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Everything posted by Skruffy

  1. Skruffy

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    I'll make my way down there. I can donate some stuff like... Tac Bacon Bandages Can Openers .45 Rounds 7.62x54 Rounds 7.62x39 Rounds 5.56 Rounds Waterproof Bag Ammo Container Yellow Strong Box
  2. Skruffy


    Never knew duct tape could repair back backs. But it would seem you could could use either
  3. Skruffy


    Yea. You need a leather sewing kit. It's got like a brown image with what appear to be pins. The regular sewing kit, the box with what appear to be flowers is for clothes. For either one simply put it in your hands, open inventory and press b(combine) on the item to repair. This will repair it without removing it. To repair something on the ground simply equip the kit, and look at item and hold RT.
  4. Skruffy

    Broken Bones & Detaining

    Yea I seem to recall that as well. The broken limb system is mainly affecting gunshot wounds, so it goes with the bleedout/unconscious system. In DayZ Mod. You could shoot a players legs, break them, they would be unconscious, you could loot them, and then they would have to crawl. If you were nice and had morphine, you would leave it so they could heal whilst you run away. Now I'm not sure the full scope of the broken limbs is in the game to that extent, but I believe they are in relation to fall height.
  5. Skruffy

    How long till loot despawns?

    When a server gets reset I believe. If you get disconnected and the server doesnt reset it will be there. When it performs its usual server reset period.. then it will despawn
  6. Skruffy

    [Suggestion] Servers

    Hello follow survivors, I would like this more to be a suggestion thread in the Hope's that things work out with the servers. I have noticed how on day 2 they were up at 600 servers available, and getting into games was not difficult. As of late, we are kind of in the 150-250 server range and joining a game is almost unbearable at this point. There are times when I am first in queue and get in almost instantaneously, but these are at odd hours, like 6-8p EST. Many of the Netherlands servers are unjoinable, as many go into them as they are at the top of the list. Even servers that show me to have 6-20 players, there is often a 10, 20 even 40 player queue. This is unbearable. I understand devs asked people to queue in smaller servers, but if you cut down the server numbers, no matter what the population is, there is a queue. As of typing this message to this sentence, I was in a 15 player queue and now I am 4th, on a supposed 8 pop server. The suggestion is to spread out the servers and keep a consistent 400-500 servers. DayZ is no doubt popular, but the lack of servers and queues is unreal. Perhaps it would be best to create some small pop servers. At the time of reading this, I have entered the game. Happy surviving.
  7. Skruffy

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    The only frame drops I notice are allegedly from people spawning near me. Whether this is the true cause of this I dont know. But I have noticed since latest update it's been a bit sluggish on the frames and the lag where your character glitches and looks like Tony hawk trying to do a 1080x6.
  8. Skruffy

    Game is unplayable!

    Well I had noticed this on my Xbox One S. Occasionally it would freeze, or even just crash randomly. They rolled out a few stability patches on this but if it is an ongoing issue, just do as you have done and wait for a stability patch. I know it is a pain and hard to work with as inventory is a large if not one of the largest components of the game. However, I reiterate what is on the first splash screen "you may experience bugs with an early access title". Oddly enough, the game may not seem like a huge or overly detailed game but to render what it does, takes some power. Unfortunately I do not believe it is optimized for anything but the xbox one X.
  9. Skruffy

    Any update today

    Agreed. As the old saying goes "I'll believe it when I see it" or "I'll believe it when @ImpulZ puts up the patch notes for that week." Best to hold out and just wait. Many features are highly anticipated but what I have learn from the few early acces titles I own.. Play it as is. Enjoy it as it is. Don't expect an update. Just play and enjoy what you have. Then when the update comes out of no where, it's like a spark to a fire in a cold rainy dark night. It just shines ever brightly and brings back your feels.
  10. Skruffy

    Mosin still has problems!

    Last I recall there never was an xbox fix for the mosin. It is a known bug and can be viewed on the sticky thread labeled "KNOWN BUGS" in the xbox forum. Personally I dont mind it. As a sniper in dayZ should only be firing 1 or 2 bullets before moving. 2 bullets per 60 seconds should be enough to get a kill and secure your own survival to avoid a counter sniper or someone sneaking up on you
  11. Skruffy

    People taking a lot of bullets ?

