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  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    El Paso, Texas
  • Interests
    Lifting weights. Driving fast cars. Going to the range.(A LOT).
  1. KNUCKLES915

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    I am assuming it is temporary. I dont mind. It gives me a chance to explore. Learn what spawns where. Im enjoying it.
  2. KNUCKLES915

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    OMG thank you. Its not that i dont like the pvp aspect. Sometimes i do. I like the survival aspect. And worrying about losing everything I worked hours for just because Some asshat shoots me in the back of the head to take my shirt for rags just pisses me off.
  3. KNUCKLES915

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    So i get up and log into steam, which then downloads a 36 meg patch. I the proceed to start up steam as usual and am confronted by a nice little steam start window that offers me the "PLAY OFFLINE" option. Is this true????????? IT IS!!!!! im standing here in an OFFLINE GAME!!!!!! I dont know how to act.
  4. KNUCKLES915

    OMFG LOVES teh new Airport. But cant go prone.

    I'll have to go and just test it out. It was acting wonky. I'm too tired right now. Been testing for a couple hours so far and above are the worst I could find. Poofing canteen, no prone, and the random disconnects. But disconnects are to be expected. Ohh and I LOVE THE FPS!!!!! Previously I was lucky to get 25 FPS. I'm logging fps in the 60's now. I freaking LOVE that. My fault for buying an AMD processor. Everyone knows BI hates AMD main chips. O_o
  5. Amazing work on the new airport layout guys. To all the winers and chodes. Survival isn't hard if you play your character with intelligence. If you run full bore up a mountain seconds after spawning, yeah your going to die of dehydration. Play smart and plan your routes. http://www.dayzdb.com/ is there for a reason ladies and gents. Use it, love it. Now, the one real problem I have been having is going prone. I have checked the keybinds and they are correct. I have even tried changing them to no avail. Also, I had a full canteen just go poof. I filled it, then put it in my pack. Not thirty seconds later after walking away from the pump i opened the same bag and the bag had an empty spot suspiciously shaped like my canteen. I looked all over the place and it was just Pifted away to DayZ land. Great job otherwise guys and gals. Keep up the great work. Knucks.