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About SecondSurvivor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SecondSurvivor

    What I Think Players Really Want

    The jabs at my long winded paragraphless rant was well taken lol. I totally forgot to space them. Also this is just my opinion. Don't get your panties in a wad if you disagree with me and think I'm trying to speak for you. I'm not saying all players want this, but a lot do. I certainly don't want dayz to operate more like pubg or any other game. I am also not asking that everything should be handed to the player instantaneously by massively cutting down the time it takes to achieve certain things. I love a good grind, but I think it's a bit too grindy. Even without increasing vehicle spawns I would definitely get back in the game if it offered something beyond just spending massive amounts of time looting, dying, and killing players. Some folks here have some great ideas. Creating an incentive for players to work together. And I know the devs are working on them. A player has mastered a skill to refine salt which creates demand for that players services. Things like that get me excited to play.
  2. SecondSurvivor

    What I Think Players Really Want

    Dayz is going through many changes. The devs are active but I feel that the direction is not the one that will attract new players and bring back ones that have put it down out of irritation (like me). My issues with the game are pretty simple. The ones that the devs are working on which is instability, buggy, and broken gameplay riddled with hackers is great. However my biggest issue is that there are no damn vehicles! I dont mean literally none, but i mean that they are insanely rare and require massive amounts of time to get road ready if its damaged or missing parts. I don't have 40 hours to search for a broken vehicle. I think alot of players would rather have more vehicles and more types of vehicles first (aircraft dammit!) then beards, gestures, skill trees etc. Those things are great, I just think they should be implemented later. Dayz is a grind. And it should be a grind. But it shouldnt be this grindy. Why are vehicles so important to me? Let me put it this way. You jump into a server and what do you do? run to the nearest town and start looting. Most of the time the loot is pretty bad though its better in the cities but not by very much. Alot of the loot down south is pretty garbage because most of the time its been looted. So the next obvious course of action is to make a plan to head up north after you spent X number of hours messing around near the coast. You spend another X number of hours running, running, running, oh look a pistol, running, running. You finally arrive and manage to find some pretty decent stuff. You spend more time running, running, running to another town. OMG a car! **** missing a part, or out of gas w/e. Now you have to fix it. At this point youre lucky youve made it this far without getting shot in the back of the head by a hacker or a camper who's been waiting for 3 hours to dome someone, especially if the server is populated. By some crazy stroke of luck you might fix your vehicle, but most of the time you spend alot of time looking for parts, get irritated and log off, or you get killed. Essentially in my opinion the game is run,loot,camp,die. The dayz arma 2 mod was great. You can feasibly find a vehicle, drive around with your friends, engage in firefights, build a hideout and return to the game the next day. It didnt take 20 hours to do it. And it was FUN. Dayz now is just a HUGE grind with nothing to really look forward to. You can't even chat in game, and you just spend a massive amount of time running and dying. Im not saying the game is **** by any means. But youre alienating players and potential players who just don't have the insane amount of time to dedicate to the game.