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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Reloading Bug

    Got the same problem..nothing works. On my way to a military base to find a new weapon.
  2. bent.toe

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Ummm...fruit and mushrooms can be eaten raw. Meat on the other hand... Can't believe the stupidity sometimes..
  3. bent.toe

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    The tactical bacon is raw. Read the description.
  4. bent.toe

    No loot in the prison ?

    Exactly my thoughts.
  5. bent.toe

    No loot in the prison ?

    Bummer...me and 3 friends was thinking of swimming out to it. Guess it's waste of time.
  6. bent.toe

    A few bugs.

    Are you a developer? I was not asking for temporarily "fixes", i was posting obvious bugs and problems with the game that needs to be adressed.
  7. bent.toe

    What's being worked on

    This is spot on describing the dayz dev's. A game in alpha/beta for 5+ years will most likely never be finished. Too many chefs so to speak. My understanding is that they want too much instead of building a fondation and work from there.
  8. bent.toe

    Day & Night [DayZ]

    Maybe they could have night to dawn servers and day to dusk servers?
  9. bent.toe

    KOS on every server

    Damn people got itchy trigger fingers. Is this CodZ? After being friendly for 14 characters i now kill on sight...not worth trying to be nice.
  10. bent.toe

    KOS on every server

  11. bent.toe

    Downed Helocopters ??

    Found my first yesterday...so did a few others :( 12 hour character dead..heard 2 shots and then it was over.
  12. bent.toe

    Server Time Remaining in Server Browser

    Rain yes...but night? I doubt it...maybe sunset/dusk unless the timer starts at 16:00/4pm in the game. Don't know what an actual hour is in-game.
  13. bent.toe

    First Player Encounter (Funny)

    Removed video.....
  14. bent.toe

    Server Time Remaining in Server Browser

    Favourites and previously don't work. Once that is up and running it will be easier.
  15. bent.toe

    Server Time Remaining in Server Browser

    Agree and also the server name once your on the server (where you see all who is on the server) that would make it easier to tell your friends what server to look for. Tired...gramma sucks.
  16. bent.toe

    Downed Helocopters ??

    I've only seen black smoke but no wreck..the smoke is hanging in the air so to speak.
  17. bent.toe

    Attn. Developers. Please read

    It's a bit too much if you ask me aswell. Apart from the eat/drink issue, teaming up with a friend is my biggest issue. Atleast have the respawn within 10km from where your friend(s) are. Maybe add portable spawn tents or something. It should be fun to play.
  18. bent.toe

    Server Hopping, Spawn Delay Fix?

    Just lock a player on a server for 2 hours before ge can switch.
  19. bent.toe

    Ammo out of the box?

    I came across a weird problem. I found 7.62 rounds in a box but can't load them in any akm magazine. Why? I also tried empty the clip and reload it,, still same amount goes in. Tried combine clip with ammobox.. No luck
  20. bent.toe

    Ammo out of the box?

    Figured it out by mistake. Thanks for the replies though.
  21. bent.toe

    What to do after fully geared?

    I'm bored already. Beautiful world...but nothing to do other than eat and drink.
  22. bent.toe

    So...what do you guys do after playing awhile?

    So you gear up for 4 hours and head North to pvp fight? Sounds too brutal for me..
  23. bent.toe

    So...what do you guys do after playing awhile?

    Look for food and water....eat and drink...look for food and water....eat and drink....look for food and.... Yeah...not much else to do really. Too bad the focus is based around this instead of exploring and learning new things. I always wished for a game world like this one without the dragons, trolls, swords and magicians. Now i got it...but it's ruined by eating and drinking every 15-20 minutes. But i guess i have to keep looking. RDR2 are closing in ?
  24. bent.toe

    Recently discovered bugs

  25. bent.toe

    Favorite Weapons

    Favourite weapons? Hell....i barely have time to loot before the eat/drink clock is ringing...i guess my favourite weapon is the hatchet...so i can open my baked beans.