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Everything posted by Raptor97

  1. Raptor97

    Stable Update 0.63.149415

    Battleye doesnt install properly, someone knows why and how to solve?
  2. Raptor97

    Stable Update 0.63.149415

    What about weather system? Its always night and rainy... Netherless its a very good update, thx alot devs :)
  3. Hi DayZ Community :) Does someone know how the persistence is on several base items including the tents? And how they can be destroyed? Or is everything not implemented yet? Because we didn't hear any official statements from the devs regarding this topic. Regards. Raptor.
  4. Raptor97

    Which Vehicles are in BETA now?

    https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9uwvu6/vehicle_spawn_locations/ If you guys watch here and compare it with the coordinates in izurvive, you will notice the locations are correctly updated with the BETA build,
  5. Raptor97

    Pls fix the night issue

    Straight on point mate :)
  6. Raptor97

    Pls fix the night issue

    yeah that would be perfect, spawning with flashlight and battery but netherless the night is so dark, thats good! thats how it should be supposed to be :) makes game more immersive
  7. Raptor97

    Pls fix the night issue

    Yes but the problem is, its always night, especially when its night on my time location... It should change much faster.
  8. Raptor97

    Which Vehicles are in BETA now?

    Ah thats cool! Thx for the answer mate :)
  9. Raptor97

    It's Been 6 Years

    How on earth is December 2013 to now six years? Come back when you can manage some simple maths boy.
  10. Hi all Pls devs fix this, This happened to me also one or two times and this is a very critical and frustrating bug because thats why people stop playing... But to end this of course thx for all your hard work <3 :) Cheers, Raptor.
  11. Raptor97

    What I Think Players Really Want

    How I should change my playstyle? The only playstyle is SPAWN - LOOT - SURIVE - DIE There is nothing left anymore, we need more content and most importantly vehicles and base building. DayZ is my favorite game, but after 1600 hours I'm sick of playing with the same goals over and over again. I'm happy that with 0.63 stable all these things will be implemented, so lets just wait :)
  12. Raptor97

    What I Think Players Really Want

    For me, DayZ needs vehicles and base building and this will come definetly during BETA. Now DayZ is in a very good shape, but for me after 1600 hours of DayZ experience I just want more goals, instead of always looting killing and dying. DayZ needs MORE GOALS, very important.
  13. Raptor97

    0.63 Experimental Release

    80 players or 60 players on exp. servers?
  14. Raptor97

    0.63 Experimental Release

    same for me :)
  15. Raptor97

    Sneaky Sniper

    The sniper rifles in the game aren't in military bases, if you really want the snipers with hunting scope there are only 2 weapons atm: B95 rifle and Winchester, you can only find them in civilian buildings, not military buildings and tents. I hope you will find some, cheers :) Raptor.
  16. Raptor97

    Dayz over wifi

    Hey mtv97, good to hear that you come back! To make it clear: I always played DayZ since the beginning with wifi and it works fine, so no need to worry about :) Of course if you have a slow internet connection you will have these problems mentioned in your text, but apart from that there is no big difference. Have fun at chernarus, you should definetly try 0.63 when the next stress test begins! Its a much better game now ! Cheers, Raptor
  17. Raptor97

    What I expect from BETA Unconscious System

    I really like your suggestion, but it should be only 30 sec or maybe more to revive someone (only if hitting not badly parts such as heart brain etc), if this will be implemented but has very bad balance, then it literally kills the real authentic DayZ experience because this game isn't PUBG or Fortnite. But yeah appart from that, being znconscious with this implementation like in the video would be super appreciated!
  18. Raptor97

