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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    And love Ming Ming
  2. Man Parts 241

    How's the community?

    That's every community lol. What are we ungrateful for? I really want to know.
  3. Man Parts 241

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    It'll never be complete. It's been in development hell for how many years now? You people are hilariously delusional. BI working hard? Every patch breaks something in the game. Dafuq are you on... Fucking dev didn't even know how to put something on a stick lmao, but they're dedicated. Foh... Literally the only dev I've ever seen break their game with every patch. Smh kids these dayz...
  4. Man Parts 241

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    I stick to one game. Not enough time for game hopping. Pun intended? I was expecting this to be it for at least another six months to a year but development hell is pushing me away. I'm good.
  5. Man Parts 241

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    Yeah shotgunning kids was fun last night. Pilgrim is butthurt bout something ionno lol. Yeah I still play. It's my go to game atm. Come the 22nd I'll be done. Until then I'll be making everyone's life a living hell in-game.
  6. Man Parts 241

    BK-133 Player Opinions

    Started using it last night. Good weapon imho for both z's and players. Buckshot ftw!
  7. Man Parts 241

    Stone Fireplace

    Beanz are a good thing. Why would you think it's bad? Beanz keep you alive in-game. I'm so lost lol Still smfh...
  8. Man Parts 241

    Stone Fireplace

    Smfh X/
  9. Sounds like you got the shitternet. Hamster on a wheel attached to potato connected with bread tie wiring. Lmao I ain't shit o.0
  10. Man Parts 241


    You're talking about soft-skills and the devs already said it will be added... eventually. The idea is to have your stamina bar tied to how long you have been alive. The longer you survive the longer your bar gets. Another example is continuously chopping of trees decreases how long it takes to chop trees. Etc. Youtuber M1ND1R has the video.
  11. Man Parts 241

    How active?

    Not worth the $40. Definitely won't be worth $60 when 1.0 releases. Save your money. The Xbox port was a cash grab.
  12. Man Parts 241

    How's the community?

  13. Man Parts 241

    How's the community?

    How's the community? It's dead and literally nothing has changed. If anything it's worse since now we have to hold the chat button to chat, duping has made finding a weapon the rarest find in the game, and I could go on. We have base building tho. Pointless. Spend dayz, weeks, etc to build a base only to have it wiped due to a server crash or update wipe. It's still a kos shit show.
  14. Man Parts 241

    Rare item challenge

    https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/cann-ah-bul/screenshot/11509699 Found these on a bus last night.
  15. Man Parts 241

    Character Gone?!

    BI game development strikes again. o.0
  16. Man Parts 241

    I think xbox 1.0 will be the next big update

    By then the rest of us who are still playing would have moved on. As always with games nowadays, too little too late. I won't be coming back. Anthem looks like it'll be my next go to game. Waited years for this, played for a few months, burnt out on waiting for updates and patches. When they do come they break the game. Pffft... BI has proven they're not up to making this game the way they and we want it to be. Patches break shit that was fixed and or already working. Updates add half of a mechanic or feature. Why dafuq are there trucks parts and no truck? X/ Sure 1.0 will add shit, fix shit, and most likely break shit but like I said, too little too late.
  17. Man Parts 241

    Server Restart

    Not sure on reset times. What do you mean survive the reset?
  18. Man Parts 241

    Time to Kill

    Nice try. Pffft
  19. Man Parts 241

    Stone Fireplace

    It works now?
  20. Man Parts 241

    Time to Kill

    I'm assuming pilgrim quoted me with some dumbass response about this and that not being Day Z. Amirite? I've been ignored pilgrim, so I can't see their post. I suggest you do the same lol.
  21. Man Parts 241

    Multiple characters?

    Got three characters all in the same general area. One main, two backups for revenge.
  22. Man Parts 241

    BOHEMIA PLEASE READ ME Combat logging in this a game need to be fixed

    Orrrrrrrr you could just not suck. It's a hardcore survival game with shooter elements. Not the other way around. Survive, fool.
  23. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    Another update that breaks the game. WTF happened to in-game chat. I have to hold the down d-pad to talk now??? How? How do we play and chat now? Everyone thank BI for killing player interaction and getting everyone I come across killed and eatened. Smfh
  24. Man Parts 241

    The devs are bandits survival >>> guns

    That stream was unbearable to watch at times. It also proves how out of touch they are and how little they care about Xbox. How don't you know how to put steak on a stick in your own game?! Inb4 that was the PC team playing. They should've had their "Xbox team" playing don't y'all think. Pfft...
  25. Man Parts 241

    Factory Rooftop HOW???

    Diablo found a base on top of the gas station just west of Electro. Got wiped tho.