    I have this issue as well sometimes. Zombie will die in 1 bullet. Zombie will die in 5 bullets. Player with no gear will die in 1 bullet. Player with full gear will die in 5-10 bullets.
  12. Skruffy


    Not current version but yes. Current version is here. Check my comment. 2nd or 3rd on thread.
  13. Skruffy

    Xbox announce upcoming M&K support

    Not really. Xbox already has cross play with many games. Ark and fortnite for example. Take a game like fortnite. The user with the keyboard and mouse will almost always out shoot a controller player. Faster reflex, better recoil, hotkeys for building, the list goes on. I dont see this as an issue for single player games. Its multiplayer that this becomes an issue. Shooters in particular. You dont need a mouse and keyboard to play with pc players, you need it to be on level playing field. The issue arises where say a game like DayZ implements the old inventory system where items are drag and drop, combined and stacked in inventory. All that. A controller player would be at a serious disadvantage
  14. Skruffy

    handheld transceiver

    No ear pieces. Yes they work. Yes they have channel selector. Yes you can turn on and put in backpack, you will have to be careful because people can hear it in proximity. It also beeps when battery is low
  15. Knife for skinning animals and attacking zombies. Canteen and water purification tablets Blood test kit, blood bag, iv drip and saline solution Bandages Morphine for broken limbs. Cooking pot for making food
  16. Skruffy

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    This is from the official tweet on @DayZ on twitter: XBOX PLAYERS: So far we've been restarting the servers every 2 hours to make sure the performance is good. Recently, we implemented some stability improvements. That allows us to experiment with restarts every 5 hours, so your gameplay isn't interrupted as often. Check out @DayZ’s Tweet: I think this a fantastic change and I cannot wait for it to be standard 5 hours. Thank you BI and the DayZ Dev Team!
  17. Skruffy

    Xbox announce upcoming M&K support

    I think this is a bad call. Take many shooting games for example. The possible advantage you have using a mouse to control recoil, plus when you factor in hotkeys, a mouse and keyboard vs a controller, the M&K has a better shot at winning. I could understand it for some specific games where that wouldnt give an advantage in multiplayer is fine, but universal. Idk that could be bad. We will have to see how they implement.
  18. Skruffy


    This wasnt what op was asking. They were asking about playable maps and the history behind the other maps which occurred in the arma 2 dayz mod dayz iZurvive is the app for the current map
  19. Skruffy

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    Flashlights are in game. I have seen and used them as well as turn on the light. Can you post which admin made this claim? To the best of my understanding night time is already implemented. We simply dont see it because of the reset times. If the server starts at 12p locked and wont change, 2 hours or 5 hours wont show night time. So that would support the claim, but I'm pretty sure this is due to the servers uptime timer starting in the early am. As such we wont have night time due to that. But we will see. If they really plan to go into beta without 5-8 hour servers and no night time.. im going to start questioning things. How can we enter the beta build in a month or 2 without night time. As I simply stated this update and experiment may not show night time but... An introduction meaning could be coming soon..
  20. Skruffy


    Oh if that is the case people have been claiming on xbox if you're dropping gear for a friend, it kicks you, you need to join same server and it will be there so you won't lose it.
  21. Skruffy

    Xbox server 101, 102, etc.?

    I would imagine that it could be a few things 1. Available for players while servers are being reset/maintenance. 2. The showing that there can be custom server names and a test/tease at private servers. 3. Xbox experimental or stress branch
  22. Skruffy


    Please read the beta status update for more information on vehicles.
  23. Skruffy

    Name change

    No problem save travels and happy surviving
  24. Skruffy


    What is your definition of persistence within the realm of DayZ? Persistence in a nutshell is the ability for things to be carried over across server restarts, be it a weapon, a body, a tent, a vehicle, whatever. Items that are persistent do not disappear during restarts. All inventory items are persistent across restarts. as tents, vehicles are not in game there is no way to define that. Character save data including location and inventory is persistent
  25. Skruffy

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    Actually.... we may be seeing dusk. I'm not sure if the boot up time will be later, but we may actually see a bit of night if you are at the end of the server uptime If this experiment works it very well could be the introduction to night time gameplay