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Man Parts 241

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Everything posted by Man Parts 241

  1. Man Parts 241

    Sometimes I just want to shoot my gun...

    Oh, I know. I'm not saying I'm against this aspect of the game. I just can't see myself having the fun I want when I know there might be someone lurking in proximity. Sometimes I just want to shoot zombies without the nervousness and anxiousness, ya know. And yes, we need to embrace other play styles. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Man Parts 241

    Sometimes I just want to shoot my gun...

    Found this great house and garage in Berezino. Think i'll ever stay there? For what, to be kos while building in my bob the builder outfit that took forever to find? I'm good.
  3. Man Parts 241

    Dayz Battle royale: quest for M4

    I see what you're saying, now imagine it was shotty and and bolt rifle/SKS that was being duped. Just saying, eryone has a weapon preference. It just sucks for those who want and or like the guns that are being duped to extinction.
  4. Man Parts 241


    You can store backpacks in stashes such as drypacks or in barrels. You cannot put stuff in the backpacks and then stash/store them away tho. Certain items u can tho like pots, containers, pouches, etc..
  5. This is never the way to go. Bitching and complaining gets results. We need more people bitching and complaining tbh. Then again, this is BI we're talking about so nvm...
  6. Man Parts 241

    Anyone else constantly freezing?

    I logged on just to mess around, played for like 20 minutes, logged off to run to the store for wraps, came back and constant freezing at the server menu since. Shit's crazy, bro.
  7. Man Parts 241

    Vicinity Issues

    You're wasting your time on pilgrim. Put him on the ignore list and keep it moving.
  8. Man Parts 241

    Can we unchamber rounds in weapons?

    Only if you fire it. Other than that, no.
  9. Man Parts 241

    The one thing I wish dayz would do

    I can't find a radio. Dupers have them all. Or a battery. Dupers have them too. The one thing I wish DayZ would do is.... get a new developer.
  10. Man Parts 241

    Tips and stuff I've learned.

    Same here. I ran into a squad once and since I spoke first saying I'm friendly yada yada they came out of party and we chilled for a bit, chatted it up, traded ammo and food, and then went our ways. They even told me if I hadn't talked first they would've tried to kill me. Definitely would've went south if I hadn't spoke first for sure. Started playing on their home server, ran into them a few more times afterwards, and now I have a few of them on my friend's list. Communication goes a looong way in this game. Longer than most think. I've pulled plenty of people out of party chat.
  11. Man Parts 241

    Developers cater to people with no life outside of this game

    This is due to duping. Has nothing to do with catering to certain players. If you believe other wise, I have nothing else to say.
  12. Man Parts 241

    Developers cater to people with no life outside of this game

    Btw they didn't fix duping, they just made it easier. And yes, I've been saying we need a wipe as well. Even made a thread telling BI the same thing. Think they listened? Lol 1.02
  13. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Can't proceed thru any door without it stuttering. Great job, BI! O.o
  14. Man Parts 241

    Developers cater to people with no life outside of this game

    Game doesn't need more loot. It needs BI to fix duping. This would solve your problem. Adding more loot and mil zones to the map will just add more kill zones. Loot needs to be rare, just not THIS rare.
  15. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Not only have some of my clan mates figured it out, it's all over the book as well.
  16. Man Parts 241

    Quick test on 1.02

    I can't be the change I want to see, I'm not developing this game. Derp.
  17. Man Parts 241

    Quick test on 1.02

    BI made me this way. I'm not the only one. I just choose to be a dick about it and give BI shit whenever I can. I could care less about being toxic. KoS scrubs make this community way more toxic than I ever can. You think I'm bad? Go check Twitter lol
  18. Man Parts 241

    The Ultimate Exploit

  19. Man Parts 241

    Quick test on 1.02

    Or, stop playing a game being developed by losers? Lol
  20. Man Parts 241

    Quick test on 1.02

    They had it figured out within an hour.
  21. Man Parts 241

    Anyone know if they fixed duping or meatballs?

    Yep. Shit's sad. It really is.
  22. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Dupers have already hoarded the new loot.
  23. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 1.02

    You're lucky. Most of my friends abandoned ship. Solo player now... if I played that is. o.O
  24. Man Parts 241

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Lol nope.
  25. Man Parts 241

    Quick test on 1.02

    Lol, gotta work all day. Not gonna even bother with this game until we get a wipe and a proper fix for duping. Some of my clan members have already found a workaround for the increased timer. By the time I get on tonight all the dupers will have hoarded all the new shit. Same goes for most.