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About Arcarsenal__

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    On the Coast
  1. Arcarsenal__

    With BETA comes modding

    I very much hope it happens to DayZ. Arma wouldn't have half the sales it's had without modding, and I doubt DayZ will grow anymore than it already has without it. I might give vanilla DayZ a look, but my main reason for looking at DayZ again is because I'm looking for a recreation of some of Arma's mods on this new engine. This is the case for a hell of a lot of other gamers.
  2. Arcarsenal__

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    Can't wait for an Exile clone on the new DayZ engine :D
  3. Totally, it's all about balance. DayZ will always have it's core fan base that stays true to it's original hardcore vision. Although, having this as the only option will also cut out a large potential player base... A lot of these guys claim they want DayZ, but in reality they want something close, but a little more diluted and accessible. I feel that's where modders can step in and satisfy this need. I think DayZ should implement the base building mechanics, finish sorting the animations, then just straight into beta. Iron out those kinks, then release as is. People get the vanilla DayZ experience that start all this, then modders can cater for the rest! Foot note... I started with DayZ, then moved to Exile for more end game content. I still hold out hope that DayZ Will prove what we've all been searching for