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Everything posted by nickstackhouse

  1. nickstackhouse

    Use of Masks

    thats true, but thats about what i explained.. I quote: 'You should have heaps like these people near the mil bases (rioters trying to get in bit the bullet for not complying with mil. personel These emit vapor or gas which slowly kills you *lowers blood 1 per x seconds exposed* so a silent killer of sorts...' their bodies decompose thus creating gas which is contaminated with said 'virus/disease' but yes you're right full suit you're fine half suit you get 25% exposure mask you get 50% exposure nothing you get 100% exposure killing you if you hang around it for 10-15 min to 'scope out for loot' making you very very sick taking several IRL hours to get back on your feet with help - meds - tons of food - gallons fo water just like Cholera and other ingame deceases but worse since this is a infectious decease carried by the dead so Cholera takes you like 8-12 hours IRL of game time (what i've seen on RP servers) and this takes you a day (if you stay well stocked with meds/food/water and have friends on standby should get people working together and think three times before they venture up north 'for shit and giggles'
  2. nickstackhouse

    Use of Masks

    Good idea, only thing with this is how to make this into a game mechanic.. My concept with the pics shown? Chernarus had x million people... a boatload fled towards other countries before outbreak.. Other people either: - died/turned - got shot/killed - survived So for this mechanic with all the pic involved to work.. You should have heaps like these people near the mil bases (rioters trying to get in bit the bullet for not complying with mil. personel These emit vapor or gas which slowly kills you *lowers blood 1 per x seconds exposed* so a silent killer of sorts... These areas are either barred off with barbwire/concrete blocks next to mil basis or on the outskirts of major cities other parts have these yellow tents.. areas where scientists tried to understand the situation by examination of deceased civil or mil. personal. These places.. are key for finding the full suits/gas masks that are required to safely travel through these areas.. heart of the outbreak (on some RP servers) would possibly be tisy mil base. but when modding becomes available.. these heaps can be created all over the map creating danger zones on routes too key places like tisy mil base or other high traffic/high loot areas like NWA mind you people.. this is just a brain spin.. but i'm sure people will eventually figure this out if the devs won't make this mechanic available.. but should be, since the bleeding mechanic is already in it could be made the same way as 'bleeding' but maybe with timed coughing (like kuru is made from laughing and being twitchy) so if you start coughing its a sign you're infected.. find antibiotics asap to sustain yourself until it wears off after several IRL hours. all these mechanics make for a better and more immersive experience in the game.. plus is makes people aware of the dangers near high loot places. Not only do you need to be aware of other players/hords but also the dead heaps of people that make you sick.. should make you think MORE then twice about 'sprinting' for that mil gear plus double 60 clip with the M4 full mods and 10.000.000 bullets thus making a dayz a slower paced but more immersive game instead of a smash and grab for pubg kiddies regards survivors, Nick Stackhouse