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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    can you carry anything that blocks bullets?

    Ballistic vest?
  2. bent.toe

    Here is an idea.. WW2 setting?

    Just brainstorming... And since i'm a WW2 fanatic (tv series, movies, documentary's, books and so on) i just thought I'd throw it out there. What if you spawned as an allied or axis around military camps/bases on your half of the occupied map and had set objectives each week depending on how the border looked on the map. Each beginning of the month the border is straight across the map (north to south) with each 50 players on their sides and the first weeks objective (example) would be to take over the town of Gorka to try and get more ground. Each time you die you spawn back in a camp where you have to gear up and eat before you went back to the front. You need to drink and eat just like in DayZ. The front is dynamic so lets say no axis are playing on the server for a whole day, then allies would easily take over Gorka and the border would expand to allies advantage (not straight but just that part of the border around Gorka). But if axis players were playing the fight over Gorka could go on for days 24/7. Either factions could wander over to the other side to gather intel and scout. There would be machine gun nests controlled by a.i around camps so that you could never spawn camp. Just a brief thought... It's late and I had one to many refreshments. 😃
  3. bent.toe

    PS4 release date confirmed in blog?

    We thought the same in the beginning... Then server hoppers and dupers came along and cleaned the servers from all M4 and AKM's. But i will start fresh and with an open mind on ps4.
  4. bent.toe

    Player base on top of prison

    Jeeeez... That is a holding cell in the command center, first floor directly to the right. LOL... A prison. Edit* Then every police station in Chernarus with a holding cell should also be marked as a prison.
  5. bent.toe

    PS4 gets Day Z May 29th!

  6. bent.toe

    Bought an Xbox One X for this game

    I got 3 friends on ps4 that are eager to play it.. Only got one friend still playing it on the X. Most likely i will buy it for ps4 aswell... It's not like I loose any progress or unlocked skins lol. But i will switch back and forth depending on whos online. I will continue moaning in the xbox forum and most likely here aswell.
  7. @ImpulZ @Max Planck Sticky?
  8. Hi and welcome, we are glad to have you. Many of us have played hundreds and even thousands of hours in DayZ. We xbox owners have only been able to play since august 29th last year (game preview) but PC players have been playing for 5+ years. So what we have done, as a united community, is to list tips and tricks that we wish we knew when we fired up dayz for the first time. This list is for all you new players (i guess mostly xbox owners because of 1.0 on xbox on the 27th of march) to get a head start in DayZ. * Epoxy glue is for repairing helmets * Duct tape can repair both clothes and plate carrier/stab vest * Always drink/fill cans from wells * Metall power lines always lead to major cities, wooden power lines always lead to small towns/villiages * Download iZurvive or DayZ central app to learn the map, routes, water holes and military camps/bases. * 2 large cans of food and a water bottle can keep you alive for 2+ hours * Don’t let greed get the upper hand when looting, take the essential and go. Stick around too long and you might face a group of bandits. * Don’t be afraid to go out in the woods, many times they are shortcuts. * Get your bearings, remember on what side you entered the house/building/base/factory (most buildings have several entrances) Look for landmarks. * Never cross in the open, look for alternative routes. Better to take 3 minutes extra to get around safe than to hear a crackling sound followed up with a "your dead" screen. * When at a well, always drink til you get a full stomach icon. * Never save food that has been opened, it will get ruined over time. * The coast (run close to the ocean) are full with cans of food and soda, check every small wooden boat. * Don’t carry 10+ magazines, you will never get to use them. To save space, instead carry ammo and no more than 4 magazines. 1 pack of bullets take 1 slot, 1 magazines takes 3 slots. * Always make sure to have 3 slots free in the same inventory space that your magazines are located, otherwise you can not reload. (might get fixed in 1.0) * Never switch to full auto, single fire will get the job done. This is not COD or R6 Siege. * Never head down to the coast when your fully geared, to find fresh spawns (called bambis) to kill/terrorize. It's considered cowardly and a douchebag move. If you think your bad ass and wanna kill players, head up above North West airfield... And you might be in for a rude awakening. * Tisy military base is the only place on the map where you can get the tactical vest other than that all military loot are the same at every base /camp. * When you first spawn, don't panic because you have a yellow thirst icon, drink the soda and eat the fruit in your inventory and you are good for 20+ minutes of running. This will take you a good amount in-land and guaranteed past two villages, if not to a larger town. * When spawning, don't waste precious time and energy on looting every building, just loot the closest to your path. * Trust no one... Ever. If you decide to talk and interact with other players, always do it from a safe distance. Even a bambi can be dangerous up close. Superman punch can knock you out cold. Keep your tips coming people.
  9. bent.toe

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Nope... Because the developers don't tell us anything. At all.
  10. bent.toe

    Player base on top of prison

    There are no prison in zelenogorsk... I would know. I live there. Do you mean prison island?
  11. bent.toe

    News regarding the 2019 roadmap

    It's beyond me how a game developer and company don't have resources to communicate and post updates weekly/monthly. And no road map? In my world that is an excuse for not having a stable and set goal with the game and it's development. Over these 6 years maybe your standards have been set too high if you find them "challenging", either that or you have the wrong people doing the development. Lack of knowledge maybe? I heard horror stories from employees at game companies were they had to learn by doing, game directors that change stuff from week to week etc. Quite frankly i don’t believe your excuses.
  12. bent.toe

    BI, we need to have a talk... (Duping)

    And you know all this by.... Scares me how many people are duping and how many knows exactly how to do it, in what order and with what gear. Me and my friends managed to server hop back in the day. That was about as "glitchy" we could be.
  13. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Agree, would be satisfied if it was 4 to 1 though.
  14. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    I love how you speak for everyone.... Master.
  15. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Exactly. Well put.
  16. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Don’t let me catch you on here "whining" on anything you want change/dislike about features or game mechanics.
  17. bent.toe

    Here is an idea.. WW2 setting?

    I guess i did.. Haha. It sounded great last night.
  18. bent.toe

    A new players opinion (not that anyone asked for it)

    In that departement you are dead wrong. It's the frustration and lack of any communication that makes players and customers and fans upset and down right pissed off. It's not like BI used to be soooo informative and someone started trash talking and all of the sudden they stopped with info. No... They never started. So please stop referring to our attitude and that it's our own fault. A professional game studio should always be informative, up to date and take care of their loyal fans.
  19. bent.toe

    Bought an Xbox One X for this game

    Yeah.. In some way i do. But the game gave me 600+ hours of (mostly) a good time. It's the developers that are ruining the game experience with their lack of polish and bug fixing. Adding a new (broken) car instead of fixing a major problem like duping... I mean, come on. Priorites
  20. bent.toe

    PS4 release date confirmed in blog?

    Be warned though... Its nowhere close to a polished product.
  21. bent.toe

    PS4 gets Day Z May 29th!

    Yeah... So why are they getting it now? Because in my book this game are in such unfinished state it should still be called beta/game preview.
  22. bent.toe

    BI, we need to have a talk... (Duping)

    Jeeeez.. Yeah findings like this are a sad thing, especially since duping been around for months. BI are working hard on yet another car with even worse physics, soon to be released together with a new cowboy hat, so they don’t have time for these little problems.
  23. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Who? Me?
  24. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    I heard about this but don't really understand.. It's pitch black for me running around outside. Inside there seem to be a bit illumination around my character.. Is that what people are talking about?
  25. bent.toe


    Will do, thanks.