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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Dayz Flu

    Take off all your gear, put it in a barrel. Jump from a tall building, respawn and get your gear. Best cure ever. 4 of us got infected by one plastic bottle in camp. First one of us drank, started coughing. A few minutes later all of us was coughing and sneezing. I tried everything...nothing cure it except for a good tall building.
  2. bent.toe

    Sneezing and coughing for 3 hours

    diseases is still in the game and the bacteria/virus icon appears. Now...i drank from a plastic bottle that i found in our old camp, a bottle with sickness in it. Now i been coughing and sneezing for a little over 4 hours straight. Met some guys in a MB and i told them over the mic that what i got is contagious and airborne. 1 minute later they were both coughing and sneezing. Now, could you atleast tell us HOW to cure it?! I got a cold in real life, stay in bed, keep warm, honey and warm water, some painkillers too keep the temperatur down. So...should i craft a fucking bed and a blanket and put my character there for 3 in-game days or what???? It's rediculous. PS. I know some of you think it would be so cool to get sick, just let me know when your in svetlojarsk and what server you on so that i can meet and infect you.
  3. bent.toe

    Snow in Chernarus....very soon.

    Was watching a play session with Toperec and lead designer on DayZ, Peter earlier today. A question about snow in Chernarus came up.. Peter answered "soon, very soon".
  4. bent.toe

    Blackout screen just REMOVE IT

    It's just annoying... seriously, whats the point? Would love for a developer to answer that. It has absolutly no purpose other than hearing you die for 15 seconds. No helmet in the world works against it and once your blacked out you can nothing, zero, nada, zipp..so why not have it instadeath instead? I got attacked by two zombies, got cornered and raised my gun (unwillingly) in the air because it's so tight to manuver and 2 seconds later it was a black screen that i had to stare at for another 15-20 seconds until i was dead. So.....care to explain it's purpose?
  5. bent.toe

    Snow in Chernarus....very soon.

    I'm divided here...a new map splits the community. I rather have them add snow above NWAF and make it the deadliest part of Chernarus. But at the same time, a new map to explore? Yummy.
  6. bent.toe


    Here are mine https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?utm_medium=user_system_sheet&utm_campaign=default&utm_source=ig_contact_invite&utm_content=4fdfdpf
  7. bent.toe

    12/12/2018 Added: Field shovel, farming hoe and ice axe

    My native language is not English either. Let us know if you find any of the other pieces (field shovels and hoe).
  8. bent.toe

    Broken Arm?

    Who knows...the developers don't tell us anything. If that happens to me i will just die and respawn. Looking for sticks, rags, bandage around an infested city with no way to defend myself....nah.
  9. bent.toe

    12/12/2018 Added: Field shovel, farming hoe and ice axe

    I answered what YOU asked. How is that not obvious? But i will break it down for you again: You: "found one of Theses an can proof me wrong? Me: "Only the ice/pick axe. Usually found in traincarts or around factories." So...i did only find the ice axe out of the THREE you mentioned and i also replied where i find/found it. Ok?
  10. bent.toe

    12/12/2018 Added: Field shovel, farming hoe and ice axe

    Only the ice/pick axe. Usually found in traincarts or around factories.
  11. bent.toe

    Developers, you need to see this. (Soylegend)

    There is contract for developers releasing beta/game previews on Xbox that says that the game must be in 1.0/Gold within one year from release of the game preview or MS is stepping in and takes over. So DayZ needs to be finished for Xbox before august 29th 2019. Dev's are aiming for Q1 2019
  12. bent.toe

    Anyone else not losing hunger or thrist?

    I drink and eat until the stomach icon shows. It will keep me from eating/drinking for a good 1 1/2 hour.
  13. bent.toe

    Server population number vs word

    Server hopper? Nothing to be ashemed off.. i used to server hopp due to the flawed loot system and also got tired of seeing 50 peacoats in a row.
  14. bent.toe

    Interesting Glitch/Bug Encountered After 12/18 Update

    Those towers are a death trap unless you only get off the ladder on the top. Then your ok, any of the two lower platforms though....don't "get off" any of those.
  15. bent.toe

    Question for devs: In game kill feed

    Then you wont be so incognito when you kill someone or get killed. I like that you can never see who you are talking to/shooting at.
  16. bent.toe

    Which perspective do you play with?

    Ok, that does not happen to me.
  17. bent.toe

    Blackout screen just REMOVE IT

    Strange, never had a comback in a PvP fight with melee, fists or guns....you must have a whole team of medics standing by..... Remove it.
  18. bent.toe

    Server Reassignment Xbox -> PC 19/12/2018

    Getting real tired of your "Elite" attitude on here. Ignored.
  19. bent.toe

    after every update server wipe???

    Have'nt you heard? They took around 50 servers from Xbox to PC...
  20. bent.toe

    Server Reassignment Xbox -> PC 19/12/2018

    Agree. I'm not following..? It's good to remove almost all NL servers? And without notice? I don't want to play on RU servers since they are located much further away than Netherlands...and playing with higher ping with already a buggy mess? No thanks.
  21. That can't be right...i can still switch on my weapons with double press on left stick.
  22. bent.toe

    Server Reassignment Xbox -> PC 19/12/2018

    24 NL servers? That's a lot...no RU removed? 3855 and 3909 are two servers i usually play on, always medium with players Anyway...will this happen again? Because right now you are making it extremely hard to do anything in this game other than server hop and run down to the coast and PvP. It's been several weeks (a month?) since base building patch and i have not touched it once. Character wipe, server wipe, bugs, player glitches, removal of servers, inconsistency in placing tents, flawed loot system and so on, are the reason i stay away.
  23. bent.toe

    PSA:Car Tents & Large Tents can now be carried in backpack

    Last patch i could jog and jump with a medium tent.
  24. bent.toe

    Which perspective do you play with?

    Explain this.