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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor


    are people pretending to be stupid? I mean yeah, it sucks ben, take some time off. I haven't played in 2 weeks and won't be bothered until some drastic improvements. I did actually log in a week ago just to log out within a minute...
  2. nikoor

    Deadzone to high

    it's quite underwhelming, surprising even, at the moment. we shouldn't be discussing about an important core-element like this in the first place.
  3. nikoor

    Game crashing.

    any change you're using the game chat while it happens?
  4. nikoor

    Deadzone to high

    @ImpulZ gotta tag you the issue has been in the game for so long. does the devs know about this?
  5. nikoor

    Xbox one x or regular

    Got an X with SSD. 1. Same. Takes quite a few seconds sometimes. 2. In larger towns ie. Berezino, Elektro, Cherno the buildings keep vanishing and appearing as white blocks, same as other players and the infected. Even worse if you're zoomed in and turn your head around. 3. Same, only in larger towns as above. If I were you I'd hold my horses, maybe get the SSD to help rendering issues and loading times but it'll be minor. On the other hand I've never crashed around a lot of activity in towns as friend of mine did with the og xbox so there's definitely a difference. Worth the 400? No. Save the money for the next gen console or even better, invest in a PC. This is what I'm about to do since I've discovered dayz on xbox will never fullfill what I'm expecting from it.
  6. nikoor

    Land Mine Persistence?

    no more than few hours. can not be disabled.
  7. nikoor

    Inventory bug

    I was about to borrow this thread to post this also. Closing and re-opening inventory or RB/LB is required to scroll UP or DOWN after holstering a gun from hands with Y. "Cursor" gets stuck.
  8. nikoor

    1.03 update info - coming soon!

    I'd also like to see the time put in optimization rather than new stuff. When it (game) runs in big towns around 10 players as solid as alone inland in the middle of nowhere, now that's what I'd take anytime over a new gun or a car.
  9. nikoor


    unlucky. the knifes should work even when ruined tho? what's up with the melee combat on exp that I keep reading complains about?
  10. nikoor


    reminds me of a fight the other day with this guy, we both had slugs and we ended up missing about 10 shots until finishing with fists hah
  11. nikoor


    it's a beast, armor or not, you're about to hit the floor
  12. nikoor

    1.03 on PC

    Yes full wipe and a fix for CLE thank you but personally kb&m support. The controls are still very much awkward.
  13. nikoor

    Anyone Play Inland?

    yes in the middle!
  14. nikoor

    Games freezes/crashes

    when ever the game will decide to crash the car and it'll end up upside down you'll hear the sound.
  15. nikoor

    Night light

  16. nikoor

    Night light

    are we really talking about the night where you didn't actually need a light source? where the moon provided such a beautiful scenery? the night everyone hyped how good it was? the one prior to the latest update?
  17. nikoor

    Games freezes/crashes

    the sound can be heard after the car's flipped
  18. nikoor

    Stash help

    True. I've been gathering car parts at elektro for the past week and before realizing how to bury items without the plots the town looked like there was a serious vole problem going on.
  19. nikoor

    Intentional crash or bug?

    what happened is what's happened to me about 7 or 8 times, causing me to die on couple of occasions. other's have also experienced what you just did and it's been discussed here also. your game simply crashed because you talked in game. there's a bug where your game can crash while you press the chat button.
  20. nikoor

    Night is now HORRIBLE!!!!!

    was about to say the same but in the end it doesn't matter, it's their game and they'll do what ever they want with it. I'd be too but I'd also interact with the people about the issues. I've never seen this much complaining around a game or people fighting each others over it anywhere else. yet WE all know why that is.
  21. There's not a lot they've changed when people have been complaining. I loved the night before 1.02 I couldn't wait to play the night back then! I'm not saying the night is bad now but it's definitely not the best. The game looks beautiful with a light source now to be honest. Hell, they've still not changed the leaning system to be suited for everyone, a lot of people can't properly use it at the current state. We are no testers anymore, not sure that we ever were. Better just to shut up.
  22. nikoor

    Stash help

    You can bury stuff without the plots. Any light source at night will reveal the stash from few feet away as a giant shadow a feet above the ground. A knife will also prompt "dig up". Just what I've found out.
  23. nikoor

    Looking to trade

    I have an svd stashed at elektro that I doubt I'm never gonna use. We built olga and it lasted 100 meters before flipping over so.. the gun is more than likely duped since it came from a cocky yank wearing guillie. rip. no scope but 3 mags full of ammo if I remember right. so yeah hit me up if you're interested.
  24. nikoor

    Vicinity Issues

    watch out he's gonna come at you now, probably with an essay.