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Everything posted by nikoor

  1. nikoor

    So i was thinking while playing today..

    Can see them both happening if we ever get private servers or modding (in some degree). Or, they could just add a server or two with these modifications, wouldn't hurt anyone.
  2. nikoor


    ya'll just confusing people here at the xbox section #pcmasterrace
  3. nikoor

    Radio silence

    how cool would it be if the party chat didn't work with the game and we actually had to use the walkie talkies to communicate with eachothers. hell I'd join a server like that
  4. nikoor

    Traps and Fox holes

    they seem to be harder to find, for me at least. been roaming vmc-nwaf-tisy for a week now, opened hundreds or doors but nothing.
  5. nikoor

    Stashes despawning!?!

    not sure why I assumed HC propably cos I saw you in one of them when the servers first came. I'd suppose they're here to stay but they need to fix the starting perspective first, ain't playing on them until they do.
  6. nikoor

    Stashes despawning!?!

    in on of the european HC servers? i'd like have some action
  7. nikoor

    loading inhibition

    I bet my left nut the guns condition has nothing to do with the jamming. I've had more jams with worn guns than damaged. Once I found a fx-45 in good condition, a guy came right after, I chambered one round, shot him, next thing I know the gun broke and couldn't reload. I've gone for a rampage with a badly damaged ak and shot multiple mags with it without a problem.
  8. nikoor

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    yes I know the difference by name and cosmetics. They're named the same on xbox too but all the charts I've seen shows both of them having exact same stats for bullet protection, bleed and stuff. And this is what I keep hearing. After giving it a second look I'd think the plate carrier protects you more than press vest but how to tell when there's no actual up to date data to present the stuff.
  9. nikoor

    Controls for Xbox One

    So as a game tester I feel like I need to do this. This is what I've come up with for a better controller experience: LT = Aim (as it is) RT = Fire & Interact (as it is). Also placing objects should be here ie. tires and other car parts. Hard punch could be as a HOLD of the trigger?! Also opening the canned tuna here as it already says it in the game. LB (hold) = Free look & Hold breath while aiming. Easy to use together with RB to zoom around ie. while running. RB (hold) = Zoom (as it is). Now this is where you need to remove hard punch and opening a canned tuna and assign them to either Y (press) or RT (hold). Who else hate doing the hard punch while running hands empty when you just try to zoom around? Same for the car parts etc, attach with RT. LT + LS/RS = Lean left/right (when implemented). Would also work while scoped in. Now this is where it comes tricky regarding holding your breath (it can't be on the sticks obviously). What I'd suggest is that while aiming through scope/iron sights you simply press LB which toggles the function on (give us the option to choose from hold/press?). It's doable especially for people using the claw grip. Also would work better with LB for people not using claw since you can tap it with your base of an index finger, while holding LT. A bit awkward but doable. Why not RB you may think? Simple, you'd have to take your index finger off from the trigger which I doubt many would want to do especially if it would require holding of the said button. Y = Keep it as it is. Just fix that you can actually reload with it given that you have room for the empty magazine to go to in your preferred clothing. Pressing Y now acts also as a hold so a proper fix there needed. Hard punch could be here too if can't be implemented to RT as a HOLD. X = Keep it as it is, interact, picking up items to your inventory. Now that you gave us an option to drop items straight from hands by holding X, give us the option to pick up an item to hands by aiming on the said item and holding X. It would swap anything you have in your hand too just like pressing A via inventory screen. Would save some time without the need of opening the inventory screen all the time. A/B = No changes needed. Changing fire mode: Adding it to LS was just stupid no offense. People who tap LS to do quick sprints (start sprint and soon cancel sprint) while having a gun in hand messes up the fire mode constantly and now that you can't even tell which is it set to? Either adjust the delay between the double press so you really need to be quick to change it or add the option into the gesture menu. I don't mind tho but IMO there's way too much gestures anyway so you could change of the menus you see to just 'Fire Mode' where you could switch to which ever you want. Now you could be sure which you have. As I wrote the last sentence I realized it would be a bit awkward to do it in a middle of a firefight to be fair. Maybe just adjust the time between the two clicks that it takes to switch so it wouldn't overlap with sprinting and cancelling the sprint? It's way too long you can test it and see it for yourself. About micromanagement: It's fine as it is just let us organize our stuff inside the clothes too (move them by holding A). Bet lot of us would like to keep their stuff more organized which leads me to the ability to locking an item ie. jacket so when you pick stuff up it wouldn't go inside the said locked item. QOL update. You'd be sure you have the extra space left for your mags to go in to and never have to worry about it. It's not like you can drag the item anywhere you want to but it just goes randomly anywhere.
  10. nikoor

