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About VeatFlash

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    On the Coast
  1. I like many other players have been waiting for this moment - the appearance of beta and now this day has come , I go into the game to enjoy this wonderful moment , I find a weapon , sight , and I see another survivor and is ready to kill him but I understand that I can not aim because my mouse does not have the function of pressing the scroll button (Blodi v8) . and the developers did not provide the possibility of changing the settings , I was very upset and disappointed with the game again . question-how to change the settings ? can as any through documents ? can not to play the game where you need to kill without using a scope . p.S. Sorry for my English , not my language.
  2. VeatFlash

    new live for old scopes

    Hello developers , I propose to make NATO scopes can be attached to the AK rifles . ---------------------------------------- why ? by the fact that : 1) it's realistic - today, many special forces use the AK with a NATO scope ( elcan , acog , EOtech ) 2) I have a weak computer and that when I open PSO my fps drops to 7-10 , I think this problem not just me . BUT !!! when I open the ACOG my fps does not drop and I am confident to shoot . 3) I think this looks good . here is the concept . https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/863980945178660282/771AF9C0B2D44EC57106EE0A75CA9B18F30277C9/