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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    I know we didn't get a wipe!?

    Base and stashes. It's watevs tho. Relocate and do it again.
  2. I only got like 2 hours of daylight left. Pffft...
  3. Man Parts 241

    Vehicle spawn

    Finding a vehicle is like finding Jimmy Hoffa. We know it's there.
  4. Man Parts 241

    which city can I find a pile of wood?

    Yo can make planks by cutting logs with hacksaw. 1 log gives you 3 planks.
  5. Man Parts 241

    Barrel question.

    Yo can store anything. My suggestion would be to drop the items on floor next to barrel and then drag down to barrel.
  6. Man Parts 241

    Any one know what this item is or what it does?

    Found one on 3834 too. Super rare. Shit crazy!
  7. Man Parts 241

    Assault boots knife holster

    Any knife fits.
  8. Man Parts 241

    How do you rig the xmas lights to work?

    I havent tried. Literally as spon as I open the inventory the light goes out. Ima try when I get home.
  9. Man Parts 241

    How do you rig the xmas lights to work?

    I plug in lights at generator. They work. I go into inventory to drop in xmas light tent slot, they turn off. Ionno
  10. Man Parts 241

    Day time servers

    Known daytime servers... NL3834, 3933 Might be dark by now. Sun was starting to set like 2 hours ago on both.
  11. Man Parts 241

    Eating/drinking more often?

    Don't be fully loaded and carrying a barrel, tent, etc.. You'll be stopping every 5 minutes.
  12. https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/screenshot/10906104 20 hours... https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/screenshot/10916349
  13. Man Parts 241

    This is what 10 hours looks like. 20 hours...

    Can't attach holster to ballistic vest. ;( Started building walls around my tents. 30 hour pic tomorrow...
  14. Man Parts 241

    Staroye tents server hoppers go for the Long sleep

    Cayde will be missed!
  15. Man Parts 241

    Day Z Xbox Wiki?

    That shit is out dated https://dayz.gamepedia.com/DayZ_Standalone_Wiki
  16. Man Parts 241

    Using gas stove?

    There might not be gas in the canister. It won't prompt if empty and it also doesn't indicate it being empty neither. It really should show a percentage like the other fillable containers/bottles etc.
  17. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    True that. Gettin on in a few. Coffee, wake and bake, you know.
  18. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Lmao u me and ery one ery where
  19. Man Parts 241

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/screenshot/10916281 Me with the headlamp equipped. @RaptorM60 Added gameclip. https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/video/64280858 There are more clips of bugs etc
  20. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Server and location tomorrow...
  21. Man Parts 241

    Fix the day night cycle!

    6 hour days. Keep daylight savings. It'll be about 3:30-3:45 minutes of night and the rest daylight. Way better than what? 5 hours? That's 1 full moon a week. Thoughts?
  22. Man Parts 241

    Fix the day night cycle!

    Hate having to find a daytime server because my home server is pitch black all the time. I'll pay for a private server at 1.0... There's your monetization, BI xp
  23. Man Parts 241

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    It does... when it wants to.