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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    Got X and nope, no difference. I'm suffering the exactly same as described.
  2. nikoor

    My character is wiped

    sure there wasn't someone around you and shot you when you logged out?
  3. shit I misread chris right here
  4. the green one is the most common
  5. nikoor

    Xbox Update 12/10/2018

    yes, buddy and I both emptied a full mag to a guy and he just didn't die. all the other kills where 2-5 bullets so there's absolutely something still messed up. tbf the frames were like pubg day 1 as we started shooting eachothers at the hospital stairs also zeds seem to absorb a lot of bullets time to time
  6. nikoor

    Mosin still has problems!

    LT -> RB -> LB
  7. nikoor

    Guns don’t work

    I've had such cases numerous times until today my m4 worked like a charm. Every bullet registered surprisingly good, no jams, no nothing. Propably reloaded 20times in 2hour period leaving 13 bodies behind. The thing is to reload like you said through inventory and only use magazines of 29bullets. Don't know if that's it but something is right.
  8. shiet isn't that inconvenient. would be nice to try tho. imagine 100 years from now...
  9. wouldn't it be cool if the controller sent an electric signal to ur nerve system and reproduced the pain at the right spot. maybe in some years they'll start to take the realism to a whole new level
  10. nikoor


    Im curious to know too?
  11. nikoor

    Controls for Xbox One

    we absolutely need different sensitivity settings for scopes, ads and over the shoulder. I like my movement and look sensitivity high and aim sens a bit slower.
  12. nikoor


  13. nikoor


    same problem
  14. nikoor


    So the bloody wolves just killed me coz I couldn't reload my weapon like I could the last time before I quit the game so there you go keep my 40€ im done a week looting and gearing...
  15. nikoor


    1. Did cross my mind when realized the situation, didn't tho. Dropped few items from the inventory to be sure there's space for mags to switch. Did not work. 2/3. Had 5 of them fully loaded.
  16. nikoor


    can the svd spawn anywhere else than the crashsites?
  17. nikoor

    Switch fire mode is in the game.

    I noticed it works everytime if you've just picked up the weapon
  18. nikoor

    First Player Encounter (Funny)

    hah fair enough
  19. nikoor

    Ballistic vest pouches

    I found a PRESS vest with pockets, man thats heavy. so the armor actually reduces damage taken? what would be the best choice for vest and helmet?
  20. nikoor

    a different reloading issue

    Couple of days back when I had m4 and full clips for it I could shoot couple shots, hit Y and I reloaded a fresh 30round clip in it. No fuzz, simple as that, worked like a charm. Today I tried to reload the same way and nothing happened, had to drop the mag and combine the gun with a new one. Is that just another bug or does it matter where you store your mags in inventory? Had them on my pants today, can't remember for sure but last time they were in my vest
  21. nikoor

    Downed Helocopters ??

    and they appear in 3 or 4 different locations per server
  22. nikoor

    Losing items dropped server time out

    few minutes ago I got the shutdown message first 10 then 5,2,1 and disconnected. Got back and lost my agoc silenced m4
  23. nikoor

    M4 suppressor and heli crash sites

    yeah just found out by random they spawn in 3 different locations at once so a bit luck needed for one to find one.
  24. nikoor

    M4 suppressor and heli crash sites

    I've been wandering the north west and tried to find those heli sites but the only thing I can find is the crashed plane, are every map out there wrong about the crash sites? or is it like they only spawn occasionally?
  25. Was wondering is there a chart or something to have an idea of guns damage to players and so on. Saw this guy and killed him with 1 akm bullet to to hip. https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nikooor/video/60001341