    My Suggestions/Wishes for DayZ

    First of all, hello devs and hi to the community :) ! I would like to share my suggestions and ideas to the dev team, I really appreciate all your work and it's honestly the best online game ever and it would be even more perfect with some features/addons in the future: 1. Base building/Barricading: For me keep in mind there needs to be a BALANCE. For example: A survivor shouldn't be able to build a base in military bases or in towns and villages... Imagine the balance when a squad builds a base in the airfield and no one can loot it... Also base building shouldn't be easy to make, it should be hard. Maybe wooden base is something easy to make but also easy to destroy. And also no base should be 100% secure ;) maybe the heavy reinforced metal bases should be only taken down by RPG's or explosives which are very rare etc... something in that way :)! 2. PVE, environment: The environment should be more active, adding MORE players, infected, animals,animal predators and more wrecks of vehicles with smoke/dead bodies of infected/humans(soldiers). with items to loot of course. the helicrashes are a good example. Maybe adding infected hordes which are moving through forests/chernarus ... (or AI missions like Arma 3 Wasteland). From my point of view these things make the environment of dayz more active and living. 3. Loot quantity/economy: loot economy should work cleanly... that would be nice. I think there should be alot of vehicles, but a bit difficult to fix them. For example: Hummingbird is very very rare and ground vehicles easy to find. If there are many surivors and many bases with vehicles how much vehicles should respawn for freshspawns or what if some are destroyed etc... all these things are important to the balance... In general the loot shouldn't be easy but also not too much ultra hardcore. For example, survivor A was in elektro and he gained all the loot, while 10 mins later survivor B spawned at elektro and doesn't find any loot... would be nice to make the loot places refreshed when survivors are near etc... but I know thats already a feature of the loot economy, maybe making the economy function better. 4. Communication: survivors should use more walkie talkies, or some features regarding to altar station etc... there needs to be more active communication between survivors. but to this part i dont have alot of ideas... 5. Infected: Make them very strong, maybe adding a virus when you get hit too many times, it should be hard to survive against infected or against the general environment of chernarus(as I mentioned predators). The predators have to be almost everywhere (maybe in the cities). And not only like the wolfs just the hole nordern and western part of chernarus. But also here it goes to a positive direction :)! I hope you devs are in the same opinion in some ideas above... For me all these things make dayz much more immersive and that would also call alot of players back! I really see a good future of DayZ and I wish the playercount will be high as it was in the good DayZ golden age :) Just keep up the great work devs, you make a very good job and don't forget we all love you ! <3 CHEERS AND HAVE A NICE WEEK ! :)
  19. Raptor97

    My Suggestions/Wishes for DayZ

    Thx Caatalyst :) I appreciate your comment alot! Yeah, I totally agree mate, it will be surely nice balancing.
  20. I know its just a stress test and there will be more tweaking and balancing, but no harm pointing out this small but huge problem in the new melee system. The punches are sometimes not balanced (axe vs fist for example) and the range is also too far. As you can see, this content creator kills to people, one having an axe. Again thx for all your hard work devs, its just the small things I wanna mention here :) Keep up the great work <3, cheers. Raptor.
  21. Raptor97

    The worst game ever

    I think he just wants some attention mate :) just ignore him.
  22. Raptor97

    The worst game ever

    wow you joined the forums 18 mins ago and 2 mins later you make such a useless comment, we all know you are lying here sir, so go away you have no power here ;)
  23. Raptor97

    Melee System needs balance/tweaking

    Just another horrible example, I never knew that this is so much unbalanced... That makes me actually sad, comon devs you can balance this better we all believe it :) At 3:55... Cheers, Raptor.
  24. Very good and interesting dept suggestion mate, its a good one indeed. :) Especially hitting arms or legs should change gameplay mechanics, thats much more realistic and suits to the DayZ world alot.
  25. Im totally in your opinion Gews, a game like DayZ has to be more authentic, so the dispersion should be like you said only some inches. Idk why peter said this, maybe there is too much time consuming? As you said we are now loading magazines with our hand, everything is very immersive with the 0.63 BETA, so I really don't understand why the devs are taking dispersion out of the game... thats sad! Pls Peter/Dev team, bring dispersion back! It makes the weapons and gameplay much more authentic, I can tell this from my experiences in DayZ but also mainly in Battlefield 3, it just makes more fun! I hope the devs will read this topic... Cheers, Raptor.