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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    Board??? RP Anyone?

    If we ever get private servers.
  2. Man Parts 241

    I fucking love this game!!!

  3. Man Parts 241

    Why I quit Dayz

    "Don't try anything!!!" Lmao
  4. Man Parts 241

    My experience so far.

    It's just frustrating is all. The potential is there. Development is not.
  5. Man Parts 241

    Resources and supplies

    This game is easy. Dafuq u on about? o.0
  6. Man Parts 241

    State of the Game

    I would rent / purchase a server. I would also love community servers. Trying to do it ourselves is no bueno since we can't admin tho. People would find out we have a bunch of friendlies being all friendly and best of friends on this friendly ass server and they'll just come and fuck it all up. And then the motto becomes, "Why Can't We Just Be Friends?" If you guys/gals decide on a server tho, I'll swing thru on Man Parts. I think i'm up by Orlovets making my way down town... (you know the words lol)
  7. Man Parts 241

    State of the Game

    It's because nothing kinda matters at the moment. We need mechanics like temperature, disease, broken bones, a working day night cycle, a weather cycle, locked servers, etc to slow the game's pacing down. I know this may be hard on some but I feel like it should be game chat only with push to talk. I'd really like to use the walkie talkies etc. Locked servers + game chat only would help to promote their usage. Loot needs to rarer. Death should be harsher. Respawn timer double'd if player dies in quick succession or something ionno. PvP is the only thing to do on the real for real. Surviving is way too easy.
  8. Man Parts 241

    Base De-Spawning

    Lol derp
  9. Man Parts 241


    I'll be on tomorrow 12pm est. Man Parts
  10. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Status: Open Server: US ???? Location: Mobile No Shirt No Service: Shop hours vary. (Open) means just that. I'm currently online. Check here for times I have a lot of stuff. It's all free. Don't be greedy. Items subject to change. One person allowed in at a time. When entering store there should be nothing in your hands. Any sign of a weapon or hostility and you're dead. Game chat only. Announce yourself. I'm here to help survivors with items they may be missing or want. Not kill people. I have other games for that. I'm still out here surviving! GT is Man Parts
  11. Man Parts 241

    Heat Map

    Player count is low. Only time I see players is when I'm at the emporium.
  12. Man Parts 241


    Got one stashed. Looking for the civilian/medium tent.
  13. Man Parts 241


    I only need one. If not, it's koo. The search continues...
  14. Man Parts 241


    I'll trade you 3 boxes of nails, 3 hammers, a saw, and a shovel for a medium tent. Just found a box and got 2 from friends.
  15. Man Parts 241

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Trading 3 boxes of nails and or other building materials for medium tent.
  16. Man Parts 241

    Car Tire Repair?

    Another half ass implemented mechanic like crafting leather?
  17. Man Parts 241


    I found two boxes in a month. I had to resort to using other unsavory "methods" for base building. I know base building should take a while, but it shouldn't take six irl months to build a one story watchtower... if that. And just imagine not having friends to help looking for mats.
  18. Man Parts 241

    Base builders off limits Truce

    Surviving is easy. Doesn't matter if you're geared or not. Fun is subjective. That's Day Z for ya.
  19. Man Parts 241

    Server wipe soon?

    They said we're getting a patch and then 1.0. 1.0 is a guaranteed complete game wipe.
  20. Man Parts 241

    Server wipe soon?

    Persistence is not guaranteed. 4209 got wiped last night too.
  21. Man Parts 241

    How active?

    Environmental byproduct for sure. Case in point? Me. I was a huge fan until I saw BI break something in-game with every patch/update, major complaints getting ignored, half ass implemented mechanics and features, devs who clearly don't have a clue(watch their latest stream lmao), I could go on... Years into development and this game is still shit technically speaking and it's still missing a lot of key features and mechanics. Pffft...
  22. Man Parts 241

    garbage visuals?

    Regular ass xbone, no external, looks great. Maybe it's your TV.
  23. Man Parts 241

    whats going on with the loot on xbox

    I'm aota at this point. BI has driven me to madness. I'll be out of everyone's hair shortly. Until then I'm running around as a Cambodian chick, eating people, and throwing up bases when I want somewhere to chill and cook DE Steak. Have a good weekend everyone!
  24. Man Parts 241

    whats going on with the loot on xbox

    Smh at this entire thread. OP can't find a gun. I'm calling bullshit. IJ's, shotties, and the IZ spawns everywhere. Peace is a derp. Writes an essay for what? Tl:dr Bandito obviously hasn't been following the game. You'd know what nhow said is confirmed if ya did. Dayz and fear. Pointless replies. Ryan is da g.o.a.t.. On topic: All guns kill shit. You don't need an AR.
  25. Man Parts 241

    Stone Fireplace

    Sledgehammer works as well. The oven looks awesome btw.