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    On the Coast
  1. I've been a fan of Days since Arma 2 on PC, it lead my to buy standalone on PC, but as I'm a console player, I stopped playing when updates wernt happening. OK! Things that definitely need changing whether you agree or not, it will boost the fan base on consoles. 1. Make Controls EXACTLY the same as PUBG! - This WILL attract their fan base as they can simply transfer their skill from one to the other. 2.HUNGER AND THURST - At the moment, it's an absolute joke, yeah there are acception that will comment on forums saying how easy they manage to get gear, Well yeah, SOMEONE has to right? As it stands right now, you literally drain after 5 minutes, if you pay with a group as I do, (one friend even asked for refund and got it from Microsoft... but that's another story), if you play in a group, guarantee there is one member who seems to die alot, what's that say? either new comers are going to HATE this game as they aren't use to the game or....... The game needs changing. Either way, you WILL lose fans, either new or current. 3.INVENTORY - This is a mess, again, make the controls the same as PUBG, Yeah I am a PUBG fan boy incase you didn't know, but I was Dayz first. PUBG seemed to have listened and look how successful that is. The inventory is just too complicated, it may be great, but if you're new... again, it's gonn a make you HATE the game. 4. SERVERS - I'm from the UK, the recommended servers are NL (Netherlands), yet they lag like cr*p. US actually work better. Also how?! How are the servers on console the exact same as PC in regards to "Failed to join" blah blah blah cr*p? Surely they should be more stable on Console, everyone is kinda in the same playing field. 5. CRAFTING/COMBINING - I don't have a clue what I'm doing, the "Tutorial" does not help at alllllll. 6.HUD - not a big problem as it's should in my head and I thank Chandler from friends - "Could the text, BE any smaller"? Had to whip out a telescope earlier... 7. IDEAS - Not my ideas and are already part of Days Mode, we need Group Huds, have hard-core servers for those who don't want this feature, but have "Bambi" servers for those who would like to, my friend who got the refund is rather clumsily on games, he's nearly killed me a few times on PUBG not seeing my Name above me, so got knows what he would be like on DayZ, rather glad he got refund, saves me the DayZ stress. But Group His would help alot. YOU LOT HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY READ SIMILAR THINGS HUNDREDS OF TIMES OVER THE YEARS AND THIS TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE COMPANY WHO HAD A GOOD IDEA BUT BAD SERVICE HAVE IGNORED AND PROBABLY WILL AGAIN. But do what your fans F*cking say or I guarantee! you will lose alot more fans, I mean, you already have lost a tonne already. Don't make it any worse. Putting this on CONSOLE is your very last chance, grab it with both hands and right your wrongs.