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Everything posted by bent.toe

  1. I need to be able to tell time. If I log in to a server and it's night i want to know how long it's left until sunrise.
  2. bent.toe

    Night and day has to change.

    Yeah, glad more of us feel the same way.
  3. bent.toe

    New dayz players on ps4

    We had (still have?) this on xbox and I catch the sneezing /cough and gave it to my team mates. They got so tired of the cough that they took of their gear and jumped off a roof. Back in december i caught the cold
  4. bent.toe

    project Alexandria - Safe-Zone

    We started building a base and it took of like crazy (fresh on ps4) and we got pumpinks, zucchini, fences, barbwire, small and large tents, barrels and the whole kit. Far from completed but the fence and watch tower foundations is there. Building is still shit in this game though. An axe is good for 5-6 trees and it's broken? Same with saw and shovel . Good luck with your base.
  5. bent.toe

    Cross Platform Xbox & PS4 not PC

    The back story is (what i read on several gaming sites) is that when Microsoft was biggest on the console market with xbox 360 and Peter moore as frontman, Sony contacted them and tried to do cross platform with their ps3. Microsoft said no. Now when ps4 is the biggest console, xbox and Phil spencer have tried to reach out but Sony have said no.
  6. bent.toe

    Could we get working wrist watches in the game, please.

    Yeah.. But someone, at the same camp, on the same server, at the same time? Unlikely. I do loot bases at night, roam cities, light a fireplace etc. The thing is.. night in this game are not fun.
  7. bent.toe

    Server Maintenance Times???

    No problem
  8. bent.toe

    Helicrash Site works?

    No problem
  9. bent.toe

    FAL and SVD

    Get the iZurvive app and check boxes for helicrash. Go look.
  10. bent.toe

    Server Maintenance Times???

    Nope. Just for PC.
  11. bent.toe


    It's not just about hardware, it's a lot to do with optimize and that is something BI clearly lack. They bite of more than they can chew.. no next gen console in the world can change that. PC for instance, still have performance issues... And that's on rigs 5x more powerful than the next console.
  12. bent.toe

    Cross Platform Xbox & PS4 not PC

    It's not. It's about two giants not wanting to collaberate with the risk of loosing market shares. Think about it, if it did not matter what console you where playing on, you could still play with all friends. What is the point of two consoles? How could Sony get you to buy their console? Or Microsoft's console? Then it would be down to control preference and exclusive games. But what I've read it's mostly Sony not wanting to do it.
  13. bent.toe

    PS4 Player ID

    Ah, got ya.
  14. bent.toe

    PS4 Player ID

    Won't happen. This is strictly a demand from Sony. Guess it's to prevent bad attitude online.
  15. bent.toe

    A DayZ review.

    As much as I love dayz as an experience, i agree with the reviewer. And it's his job to tell it like it is. This is in no way worth $50 and it's far from fixed/complete. Just because we love it shouldn’t mean we go blind and just accept everything. That is called being a fanboy.
  16. bent.toe

    crafting PS4

    You craft from your inventory. https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Crafting Read that.
  17. bent.toe

    Could we get working wrist watches in the game, please.

    True. I want fixes and optimizing first. But since night is long (in my opinion, versues day light) i would like to know what time it is. If I log in and it's pitch black... Is it 1am? 3an? How long til dawn? Should i leave or wait it out? I don’t need to know what time it is during daylight, only at night so i know how long i have to wait. Sure i move around at night aswell, flashlights and road flares... But its not fun, at all. The time i get to play a game i like, should give me joy for those 2-3 hours. Not pitch black darkness.. and boredom.
  18. bent.toe


    I always find them in railway wagons. Hit rare is around 100% of the time. Just like finding police clothes in police house.
  19. bent.toe

    Could we get working wrist watches in the game, please.

    And I would probably need to assembly the whole watch in-game 😃
  20. bent.toe

    Could we get working wrist watches in the game, please.

    Guess your not a watch guy? 5 of my watches are automatic and 2 are solarpowered. The other 9 are quartz. Guess which i would take with me in case of an apocalypse?
  21. bent.toe

    Helicrash Site works?

    They do. I picked up a LAR and a SVD yesterday.
  22. bent.toe

    Filters not working?

    Nope, they are broken. Favourites dissapear aswell.
  23. bent.toe

    New to PS4 Dayz not new to Dayz..

    Plenty of everything in ps4 version. Jump right in... Plenty for everyone. Atleast for now.
  24. bent.toe

    PS4 Player ID

    This is the PS4 version we are talking about... I don’t see any admin message boxes.