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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Picking up barrels

    Maybe? Don't work with tents though, need to be empty to pack it.
  2. bent.toe

    Are heli crashes spawning?

    Yep, first one for me after the patch, an hour ago around Tissy...even took a screenshot of it. But as i ran towards it, it dissapeared. Thanks Bohemia.
  3. Latest patch did the zombies much more aggressive but also more buggy. They walk on rooftops, crawl through walls, spawn right in front of you and never ever give up. They chase you forever. In some weird way i like it...but the instant spawn in front or behind us is a serious problem. Doing a base raid or even just fill your bottle at a well is death sentence after this patch...and we are 3-4 players. Good luck making it off the coast as a fresh spawn.
  4. Exactly. Those spawns need to go. Just have a preset amount of zombies. When they are killed no more spawn. I'm afraid it's based on how many players are in the vicinity and therefore trigger more spawned zombies. And when they fix the zombie spawns i sure as hell hope they fix the suppressor. Right now it's damaged after 3 clips of SINGLE fire..i carry 3 gun cleaning kits. That's just rediculous. Same with clothes, you need 2 sewing kits and 2 leather sewing kits. Combined that's like 34 slots. Not ok.
  5. bent.toe

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    Tents and barrels don't dissapear. I just logged in to my old home server and checked the old camp (1 large tent and two barrels) and it's still there with items in them. Been there since the camp+cars patch. (2 weeks?) Players in groups raid camps...simple as that. It's really easy now with 67 servers (EU+RU combined) to server hopp at the obvious places (near tissy, near NWA, near kabanino, near stary novo, near kamensk). Think about it...a group of 3 friends in party chat join one server each and check around, for example, kamensk, if they find nothing they pick 3 new servers each..continue to search the area. Not many of us walk for 30 minutes with a tent. Only place to hide a tent is in a forest...a forest close to good loot. We must have hidden our two old camps very well...never been raided or looted but the minute we move up around severograd/krasnostav... We loose two camps within 48 hours? Bug?...i think not. It's hardcore up north.
  6. bent.toe

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    @DayzDayzFanboy @xzDIABLOzx Yup, you are both right. Now we are moving again...feels like a band of gypsy's
  7. Well your not the only one doing that, we lost 4 tents in total from 2 different bases. So there are more players playing your playstyle.
  8. Only problem i have with zombies are the in your face spawning...
  9. bent.toe

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    This can't be right... something don't add up. We had two different camps with large tents and barrels at each. These were put up during the first 24 hours from the base+car patch. Not once have they dissapeared. But since yesterday we lost two campsites (4 tents and 200+ items) without a trace. Just poff. We are much more north now than the first two campsites but it can't be a bug just north that they would just vanish??
  10. bent.toe

    Time scales on bases etc

    A friend on pc said the dev's used to do a server swipe once a year. Don't know how far back this was on pc or if it's still once a year?
  11. Me and team mates have estimated that the body stays for 10 minutes if you are around it's vicinity and look at it. If you remove gear/ backpack those will stay when the body dissapears.
  12. Sat in a house for 10 minutes trying to wait for the zombies to go back to their daily routine. Got fed up and quit the server... Weird decisions from the dev's sometimes. And it's practically impossible to loot a player you killed because the zombies swarm to that location and if you run too far the body will dissapear (ran a few buildings away and came back 4 minutes later... nothing. Poff.
  13. bent.toe

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    @ImpulZ Any chance to remove/restructure the layout of severograd and novomidtrosk? Smaller? Less buildings? I have not been up there for atleast 7 weeks, we did a raid up there the other day and man...on my X it's so stuttering, slow fps and rendering issues it's unplayable. For my team mate on an OG it was freez time every second, he could not even see some of houses because they had not load in when he turned around. Chernagorsk and Elektro are no fps/stutter issues for me...only rendering and pop in. I truly hope you only work on performance and stability now. That's all i want.
  14. bent.toe

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    Thanks. I keep telling my team mates to not stock up on a gazillion items. They don't listen. Today it stung like a maffacka though.
  15. bent.toe

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    Persistence of what? English is not my native language so maybe you can elaborate?
  16. bent.toe

    Ruined 2 4x4 engines after update

    Always petrol in the Jerry cans? No way to fill them at gas stations i assume?
  17. Me and the team are moving to a new location. Too risky in zelenogorsk.
  18. bent.toe


    So you guys have this issue now? A week before 1.0/gold? That's not good.
  19. bent.toe


    True. Crouching and sneaking past them within 10 meters is impossible post patch. Before that you could do it somewhat easy and even down to 5 meters if it was pouring down rain. But just like you, i want it to be hard as hell and you should think twice before looting a MB. Would like to give a fair warning to those thinking of raiding zelenogorsk MB... don't. It's the only base connected to a large town wich will triple the amount of zombies if you fire off shots (they attract others with their scream/roar). Silencer or no silencer..once they roar you got 3-4 firemen zombies and 7-8 civlian zombies on top of the 6+ in the base. Think you can handle that now? Good luck to you.
  20. Yeah, a lot of sewing kits has been disposed. We lost 2 guys aswell. One from enemy fire while fighting zombies and one from hiding in a house when a crawling zombie got him (bug).
  21. bent.toe

    Xbox one dayz server not shwoing population

    Exactly. I'm a server hopper and i like the hissen player count..no one to blame but myself if i jump servers and get blasted in the face.
  22. bent.toe

    No more new content

    Totally agree.
  23. bent.toe

    Ok, it's time to talk about the rooster

    Don't know what you're talking about...i learned about roosters from cartoons.
  24. bent.toe

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    On my home server it restart at noon. Funny thing is...you get kicked, wait a minute for the server to appear in the list, join it and even though doors are closed, i can still find something i dropped earlier. Don't really know what it resets other than open doors?