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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor

    Locked Doors

    yea they unlock at server restarts
  2. nikoor


    I mean why would one implement gun jamming when they don't give you the option to unjam it? Was it suppose to be funny? :D
  3. nikoor

    Mag change sound too loud?

    yes the sound is waaaay to high breaking my ears everytime
  4. nikoor

    Seems friendlier?

    Make the timer 30 seconds and have the logger yawn or whistle so it can be heard. Maybe then people would think twice when and where they decide to leave the game.
  5. nikoor


    my memory's just fine were we not talking about something else?
  6. nikoor


    Did I just hear you saying that a gun that get's jammed and cannot be unjammed isn't game breaking? Are you nuts? I mean every bug related to your survival causing you to die is definitely a game breaker. Isn't that the whole point? To survive?
  7. nikoor

    Seems friendlier?

    Yes I've noticed this too. On the other hand when you are raiding someone's car you will get shot. After locating him in double red he pussied out and logged.. smh. Can just hope they do something about combat logging...
  8. nikoor

    True or False

    If the rooster crows, and there's nobody around to hear, does it make a sound?
  9. So as we were travelling around my friend kept going yellow on water pretty quick all the time, he noticed his infection levels were rising when he used his canteen. So I tried it myself, yep the water was no good. The strange thing is when I gave him (forced) water it was ok but when he took my bottle the infection levels started to rise again and so did mine when I tried the bottle I just gave to him. Is his gear infected or was he just sick and he infected the bottle I gaved to him?
  10. nikoor

    Is my friend sick or what?

    I suppose you mean the sneezing and coughing? heard it's bad but the buddy of mine never had any other symptoms.
  11. nikoor

    Is my friend sick or what?

    yea that's the conclusion we came up with in the end but it did seem strange when it first happened. he didn't have any symbols that suggested an illness of anykind, just the rising bacteria levels which passed to me after drinking from a bottle he's used.
  12. nikoor

    Is my friend sick or what?

    I've never had problems drinking from the pumps it's allways been pristine
  13. nikoor

    Is my friend sick or what?

    that's the thing, as soon as he fills a clean botlle from the pumps he starts to get ill it's like everything he touch gets infected
  14. nikoor


    why would anyone even build a base at the current state of the game
  15. nikoor

    To all combat loggers.

    increase the log out timer to 30sec and make the logger play somekind of sound so people can rush and kill them pussies. you won't believe how many i've seen sat down in the last 2weeks..smh
  16. nikoor

    Ballistic vest stamina penalty.

    definitely, allways wearing one
  17. nikoor

    Bohemia please add directional voice chat!

    it's the latest add on
  18. nikoor

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    that is the new
  19. nikoor

    Standardized suppressor spawns

    can you actually repair them? im out off duct tape.
  20. nikoor


    I've noticed the barrels despawn in about 2 days, tents after just one. Also the locked doors reset every server restart or when you get the 'red-message' and got kicked out.
  21. nikoor

    Standardized suppressor spawns

    shame they get ruined after 30 bullets :/ I mean how realistic is that?
  22. nikoor


    too bad the mines are pretty much useless since they despawn after couple of hours... I've layed out couple and they dissapear within the same day..
  23. nikoor

    Rain never ending

    you the one who combat logged at the atc? :)
  24. nikoor

    Any FPP survivor's here?

    3rd person is cancer in any game for me. Can't wait to have a fpp server!
  25. nikoor

    Crosshair completely unaligned with gun

    yes this messes things up quite a bit but what I've noticed too if you place your crosshair (little dot) on to something and you then ads the crosshair is way off where it initially was. even more when you go to your scope.