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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Anyone find a vehicle?

    E, Q, hold mouse? This is the XBOX forum.
  2. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    And the fact that every item is rendered in tent inventory and backpack.
  3. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    Lol WTF?!!
  4. Why complicate it? I doubt bases or let alone building forts will be a thing on console. Instead of simplify it...you make it stupid and tedious together with stutter and slow fps. Here is a tip: Go look at The Forest and it's base building. They made it simple yet complex..and above all, fun. You guys on the other hand, you made it insanely complicated. First you need nails, hammer, axe just to start building. Buuuuut.. before that you need rope, sticks and fence. When you got all that (could take hours or even days trying to find everything..UNLESS you server hopp) you can start chopping trees, but no more than five before your axe breaks down. Each tree gives you one or two (maybe) logs so you need around 6-7 axes to get some materials. But the trees are not for walls or anything...no no, it's for the foundation. NOW you need planks to start adding walls. On top of all this, you need to walk with materials maybe between two or three cities..or a few miles. On top of that you got zombies, other players, weapon jamming, hunger, thirst, cold, deceases. Assembly an entire car? And can you transport planks and other material in it? Same thing there...i found tires, hood, windshield, battery, door....and each part weights a ton and you walk super slow. Imagine assembly an entire car...on a huge map where you can only walk. Tents is probably what most of us will take to. And even tents are a hassle, the fps drops below 15 when you try to move things between backpack and tent, even worse when you reach 400 used slots. Unplayable. And don't get me started on trying to set up a fireplace and cookingpot inside the tent (because the rain is pouring down), if you dont place the tent 100% horizontal (easy in a forest area), things will clip in the ground and dissapear. Nah...it's too much, too tedious and annoying. No fun. Building a base in The Forest is hard work but fun, building a base in fortnite (save the world) is hard but fun. Building a base in DayZ......not gonna happen. Tents, server hopping and KOS is where it will be.
  5. bent.toe

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    What do you mean? The parts?
  6. bent.toe

    What's with the spawning in 60 seconds message?

    Switching servers too soon. To prevent server hopping (like it does...lol)
  7. bent.toe

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    Who said i dident like it? Lol. Never mind, your ignored.
  8. bent.toe

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    It's a game, stop comparing it with real life. If you want to compared it ,then you could never play it again if you died. Video game...see? G A M E
  9. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    Tried weapon cleaning kit...no luck. For the past month me and the crew have been around zelenogorsk, no problems with FPS until this patch.
  10. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    @m60warrior More bugs: When drooping backpack/clothes that you wear and pick them up again, the container is closed and you can't see what you have placed in there. R trigger for open/close container is not functionen at all since new patch. Performance issues in zelenogorsk, a lot of memory buffering, takes time to load trees, buildings. Acog takes several seconds to render, just grey. Placing stuff in tents is laggy and fps is down to 10. Especially when you are above 200 used slots (at 670 now and it's horrible). Building a structure seems impossible...maybe try and make it a tad easier. No matter what clothes or WR bag i use, my character are cold and wet, same with items in a Marlin backpack. (More layers of clothes?) Matches don't dry...they been drenched/soaked for 48 hours even though they are stored in a warm/closed place. Standarized suppressor (M4) breaks and are ruined after 4-5 mags. Imagine that in real life military operations. So fix the suppressor. Weapon jam....how do we solve it?
  11. bent.toe


    Heat packs are in...i got two in my large tent
  12. bent.toe

    Enough with the rain!

    E N O U G H ! !
  13. bent.toe

    Enough with the rain!

    They incompetent...that's all.
  14. bent.toe

    Enough with the rain!

    WHERE did he say this?
  15. bent.toe

    Enough with the rain!

    Been on US/ Asia/ RU....all have rain
  16. bent.toe

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    Been playing for 3 hours.....pitch black and constant rain. Do you guys sit and enjoy 3 hour playthroughs in total darkness with pouring rain and soaking wet batteries/matches and goes... "This is fun...i just love it." ? Ease the fuck up on night and rain, it's just not that fun. Maximum 2 hours night and 5-6 hour days. And the rain...are you that proud of your sprites that you have to show it off this long?
  17. bent.toe

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    Woke up, logged in... pouring rain. But atleast it's day (as it is irl) which strenghtens my theory about day in-game = day irl
  18. bent.toe

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    Really? That's just stupid haha
  19. bent.toe

    Jamming mechanic, how to unjam weapon?

    Nothing under control scheme...would like to know aswell
  20. bent.toe

    Inventory item movement

    Just wait til you get a tent and try to move stuff to it........slow, laggy, buggy.
  21. bent.toe

    Nighttime & Raining?

    Soon eeh? Been playing in darkness and pouring rain for almost 4 hours. See my thread for possible explanation..
  22. bent.toe

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    Also...whats the drying time for matches? Seriously....first off, they were in a cooking pot, in a military backpack and they are drenched...really? Secondly, i dident go swimming, i ran around in the rain. A weeee bit over the top eeh?
  23. bent.toe

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    Tried jumping 3-4 NL servers and it struck me that they all had rain and night...have the dev's gone and done it so the server cycle represents the real hours? So we have to play when it's daytime irl to get daytime in a video game...is that it? Because i got other things to do during the day like...umm...life. You know, kids, shopping, training, walking the dog, cleaning, cooking and so on..... So if that's the case then it's just sad....
  24. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    So if i put up a tent on a server, how long will it stay there? Monthly server wipes? Yearly?
  25. bent.toe

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    I can't wait to try it out. Two questions though: 1. Is it hard to destroy a base? If we are not playing for 8 hours..will it take less for a gang to get some axes and chop the base to pieces? 2. When will server resets/wipes happen? How long can you have a base?