nikoor

    Action Clips.

    probably my most intense 'moment'
  9. nikoor

    DayZ 1.0 - 27th of March

    Considering they have had time and there's still 2 weeks to go It's definitely possible. They've fixed some things in the past that's amazed me. Things the 'other game' is still suffering from after a full year so I have high hopes and can't wait for 27th. I'll probably take a 2 week brake and get back to it hyped as a man can be!
  10. nikoor

    Down on D-pad ??

    Yes they changed it because it had some sort of an issue. Don't know but pretty sure it will be like it was in the future.
  11. nikoor

    Lack of HC players

    The 3 HC servers on Europe are hardly ever medium not to mention high pop. At the next wipe please consider taking one of the NL HC servers down to increase the player count. Don't think anyone would mind, quite the opposite. I prefer them over the 3rd person anytime and would like to see more populated servers rather than 3 easy low pop for server hoppers and dupers. A game that I used to like lost their 1st person players...
  12. nikoor

    One character per server, please devs!!!

    would be nice and could actually increase the popularity of the said servers, maybe just lock one on each region.
  13. nikoor

    No Military Challange

    For the past week I've been dropping the knife, can and food at start and been living only with food that can be found on the ground.
  14. I and I assume many others won't care about the content to be honest. The main issue right now on Xbox is the performance. Buildings not rendering and reappearing in front of you, major framerate drops in big cities and around other players (<10fps). It's been like this for 3 months now. That on it's own is enough a problem to not to play the game.
  15. nikoor

    A message for those who play 3rd person servers

    Just the kind of crap that I was expecting haha. I just can't believe how much nonsense you type maybe you should go out more and let those fingers relax. How bloody hard is it to grasp that YOU and ME and EVERYONE else on this planet explore this world from what we happen to call 1st perspective. Not 3rd. ONLY that reason is enough to back up my claim. There's no alternative. It's not about the field of view. The perspective Pil, the perspective. You see through your eyes in real life and not via a camera above you do you? Can you understand that? I mean for real, no offense, do you understand what I'm saying? Where my view is coming from?
  16. I'm optimistic, for now. The truth is it's never been this quiet on console. We are getting the biggest update yet in this month (pc 1.01) which I'm hoping brings more life to it.
  17. My quote was from the Xbox section. We have 3 1PP servers which are hardly ever medium. I'm sure Mr. AllMighty will appear soon and elaborate us all on the matter, trust me.
  18. nikoor

    A message for those who play 3rd person servers

    Didn't bother to read your post, only first paragraph. One thing mr. allknow pilgrim, JUST ONE THING makes 1PP more realistic and that's guess what? THE PERSPECTIVE. How hard is that to understand? Oh btw, you cant see your hands when you look straight arms streched to the sides. I feel bad I didn't mute you few months back when I realized how arrogant you are all mighty. Bye bye pilgrim, bye bye. Edit: Couldn't help myself pil but to read the rest of it. Are you ok? Edit: How do you mute someone pil? I'm sure you know.
  19. nikoor

    Multiple characters?

    One day I feel like I want to roam around the airfield and the next day I wanna start fresh but I want to keep the guy at the airfield for another day.
  20. nikoor

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    did you hit the "exit now"? I did once and when I came back I had nothing but my plate carrier 😂
  21. nikoor

    A message for those who play 3rd person servers

    What I'm saying 1PP is more realistic than 3PP and that's a fact, no one can deny that. Not even you pilgrim, unless you're out of your body, near death, all the time. OBE. Everyone can play what ever they want, sure. I want more realism and that's why I stay on HC servers but I hate the fact people doesn't play it because it's not as fun and easy as 3PP, but more skill based (situational awareness).
  22. nikoor

    Action Clips.

    Go ironsights all the time and put the AGOC on when you actually need it!
  23. nikoor

    A message for those who play 3rd person servers

    I'd like to see more populated HC server in Europe so yeah grow some balls peeps don't always go where the fence is lowest! If the players that have left don't come back after the next update BI should consider reducing the server numbers on Europe at least. Definitely take one of the HC servers down on the next wipe.
  24. nikoor

    State of the Game

    I'd like to see this but not yet, not the current state of the game. Frames drop below 10 when there's more than few players around. I'd be willing to get a private server no doubt.
  25. nikoor

    Broken game

    Xbox One X with an external SSD. With the inventory not closing I mean it takes few presses of B or the inventory button to close, propably because the game is laggy and it doesn't register the action.