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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Today we moved our camp, the 4 of us logged in on our home server at dawn, started organize everything with who's carrying what and removing everything out of the tents, unpackning etc etc. So it took a good hour before we were on our way. We reached the new camp spot at dusk (5 min left of daylight) and even though we had one guy holding a flashlight and two road flares burning on the ground, it was impossible to set camp. For instance.. the transparent tent icon when trying to place the tent is impossible to see at night. You need a light source for it to be somewhat greyish. We ended up sitting in the dark for 10 minutes organize inventory before logging off. We need ATLEAST 4 hour daylight. It's no fun and friends are getting tired of the tedious and boring nights. Could we atleast get some servers with longer days?
  2. .... before you have tried the PS4 pro version! Because man... It's like we had it back before 1.0. Grey block buildings, no textures on zombies, buildings and items for several second, 15-20 fps in cities like zelenogorsk, chernogorsk and berezino. Freezing frames with more than one zombie. Not to mention looking through an Acog or binoculars and then exit... The whole world is made of clay for a long 5+ second. Just a couple of days ago i watch a dev stream that promised smooth 4K and 30 fps on 1080p.....same old PR stunt huh? The X version can be fixed/optimised since its more powerful than the pro version. Ps4 players will never see the flow we got on the X. Never. I imagine it's closer to what the OG xbox owners are experiencing. Unfortunally i got more friends playing on ps4 than xbox.
  3. bent.toe

    The ps4 pro is struggling

    A lot in cities. Why are you, the developers lying to our faces in the live stream? This has to end, sick and tired of smiling developers telling lies even though they know it's running like shit. This industry needs a real shape up.
  4. bent.toe

    The ps4 pro is struggling

    Thanks 😃
  5. bent.toe

    PS4 has double tap for open mic

    Did they add it on xbox in 1.02? I can't recall it?
  6. bent.toe

    Bought an Xbox One X for this game

    Hi fellow ps4:ers, One thing that pisses me off about sony is their lack of early access programs. Sure we did get Ark and H1Z1...but other than that we miss out on a lot. I love my ps4pro and got 393 games in it, but i hate missing out in games like pubg, Hunt Showdown, vigor, dayZ, subnautica and so on... When i heard Dayz was going game preview on Xbox the 29th of august and with Q1 release on ps4 i could just not wait. It's a hard game with zero forgivness, much harder than demon souls and the likes. But it was so worth it. I got around 170 hours invested and on my 19th character (you die a lot) and still have a lot to explore. Everything in this game is out to kill you (except the chickens) from wolves, bears, zombies, thirst, hunger, bulls, high places, weather and all the bugs...but it is so fun. Think of it as ESO or Skyrim or Withcher 3 but without the fantasy. If you got the money...do it. Or....wait 5-7 months.
  7. bent.toe

    Ok ps4 users, how is the game running?

    How is the rendering and loading of assets? Is it smooth?
  8. bent.toe

    Stop complaining about rendering and stuttering

    Yeah, i agree 100%. We were 4 players in dubky last night and even there, all of us had rendering issues and a friend said at one time he turn around fast and a fence behind him had not load in so he just stod in one place running for 2 seconds.
  9. bent.toe

    Stop complaining about rendering and stuttering

    SSD aswell? Hmmm.. Well, i still got issues on my X like stutter and rendering, but nowhere close as bad as on the ps4 PRO. isn't the SSD supposed to fix loading and stuff?
  10. The same transportation humans have been using for hundreds of years.. Horses. Why did BI think cars would be good? If it's because they wanted to include the tedious chores of building a car? They could easily done it with horses, find sadel, shoes and all other horse stuff. I would much rather see horses and the ability to catch them, train them, feed them and let them drink. Horses would fit so much better and add to the immersion. What do you think?
  11. bent.toe

    PS4 has double tap for open mic

    I believe it was with 1.0
  12. bent.toe

    would 120 players be possible on ps4?

    I doubt it.
  13. bent.toe

    Ok ps4 users, how is the game running?

    I bought it yesterday on my pro. I can tell you that it runs far from smooth when compared to the X version. Stuttering in cities and freezing for short periods is about the same as the X version, where i see it the most is on textures.. I got grey blocks in cities up until a few meters away from me, it takes ages to load. Same with items and zombies. So it's far from "4K smooth" as they said in the dev stream. BUT it's no surprise when BI is involved.
  14. .... Wtf? On twitter they said there was something to watch for PC and xbox aswell. Nope. They had no ps4 gameplay... because they had problems with the network. Mmmmmkay? The guy in the middle dragged out each answere by 3-4 minutes of random nonsens(marketing guy?) . Maybe have a coder or graphics artist to take his place? The best part was when they answered a question about frames... "it runs somewhat close to 30fps and in cities or with a big group of people you might see a drop in frames".... Might? MIGHT? The ps4 people are in for a big surprise. I can see where a lot of money has been used for... a 90 second live action trailer. Those money could have gone into development if you ask me. You can do better dev streams than this BI, hope to see improvements in the next one. /end of rant
  15. bent.toe

    Hearing rumors about xbox update

    Even worse would be to spawn in on a roof or in a room that has no exit.
  16. bent.toe

    Ok ps4 users, how is the game running?

    That’s slow from NA playstation. We got it at 9am in europe
  17. bent.toe

    Here is a thought...

    That sounds like a challenge. I would never make it.
  18. bent.toe

    Here is a thought...

    Yeah, that too.
  19. bent.toe

    Bugs for update 1.03

    I was hoping they do it with the ps4 release. But nope... No time frame. Unfortunally.
  20. bent.toe

    Stop crying about Duping.

    Yep, you probably kill me in a second or two. Doubt i even get my gun up.
  21. bent.toe

    Stop crying about Duping.

    PvP at the coast.... That sound a lot like a girly man to me. Taking pot shots at bambis is not pvp. Maybe head up to tisy and do some pvp instead. You'll last 2 minutes. I managed 1 minute before i went red screen.
  22. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Hopefully we can meet up when they fixed the duping. I'm all for playing together and having fun. In the future i hope to build a community base with agriculture, hunting and all friendlies.
  23. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Glad we dident meet... Hate to kill a forum goer. Got a very itchy trigger finger now adays after all the KOS craziness.
  24. bent.toe


    Logged in today and got killed within 5 minutes by a 3 man squad in full ghillie suits and armed to the teeth. Thank you BI for adding another broken car and a new headgear. That solved everything. I hope for the next major 8gb patch, that we get a new drinking sound and maybe new labels for the canned peaches. You know how much the community have asked for this. Have a great day BI team , and get some rest... You sure deserve it. Ta da!