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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    Where’s the bow?

    You gotta chop an ashwood tree. Green leaf w/ white grayish trunk.
  2. Man Parts 241

    Burying loot!

    Yep. Just buried two z's just to show my wife lol
  3. Man Parts 241

    Where’s the bow?

    Ashwood stick + rope = bow.
  4. Man Parts 241

    Burying loot!

    I buried some player I killed earlier. I had to, he came at me with an axe. He was on some on sight shit.
  5. DayZ Map You can toggle literally everything on or off the map. 1. All types of buildings including military, groceries, fire station, police station, etc.. 2. Water souces including wells, ponds, streams, etc.. 3. Crash sites. 4. Vehicles. 5. Animal and player spawns. 6. Towns. 7. I could go on. Also has one of the best wiki, guides, and loot table for everything dayz. Hope this helps! Comment if it does. P.S. Friendly-Berezino One Stop Shop coming soon. Look out for a cambodian looking chick with a red backpack and AK. Shop location also coming soon.
  6. Man Parts 241

    The Reality.

    Quoted for truth! I'm 34 X) Nice joined day. Jan. 4th. My b-day.
  7. Man Parts 241

    The Reality.

  8. Man Parts 241

    Character locked

    Stop server hopping in order to loot the same place.
  9. Man Parts 241

    I'm Lost

    My go to map since launch.
  10. Man Parts 241

    I'm Lost

    http://Dayztv.com Has the best interactive map that I've found so far. You can toggle all variations of buildings, animals, towns, vehicles, crash sites, water supplies, etc. on or off the map. Once you figure out where you are it becomes super easy to find anything and everything you might need. I'm still on my second life, about 20 hours in.
  11. Man Parts 241

    Help=Cant find previous played servers

    Servers are a mess right now. Its best to wait until they release custom/private servers or fix favorited servers to actually stay in your favorite list and not disappear before planning anything long term in-game.
  12. Man Parts 241

    Night Time

    Im actually looking forward to night time. Definitely gonna change up gameplay.
  13. Man Parts 241

    M4 suppressor and heli crash sites

    I found a M4 with a suppressor already attached.
  14. Man Parts 241

    Broken/save your money

    It takes me 1-3 minutes to load in. I only kicked when server resets or when I quit when the game decides to stop giving me interaction prompts. I got the regular ass xbox with shitternet. I live in buttfuck egypt. P.S. Tip qhen picking a server. Hit RT until you get to the US servers. Scroll down past the first page. Pick a low populated server.
  15. Man Parts 241

    So...what do you guys do after playing awhile?

    I'm waiting until I can actually favorite a server and then I'll find a city and a house to settle in before I start hoarding. I plan on opening up a store. Beware ur stuff might end up for trade if u act up ????
  16. Man Parts 241

    Dehydration an Hunger

    Same. You can store water in pots too. dayztv.com has a really good interactive map as well.
  17. Man Parts 241

    Is this fun?

    I've come to realize that sprinting is your number one enemy.
  18. Man Parts 241

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    I can't see servers in my recently played even tho the counter will say 1/273 2/273 etc..
  19. Man Parts 241

    Can't drink water from natural sources.

    I thought you could just drink from ponds, rivers, etc. with your bare hands? My first death was due to starvation and dehydration. Looks like this one will be the same.
  20. Man Parts 241

    How to combine same ammo type?

    I split some .45 ammo and now i can't combine it back to one slot. Title.
  21. I'm just having a horrible time with inventory management. Items don't swap. Micromanagement you already know about. My girlfriend is a lying bitch. Doors need to open away from you, not towards you. Audio needs a huge improvement. We need to be able to hear everything. Dynamic weather. I know that this is a work in progress. I'm okay with that. I just don't wana spend most of my time posting feedback, bugs, etc., complaining about the game. I'd rather be playing the game, racking up gear, dayz survived, players killed, interactions had... This game needs a lot of fixing.
  22. Man Parts 241

    Items not swapping, inventory phukkery, inventory hell!!!

    Same. I had blood lost like crazy last night, popped a blood bag thinking that would help, passed out, woke up, couldn't move while prone, died a few seconds later.
  23. Man Parts 241

    Can't drink water from natural sources.

    I've seen people do it in-game too. I just couldn't do it. AJ has no idea...
  24. Man Parts 241

    Is this fun?

    That's pretty much how my first death went. Second one is looking to be the same. I crowbar'd this one dude cuz he had a bottle in his hand. It was empty.