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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    What is your prefered gear? (Not weapons)

    With a helmet you can take a shot to the head from a mosin and survive
  2. bent.toe

    Some Ideas for Future Updates

    The PvE idea are great, atleast til all the KOS goes away.
  3. bent.toe

    Having issues reloading of late.

    Yepp, same here. Got massive problems with my ump.
  4. bent.toe

    I need more!

    I would like more stuff: Balaclava Shemag Tactical glasses Helmets with ear coms Ballistic helmet More camo options on clothes (more countries) Gloves Face paint (from fire ashes or paint sticks) Hazmat suits Gas masks Larger magazines Bipod Tripod M249 M416 Pdw Vss Pp-19 Scar Netting to craft ghuille suit, helmet camo. Ability to put country flag on backpack Ballistic masks Water vest (backpack with hose to drink). Tactical slings for weapons so you can have them hanging in your chest. And finally....a death animation. Hearing (or not hearing) 2 shots and get a red screen with "you died" is boring.
  5. bent.toe

    I need more!

    Nope, you have not missed anything in-game. So yeah..i agree. Be able to customize your sidearm with flashhider, silencers, red dot etc. would be awesome
  6. bent.toe

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    @pilgrim*you seem to have zero knowledge of drawdistance, rendering or gpu and graphics memory. You post long replies with no real logic. The drops in frames have nothing to do with your internet so please refrain from replying when you have no idea. You will just confuse forum members.
  7. bent.toe

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    So it's all major cities?
  8. bent.toe

    I need more!

    I also want: Cowboy boots Jeans Duck west Horses to ride on Pump shotguns Winchester Trucker caps More plaid shirt variations Wrist watches to tell time Ability to pick gender and skin color att spawn Ability to add facial hair Gloves in different variations More variations in backpack, maybe sling bags, messenger bags?
  9. bent.toe

    What is your prefered gear? (Not weapons)

    I died twice today from KOS....starting to get tedious.
  10. bent.toe

    What is your prefered gear? (Not weapons)

    Haha so true
  11. bent.toe

    Realism but with no logic.

    The dev's are aiming for logic and realism with a lot in this game. For example, changing backpack does not automatically move your gear to the new backpack, you have to load bullets manually in magazines and so on. Other things are not realistic or logical at all. Apple trees....they are full of apples, but you can't pick one but instead have to wait until a tree drops an apple. Drinking a soda until it's empty...but you can't refill/use the can to fill with water? You can dig for worms with a shovel, but you only find one everytime? There are facets in every building, but you can't get water?
  12. bent.toe

    Realism but with no logic.

    How do you know it was a long time ago? I don't see any rotten zombies..just fresh infected. Maybe it was 2 months since the outbreak?
  13. bent.toe

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Just me?
  14. Engage in a firefight and your opponent runs into a building and exit the server are the most boring thing ever. Same when my teammates want to exit when fired upon. Server hopping to be fully geared in 1 hour since a fresh spawn is another issue. Sure it's tedious and boring looting 50 building and come out with a broken pistol and 2 pipsi's... and the loot is to random, too scarce, to little and with no logic... Only building i find the loot being logic is in the medical buildings. All other loot is unlogic. I hope you start locking characters in servers. No more than 2 servers can be switched between until they are reset. If your getting shot at and exit you can join one other server or have the option to rejoin the one you just cowardly left. If you join another server and decide to leave that and the first one is full..you have two options. Wait 2 hours or rejoin the last one...if that one became full while you exited...tough luck. No playing for you.
  15. bent.toe

    Dead by Wolfpack

    Encounter's several times.. they are Up north.
  16. bent.toe

    Friendly Fire Servers

    A month without food...!
  17. bent.toe

    Prison island dedicated to PVP

    With a few modifications and opening some routes, prison island would be perfect for PvP. Close to spawn (well a few of them atleast) and you could swim there to get your gear back and start shooting in no time.
  18. bent.toe

    Hold Breath to Steady Scope Sway

    There are no option as of now. Only way is to crouch or go prone, unfortunally there is another bug, your shoulder/backpack will block the view in the scope. Either stick with the M68 or Acog on the M4A1 and all 3 stances work.
  19. bent.toe

    Prison island dedicated to PVP

    Opinions..but now we know kiddo.
  20. bent.toe

    A few bugs.

    When using the large (110L) military backpack it obstructs the scope while in prone position. In crouch it's the same but when strafing. Standing still is ok. When switching between things in hands (to hands) sometimes the arms seem to stuck in an higher position when switching back to rifle, making the character point the rifle into the air so everytime you look in the scope it's pointed in the air. Opening/closing doors/gates require pinpoint accuracy..looking at the handle, making it hard to get a fluid experience. Some doors open toward the player and making the character stuck. Berets show hair through them, masks clip through helmet/berets/boonie. On rare occasions a mag is shown as inserted on the weapons but in inventory it shows as the weapon have no mag attached. Can not reload. Jogging down stairs sometimes goes to fast and the character "stumble" and fall a few feet. Maybe add walk? Walk drains no stamina? Using only large backpack with low stamina removes sprint/jump. But with tactics vest and large backpack and same stamina sprint/jump works. Helicopter crashes have no wreck, only floating smoke. Using pso-1 scope om AK-M shows 1-2 sec of grey when zooming. Takes a few seconds to load the scope visuals.
  21. bent.toe

    A few bugs.

  22. bent.toe

    I need more!

    You are correct. HK. Any pdw really..since it's a compact smg.
  23. bent.toe

    "Wait....don't shoot..that's a...."

    Could we get more options for roleplaying? There should be options for people to show what their agenda is. Example: Using the UN helmet and blue ballistic vest should tell others that you are friendly. Adding more colours like blue uniform etc. would make it easier to spot. Medic uniform (red) and white pilot helmet with other added gear will tell players that this guy have medical supplies and will help you. Example on different roles: Scavanger (stay away) Soldier (could be a threath) Assassin (stay away) Medic (friendly) Peacekeeper (friendly) Engineer (will help crafting/repair) Sniper (stay away) Bandit (stay away) Zombie slayer (friendly unless your infected) Imagine having the possibility to sort who you should walk towards and who you should flee from. As it is now...427 servers and 300 of them are 1 or 2 players and some are 5-7 players. People are tired of KOS's and just server hopping to loot and loot and loot. Very few 30+ player servers... I would like to interact with others, but it is impossible unless you want to interact with a bullet to the face. The "don't trust anyone" slogan makes it more exciting and intense....but always? I would like to claim that the blue UN helmet and white pilot helmet users have no bad intentions and are friendly. Could that work? Maybe need more gear options together with the helmets? Maybe light brown backpack and the medical/firefighter uniforms and the blue police uniforms with black backpack? Hmmm... Well let me know your thoughts.
  24. bent.toe


    Run past several...red, yellow, blue, orange, green and i believe even black ones. Made an armband once...don't like looking like someone who can't swim so i took it off.
  25. bent.toe

    Going Prone and ADS (BUG)

    Ump with acog is blocked in prone/crouch. Ump with the M68 (i think is the name) scope works.