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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. The server will handle it.. But i doubt the game will. Especially on regular ps4, ps4 pro and xbox one s.
  2. You can go up to a 100 on both xbox and ps4.. But that's over $100 a month.
  3. Click the link in the info from the devs. NV, here it is: https://server.nitrado.net/eng/offers/dayz-ps4 60 players, 30 days = $55 roughly converted.
  4. https://dayz.com/article/general/private-console-server-preorder-and-faq The server cost is a bit harsh eeh? Edit* More info from ImpulZ
  5. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Same here.. I'm on vacation and just waiting to play 1.04 but i guess i'm back at work before it releases.
  6. bent.toe

    Where does the gear/weapons go?

    @ImpulZ If I rent a server and invite players to play on it, after a few weeks a group of 3 players (as an example) decides to leave my server and start playing on another server so they bring what they can carry (large tent, 3 AKM, 2 m4, 3 assault backpacks and so on) and moves to the other server. 2 days later they get killed and raided of all their stuff on the new server. Now... Does that mean that all their stuff is on the new server and my server just lost a number of items because they took it with them, or will my server recognise that x amount of items are missing and replace them? Or does each server calculate how many number of each items every server should have? Lets say all servers are allowed 40 AKM and 30 M4. When they took 3 AKM and 2 m4 to the new server does my server add 5 missing weapons and the new server detracts 5 weapons to always keep the same amount? How does the economy work? Otherwise, once again players can move weapons from one server to another and John doe's server got 70 AKM and 100 m4 while my server got 20 AKM and 5 m4. For some odd reason i'm still more towards locked character servers because i can't really see a good way to keep items and gear in the right place. Have you changed despawn time? Stored and buried weapons and military gear should despawn every 10th day or so... People need to learn to work for their stuff. Besides, it takes 2 hours to get pretty geared with most of the stuff you need
  7. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Yep, but this is how the vigor team have been since day one. Monthly dev streams, transparency, communication. DayZ team should learn from them.
  8. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Yes... I see that now, thanks for pointing that out 👍
  9. bent.toe

    How are Private servers going to work?

    Sounds like what we are getting for console. Hopefully they add a few more options. Thanks for the link.
  10. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    No patch this week... From discord appearantly. Why not on the official forums??
  11. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    I tend to agree. And, sure the old "We waited this long, then we can wait a few more days" would be fitting... If it wasent for the totally ruined experience and the hundreds of cheaters that breaks the game (Yes.. Breaks. It's almost impossible to play due to frame freeze and lag because of all the tents and duped wood bases). It's been two months too long (almost 3 months since 1.02) and most of us are fed up with cheaters and dupers but mostly from the silence from BI and the lack of communication. Sure @ImpulZ does what he can to answer questions but we also knows that he has been told to not give out too much. We are not asking for set goals and would start a riot if they were not followed through, but we ask for transparency and communication what is going on right now and why this or that was missed or delayed. Once again... Get some PR tips from the vigor team.
  12. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Vigor team down the hall.
  13. bent.toe

    Here is my idea for a private server *image

    I doubt i will ever have it open to puplic. I rather play with 4-5 friends alone than have 30 rotten apples ruining my paid for server.
  14. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    It was sent in last week. Did it turn out good? Or was there some kind of backlash? Just keep us updated. Good or bad does not matter. I rather have bad news than silence. @ImpulZ Let me ask you this...just to keep my old heart at rest. If Sony says its ok, will it go live even if Microsoft says not ok? Or do you wait for both parties? Lets say both give a green to go 30 minutes from now.. Will you go live with it? Are you having a dialouge with sony/Microsoft or is it just send it in and if they approve it goes live? Or is it more: "Hey it's Marcus from Microsoft, the patch is ok.. Should we release it or wait?"
  15. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    @ImpulZ Can we get an ETA on the patch FFS. I keep refreshing the forums and twitter every 30 minutes....
  16. bent.toe

    Here is my idea for a private server *image

    That or just have invite only?
  17. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Aha! Got ya.
  18. bent.toe

    Here is my idea for a private server *image

    I have no idea what a white list server is? Official supported server by BI?
  19. bent.toe

    Status Report - July 2019

    LOL, true... Did not think about that. But on the subject of splitting the player base, don’t you think the same will happen with a new map? I doubt many would play Chernarus... I'm more for expanding Chernarus.
  20. Alpha is out today, where are the discussions forum?
  21. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    What dlc?
  22. bent.toe

    Status Report - July 2019

    I did... Wont help me much though, since i'm on console. Would be (imo) even better if we got an extension of Chernarus that everyone could see but only the ones that bought the dlc could enter to. Kind of a hardcore survival place with zero degrees, snow, blizzards, bears, pumas etc.
  23. bent.toe

    Status Report - July 2019

    Damn! That Sounds so awesome. That would be the ultimate bad ass dlc imo. I've asked for more harsh conditions, snow, zero degrees, rocky mountains, better weapons and wintee camo etc. as an extension of Chernarus above tisy and the whole north part of the map. A place where the real hardcore players dare to survive. Would be great. Here is my thread about it back in december.
  24. bent.toe

    How to repair a hazmat?

    You can't repair a hazmat suit. If one of those things would get a tear it would be useless against chemical or airborne viruses.
  25. bent.toe

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Damn.. No post about patch notes today (they usually post the notes the day before patch release) so i guess no patch on thuesday. 😐