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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    1.03 Stability

    Lol if you think there is testing going on. Seriously don't know how M$ is letting these patches get thru. 1.03 on PC is a horrible joke. Go see for yourself.
  2. Man Parts 241

    Bought an Xbox One X for this game

    Bet you're regretting it now lol
  3. Man Parts 241

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    If you're not doing what you love, you're doing it wrong.
  4. Man Parts 241

    Dayz Battle royale: quest for M4

    You have no idea. Honestly, you sound like a cod kid. Don't bother replying. Putting you in the 'Ignore' bag with Pilgrim.
  5. Man Parts 241

    Selected Servers going Offline on May 27th!

    No, they're not. This ain't PC. We're Xbox. Pffft... Edit: Was in PC earlier, looks like 1.03 did on a number on the game smh. Even those guys are on some wtf shit with BI. This shit's bonkers...
  6. Man Parts 241

    Selected Servers going Offline on May 27th!

    No, I don't play shit games. Day Z can be a great game. It already has enough to be so. All they have to do is fix what's already there.
  7. Man Parts 241

    Selected Servers going Offline on May 27th!

    Is anyone really surprised?! This is BI we're talking about. This only solidifies my previous statement. Bi is hands down the worse dev I've ever encountered.
  8. Lol, you must be new here. Just saying... we been beating this horse carcass since before 1.0.
  9. Man Parts 241

    Base building

    Bad programming... You'll get use to it. These devs are the worse.
  10. Man Parts 241

    1.03 update info - coming soon!

    Another meaningless update IF duping isn't fixed.
  11. Man Parts 241

    First KOS encounter

    Same. And I'm always in game chat, talking, yada yada yada yada, but mil zones are kos no matter what. If you're not there(nwaf) to pvp, then what ARGGGG ya doin?
  12. Man Parts 241

    Help can’t find tent anywhere

    They've been duped to legendary rarity. They only come in Lama's.
  13. Man Parts 241

    Character creation

  14. I've come to realize that this game can be really fucked at times and it really is due to development. I found a base today at a radio tower. I circled it noticing that it was indeed a complete base with a two story watchtower. I approached it cautiously and spoke out, “I'm friendly if anyone is home. Hello. Hello.” No answer. I waited. I found the gate, opened it, it didn't have a lock (why would it?) and went inside. I looked around and nobody was home. Only thing I found was a buried stash. I didn't have a shovel, so I left to find one. A buddy hmu and says he's close do I want to meet up. I'm like, “Sure. I found a base. I need a shovel. Be on the lookout for one.” We start making our way towards each other. He finds another base or more like a camp with two military tents camo'd and a barrel. We rob that place first. I meet him there, I loot up on stuff I needed like ammo and mags, etc. We make our way back to the base with the stash while looting for a shovel. I find a shovel. We head back. I decide to ghost into the corner of the base where there's a perfect hiding spot I noticed earlier. My buddy gets in before I do and heads into the shack. I spawn in-between the gate and the wall the base owner built. I couldn't move at all. I had to log out, log into a new server, move a few feet, and then back into the base's server. As soon as I spawn in I'm standing behind a tree and I ask my buddy, “You're in the shack, right?” He says yeah. I'm like ok and proceed to empty my MP5 mag into this guy crouched on the other side of the tree up against a wall. I couldn't take no chances with this guy. He was obviously listening to my buddy moving around in the shack, waiting with gun in hand for an opportunity to kill him. https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/video/74239556 My buddy takes the shovel and buries the guy. As he's burying this guy he starts noticing stashes. They're everywhere. The crazy thing is I know duper stashes and these weren't it. The loot was random asf and so was the drybags, containers, etc. Even the dude himself was dressed in random clothes. I felt like shit. And then I say to myself, “That's Day Z.” As I smh and think, should it really be like that?
  15. Man Parts 241

    Buggy - xbox s

    Stutters and the freezing for a sec could be players spawning in and out the server. This happens a lot in full to high pop servers. The larger cities also tend to cause stutters and freezing. I know it's not always ideal, but it really is best to play on servers that are in your region. I'm US NY/WD and I'm on the OG Xbone. Besides the recent freezing issue I had (hard reset fixed it btw), I only get stutters and freezing when I'm in large cities or when I'm in large crowds of players.
  16. Man Parts 241

    Nasty people around....

    Sounds like me back in the day lmao. The best is when your friend is in his inventory, you know he's not a cannibal, you slowly creep up, with de steak in hand mind u, and begin to feed him. Good times.
  17. Man Parts 241

    I really hope this wasn't you...

    Server hopping. Without it there is no ghosting or duping. Think about it. If there was no server hopping I'm pretty sure he would have put on a lock on the gate securing his base. I would of had to either find a lock pick, guess the password, find something to break a wall, or just say fuck it and keep it moving. The entire situation would have played differently. On the server hopping for little gain part, I'd say you're wrong. You can server hop any military crate spawn or tent and be geared in about an hour or less.
  18. You have to stay on a swivel at ALL times. This is very true, OP.
  19. Man Parts 241

    Controls for Xbox One

  20. Man Parts 241

    off topic brainstorming

    My scariest story? This one time I log in and I'm standing in the middle of the forest. It was pitch black nighttime. I started walking forward after getting my bearings and what did I hear? A pack of wolves. You know what I did? I sat my ass down and logged off. I'm with the shit sometimes. Just not that kind lol. But yes, I would love it if there was a bigfoot that spawned on the map. Just one per server tho. Skinning it would give you a full ghillie suit. No crafting needed. Tie an acheevo to it as well. And make it an inland spawn only. And extremely dangerous. Ohk
  21. Shit's not even playable for me. I load up the game, go to choose a server, in the middle of me scrolling thru servers looking for my home server the game freezes up completely. And this is why I tell people not to purchase this shit. Back to TD2 smh...
  22. Man Parts 241

    Anyone else constantly freezing?

    Hard reset (hold xbox button for 10 seconds) on my console did the trick.
  23. Man Parts 241

    Anyone else constantly freezing?

    End thread. I fixed it.
  24. Man Parts 241

    Sometimes I just want to shoot my gun...

    Oh, I do. Living right on the edge of Krasnostav.
  25. but I don't. You never know who can be lurking close by.