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About kbassil

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. And to clarify, by "mission" file you mean the mission.sqm file right? Here's my Markers from vanilla map: And here's the Marker list from my edited map(below):
  2. Any help would be EXTREMELY appreciated. Here's the issue. I've heavily modified the original Chernarus map and followed this Youtube video to install it on my private hive server. However, once uploaded, I had reports of people (after dying) respawning way out on the coast of the debug plains. I've checked the "markers" and all looks good. I have no idea what's going on, and I'd love some help if you guys can figure out what's up. Pastebin of vanilla, working misison.sqm file: http://pastebin.com/2tqiaiZJ Pastebin of modfied, glitchy-respawn mission.sqm file: http://pastebin.com/ZsrMpiUw Edit to clarify: The map updates successfully, showing all my new buildings and objects. However, if anyone dies or spawns in for the first time, it sends them along the coast of the debug plains.
  3. Graphics look great. Amazing concept work. A couple of thoughts: 1) What is the "Rotate" button in the top-center used for? To rotate items in your backpack? To be a rebel and wear your fanny pack upside down? 2) It would be nice if there were some easy way to move items between the backpack and your body without having to put stuff on the adjacent dead person. It seems the concept work above would not allow you to move anything between the backpack and your body without first moving items to the dead guy, then taking it back off of him. Maybe I'm wrong though. 3) What are the armband and legbands going to be used for? ------------------------------- Please read my REDDIT suggestion Here: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ypbmp/my_standalone_ui_design_concept/c5xn8x1
  4. this happened to me as well... lost all gear and even my backpack... literally have nothing and stuck on the coast. Done being this alpha's bitch. cya in December.
  5. Nice video! Compilations > raw gameplay... hours and hours of running and heavy breathing... ugh.
  6. kbassil

    How is he not dead [video]

    Looks like only your last 2 shots made contact. I didn't see any blood plsatter from the 1st too. Also, I've heard that there's a few seconds between when they're shot and when they die, so it's very possible he could have killed you. However, he should have died as well. I suppose he could have alt-f4'd right after shooting you and his body lagged out for a moment.
  7. kbassil

    Compound Raid & Destruction

    Lol @ your first nade toss at3:00. But nice video. I didn't know anything on the "000" grid was considered ON the map. Good intel. Also, I would have loved to knock over all those tents.
  8. kbassil

    DayZ Mythbusters

    watched all episodes! ::thumbsup
  9. Me and my 6 mates agree with OP... It's been fun, but it's now unplayable. Now we wait.
  10. kbassil

    [Video] Triple group fight in Stary

    I also think map markers are cheap ways to find distance.
  11. kbassil

    DayZ Hunger Games - will be streamed live

    I could EASILY find a partner for this... PLEASE put me down as one of the 2 man teams.
  12. kbassil

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    Courtesy bump. Great thread, great video.