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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Night time

    5 hours?! Holy crap! Is it real time 24h? Because that could be a tad too much...playing 5 hours at night...i would probably switch server after 2-3 hours tops. Dev's say this: "The appearance of night time is just a matter of server settings, not a missing feature. Right now, servers are starting at 9 AM server time and running until 2 PM before restarting at 9 AM. We will change the server settings eventually to share the darker side of DayZ with you... but be warned, it's going to be really dark" https://dayz.com/blog/xbox-development-briefing-24-10-2018
  2. bent.toe

    Night time

    Iron sight is already in the game...or am i not understaning correctly? I heard someone made a torch out of a stick and rag..maybe it was pc?
  3. https://twitter.com/DayZ/status/1051826376888766464?s=19 During my 250+ hours i have never seen one. Only helmets are ssh68, UN helmet and white pilot helmet.
  4. Country flag as an armpatch would be nice. Different countries BDU camo would be nice aswell. For us that like to wear military gear that is :)
  5. bent.toe

    Night!! It's so scary

    You know what i miss though.. street lights in the cities. Would be awesome. Maybe there will be an option to get the power working...just like a battery for the PA system and those speakers.
  6. bent.toe

    Night time

    Weird?....looks good on my 65" LG. No issues..played 2 hours sraight in a night server. Flashlights are not the best but they do the work. Are you guys sure it's not your settings?
  7. bent.toe

    Night!! It's so scary

    And it's scary as hell
  8. bent.toe

    Night!! It's so scary

    Yes...i'm stocking up on eeeeverything now. Love the 90 sec ban between server change.
  9. We tried shooting each other in the head with different helmets. Did you know that the skate helmet can take as much punch as the ballistic UN helmet? I took two shots from an M4 right in the head while wearing a skate helmet.....damn. You?
  10. bent.toe

    Hero Challenge

    Tried this in full medical outfit and white helmet. Got tired of it after 3 KOS in a row.. The mentality on Xbox is cod/pubg playstyle. I'm 250+ hours in..tried friendly approaches several times, even seen people that did not see me and i switch to megaphone and shouted friendly only to get blasted with lead from a crowd. Talk about being itchy or blood thirsty.
  11. bent.toe

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    Any ETA on update? It's noon here in EU
  12. bent.toe

    In-game map is coming

    It's delayed to after 1.0 though..so in the future.
  13. bent.toe

    So what did you do the last night before character wipe.

    Haha! Yeah we buried 7 waterproof bags with stuff.
  14. bent.toe

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    But you know the deal with Microsoft eh? Any game that enters game preview on Xbox must be released as a full game / gone gold within 1 year or Microsoft steps in and takes over the entire project. No prisoners.
  15. bent.toe

    Will we get more camo options and patches?

    That is a great idea, was thinking about this the other day when using my Gorka BDU.
  16. bent.toe

    Current items in Version 0.63.00

    Great list... missing is the portable radio station. And the Gorka E helmets are not in the Xbox version. I need a photo proof if anyone has seen it/ wear it.
  17. bent.toe

    Just an idea...

    Great idea..the watch geek i am.
  18. bent.toe

    Server hopping

    Thanks to server hopping i have acquired skills on everything the game has to offer. A neccesary thing to be prepaired when the game gets day/night cycle, base/tents and diseases. I know exactly where to go to get everything i need and how to prepair/craft/cook/repair everything i find. Server hopping to KOS on the other hand...boooring.
  19. bent.toe

    East Side need more military

    Please consider moving the military base north of airfield to somewhere around east side of the map. Too much centering around middle and west side of map. No military loot on east side. West side you got: Tisy military base Zelenogorsk Myshinko military camp Green mountain military base Middle you got: NWA North military base Verisnik military base Stary novy military camp So we need more than crappy evac sites on east and north east side. Spawning on the east side is a pain...
  20. bent.toe

    East Side need more military

    Guess you havent played the Xbox version... All the danger is on the coast. Inland...most are friendly.
  21. bent.toe

    Can’t load magazines.

    We wont get further with this.
  22. bent.toe

    Can’t load magazines.

    I'm om PC aswell, playing hunt Showdown and EFT right now, been playing on all platforms, all genres for over 34 years... I know my shit. Simple as that. PS. Playtime has everything to do with it.
  23. bent.toe

    Can’t load magazines.

    Wrong. You can not reload an old mag unless the inventory have 3 open slots for the old mag. If you don't believe me, fill up all your inventory slots so that you only have 2 free slots in every section (pants, jacket, backpack, vest ...etc) Now try and reload any weapon with a mag that takes up 3 slots. After that..clearing any section so that you have 3 slots free...now try and reload. Then come back here and tell me what an idiot i am. Sidenote* 250+ hours, been everywhere in the map, tried everything...and i mean eeeeverything, from taking blood samples to broadcasting a station to measure the distance of the portable radio to combining, crafting and inventory perfection.
  24. bent.toe

    East Side need more military

    Ofcourse there is...it's called server hopping.