    Fire rate issues

    ak is allways semi-auto when you join server. m4 is full-auto. LS still works you just can't see it. keep them weapons holstered so you don't accidentally change the mode.
  11. nikoor

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    I mihgt be wrong by saying they are the same, they reduce bleeding the same amount tho. If you were press and went to a war zone to cover the news and you'd wear one you'd think it's the same as any other ballistic vest.
  12. nikoor

    Hit reg at close ranges

    strange. now that you meantioned it I recall couple of situation where I've shot a dude close range (3-5m) and wondered myself how is he not dead. bo problems when they're further like you said. here's something intreresting, I ain't picking up ak anymore. the damn thing feels like it's the same as before base building patch: https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nikooor/video/66109011
  13. nikoor

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    why have I allways believed they are the same? any info somewhere about this?
  14. nikoor

    Forced to get fully geared up?

    he might be talking about the plate carrier. for real tho bent, you don't need mili clothes at all. tactical shirt, cargo pants, press vest and you can ditch the backpack, if running with 1 weapon is fine for you. total 84 slots which is enough to be lethal and survive anything.
  15. nikoor

    Stashes despawning!?!

    I do have a habit tho to hide a barrel at north west airfield or any military base and stash a weapon there in case I get sent back to the coast but I never expect it to be there. barrels tend to stay the longest in a server in my experience tho they could be gone anytime. left our "base" few days back and while I was out for an hour the server kicked me out with the red "no message received" message and went back to the base only to discover 6 barrels and a tent had dissapeared. the two cars we had were up in the air few meters too and not accessible.
  16. nikoor

    Stashes despawning!?!

    Yes, no point in anykind of basebuilding or stashing right now it can be 5min to 5days when they dissapear. Better just carry what you need with you until the holidays are over.
  17. nikoor

    Server Locked Characters

    I wouldn't mind at all considering what you'll get in exchange. Hell, take everything!
  18. nikoor

    Developers, you need to see this. (Soylegend)

    that's just as weird as freelook on RS
  19. Before the base building patch all I did was killing people at elektro. Straight up pvp no questions asked. For the last week or so I've tried to stay in the game chat mostly. Have had lots of positive encounters with people that I would've normally killed. Total change in play style. I don't even have my gun out now, only if I'm getting shot or holding someone. This is due to the bug you can't tell if you're on single or full auto because I tend to change the fire mode every minute since it's binded with the sprint (should definitely be changed). Funny, first bug that I'm actually glad about lol. Fix the VoIP and party issue and voilá!
  20. nikoor

    Hit reg at close ranges

    could it be because the reticle goes way off the closer you are to someone? I assume you were shooting 'over the shoulder' and not through a sight?
  21. wish they could finally fix the VoIP and party chat. Been robbing people when playing solo but there's not enough time sometimes to switch to game chat and we just end up shooting each others. Kinda wish they'd disable the party chat over the game and added more frequencies to walkie talkies. Can allways dream tho.
  22. nikoor

    Poll. Does having free look on RS bother you?

    Yes LB would work for both just fine. Basically what pubg has and that's the only thing good about the said game hah.
  23. nikoor

    Xbox Update 18/12/2018

    this happens on ALL the servers at the same TIME. frustrating. also the wind sound seems to get louder or quieter on one of the freezes.
  24. nikoor

    Are there any cars to fix ??

    yes the 4x4 is in the game, got 2 working ones at the moment. the truck is not yet in. I'd suggest you download the iZurvive app and start roaming the streets of chernarus!
  25. nikoor


    5min to few days