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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    Factory Rooftop HOW???

    This guy gets it.
  2. Man Parts 241

    Factory Rooftop HOW???

    I too am sick and tired of being tired from carrying these damn tires. Lol
  3. Man Parts 241

    Rare item challenge

    https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/man-parts/video/68832344 Nvm diablo flipping u off in the background, but here's your proof. Eat it.
  4. Man Parts 241

    Rare item challenge

    These boots are legit in the game. That's about all I have to say about that. I'll post a clip from xbox dvr laterz.
  5. Man Parts 241

    Helo Crash Sites

    It's the only Vsd spawn location in the game. Pretty sure that's the only thing that makes them special.
  6. Man Parts 241

    Rare item challenge

    You sonofabitch lol I was gonna post these jawns. A buddy of mine found these a few days ago. And they're assault boots!? I fucks wit dem.
  7. If they're too lazy to do it, why do it for them? Rhetorical question btw. No need for an answer.
  8. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

  9. Man Parts 241

    Time to Kill

    Lol Belonged to you? Lol
  10. Man Parts 241

    Time to Kill

    Can you really blame people at this point for hopping? Blame BI for not giving us private and or character locked servers. Easy fix = character locked servers. Problem solved. P.S. get off that high horse.
  11. Man Parts 241


    Yep, and that's why when they do implement k&m, they will have their own servers seperate from controller users. Without aim assist k&m is OP against controllers.
  12. Man Parts 241


    It's cOLD in here.
  13. Man Parts 241

    Just started playing. Some small quirks.

    I thought you meant a real single player mode with missions and or a goal. You're basically talking about a private server by yourself. Pffftt...
  14. Man Parts 241

    Just started playing. Some small quirks.

    Single player? Link or it didn't happen.
  15. Man Parts 241

    Time to Kill

    One shot to head and vital spots. That's about it. This is not cod, halo, destiny, etc. There is no TTK. Ballistic vest and helmets reduce bullet damage. That's about it.
  16. Man Parts 241

    Xbox servers down :(

    It's the 1.0 update. Not only did it break DayZ, like past updates, it also broke Xbox Live lmao.
  17. Man Parts 241

    character selection

    You are not alone.
  18. LB. It's not even being used.
  19. Man Parts 241

    Loot respawns

    If you die, leave, and someone is there, your shit will still be there as long as there's someone in vicinity. I literally just died, left, came back, and suicided until I got a spawn close to my stuff. I was in electro btw. My buddy was there standing next to my corpse. I got all of my stuff back. Just a heads up. 4416 has some jackass thinking he's a dj in electro. Just found out you can't kill speakers lol
  20. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    We can never have a good thing. Log in, walls missing, loot all over the ground, the place is a mess. Like, dafuq was the point of destroying walls? There's multiple ways in. Obvious ones too. I just can't lol Going back to NWAF to kill some shit. Smh, I swear man. Some people...
  21. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

  22. Man Parts 241

    Loot respawns

    Offhand? Lol looks like I was right.
  23. Man Parts 241


    Lmao. Do they ever. Pffft...
  24. Man Parts 241

    Loot respawns

    Loot respawns has nothing to do with server restarts. It's based on proximity. Pick up an item, walk far enough away, walk back, new loot.
  25. Man Parts 241

    Safe Island

    Anything other than military and prison gear? Tools, building mats, food, water spawn, etc?